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It's funny when people mention that this is a proposal to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes and not general use. It's funny considering every person campaigning for signatures is some stoned out dreadlocked hippy... and not some old glaucoma/HIV/cancer sufferer.

I have only signed a medical marijuana petition held by a "dread locked hippie" two or three times.....And I have been signing them since I could vote.....

Shit the last four I signed were held by senior citizens.....

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..so sorry Gaf..I thought peoples knew what they were talking about...

Why don't you go find some Laws that fit the criteria?...since you work the Google like no one else...

Neither you or I will find one State law that trumps Federal Law. We will find a state or two that try to make pot legal for medicinal purposes... but we will also find federal agents arresting people for it.

Our Constitution clearly states that Federal law is the final authority on legality. States are free to make some things... more illegal than Federal Law but they can not make legal something that is illegal by Federal law.

A good example are switchblades. Federal law prohibits them in certain areas, mostly areas covered almost exclusively by Federal Law... some states go farther and out right ban them anywhere.

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I so do not have dreadlocks thank you very much. Never even had them when I had hair.

Ditto, the only dreads I ever have is the fake kind I make for the club, definately cyber-industrial persuasion, not hippy, and I also tend to have the same stance as Eric Cartman on 90% of hippies :tongue:.

May I also add I'm going to become a registered nurse in about two years? I sound like a reeeeal drugged out hippy, imo...

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Some people {not just on this board} seem to think this proposal is to legalize marijuana.....

Ummm, it isn't.....

It is to let people who are in serious pain get relief from using a medicinal plant.....

Instead of using something like morphine.....

So, yeah.....I will vote yes.....I think it is a good step in the right direction for alternative natural remedies to be recognized as viable treatment options.....

& On the subject of general usage.....Not everyone gets lazy & stupid from smoking marijuana.....

It is not something that everyone should utilize.....It is a tool, not a toy.....

When I was having my third baby they offered me Morphine. I was amazed. I turned to her and said "I'm having a baby not dying of Cancer!"

Without reading too much on the subject I would have to say it SHOULD be legalized for true, supervised, regulated and beneficial medical cases. But not for recreational use.

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When I was having my third baby they offered me Morphine. I was amazed. I turned to her and said "I'm having a baby not dying of Cancer!"

Without reading too much on the subject I would have to say it SHOULD be legalized for true, supervised, regulated and beneficial medical cases. But not for recreational use.


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Neither you or I will find one State law that trumps Federal Law. We will find a state or two that try to make pot legal for medicinal purposes... but we will also find federal agents arresting people for it.

Our Constitution clearly states that Federal law is the final authority on legality. States are free to make some things... more illegal than Federal Law but they can not make legal something that is illegal by Federal law.

A good example are switchblades. Federal law prohibits them in certain areas, mostly areas covered almost exclusively by Federal Law... some states go farther and out right ban them anywhere.

...Oh..ok..then it is the duty of the peoples to inform the gov that they are unhappy with this Law...how do we do that? & don't say right your Congressman... :stuart:

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Note the accented word: made. I.e. COMES from a medicinal plant...yet it not that plant. Heroin comes from the same plant and you don't see then shooting people up in hospitals with heroin to kill the pain because it's DEFINATELY not the same thing. Morphine is also different from natural opium. In any case opium is HIGHLY addictive, whereas marijuana isn't, so if anything we should be getting rid of morphine in hospitals and replacing it with weed.

Why is the sap not part of the plant? Isn't your blood part of you? I'm not trying to argue, I am just wondering about your distinction.

BTW, weed is no replacement for morphine. Not by a long shot.

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There is no law the makes silencers Illegal. There is one that regulates who can own them and under what circumstances they can be used as outlined in the national Firearms Act of 1934.

Gaf's right on this one. Anybody who can legally own a firearm (no criminal record, not legally insane) can also legally own a suppressor (there's no such thing as a silencer) so long as they pay the federal transfer tax which I think is around $300.

Heroin comes from the same plant and you don't see then shooting people up in hospitals with heroin to kill the pain because it's DEFINATELY not the same thing.

Actually Cher, we do. Or at least used to. You know that company Bayer that makes aspirin? They used to own the trademark on the word "Heroin" but they lost that trademark because of general usage (which incidentally is one of the first cases of this happening). Heroin, as it was back then and nothing like the street drug of today, was used as a pain reliever much like Morphine is today. There were too many side effects with Heroin so it was discarded in favor of Morphine but countries like the UK still use medicinal Heroin under the prescription name "Diamorphine".

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Gaf's right on this one. Anybody who can legally own a firearm (no criminal record, not legally insane) can also legally own a suppressor (there's no such thing as a silencer) so long as they pay the federal transfer tax which I think is around $300.

Actually Cher, we do. Or at least used to. You know that company Bayer that makes aspirin? They used to own the trademark on the word "Heroin" but they lost that trademark because of general usage (which incidentally is one of the first cases of this happening). Heroin, as it was back then and nothing like the street drug of today, was used as a pain reliever much like Morphine is today. There were too many side effects with Heroin so it was discarded in favor of Morphine but countries like the UK still use medicinal Heroin under the prescription name "Diamorphine".

...do you have the definition of that legal term?..I am curious as to if I am bound by that shackle...

...& I read that in some old book (60-70s)..I had forgot...

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When I was having my third baby they offered me Morphine. I was amazed. I turned to her and said "I'm having a baby not dying of Cancer!"

Without reading too much on the subject I would have to say it SHOULD be legalized for true, supervised, regulated and beneficial medical cases. But not for recreational use.

I hear ya.....The shit they gave Me when I was in labor was stronger than any recreational drug I ever experimented with when I was into that.....

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I hear ya.....The shit they gave Me when I was in labor was stronger than any recreational drug I ever experimented with when I was into that.....

Now if I were having a baby myself... then yes I would want morphine

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I hear ya.....The shit they gave Me when I was in labor was stronger than any recreational drug I ever experimented with when I was into that.....

...& it was HILLAR-IOUS! :rofl:('cause it was apparent she was wasted...& she kept babbling about "that really cool nurse" the one that brought the shot..)

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...that is not strong enough for THAT!

You need some "Depro-poveriouso-something-or-other"...& a Lamaze coach...1..2..3..NOT IT! *runs*

I'm just remembering when I had the babies...the next day Guy says to me 'The list of reasons it's better to be a man than a woman just keeps getting longer and longer. I get paid more for the same work, I can pee standing up, I don't have babies. Sorry, honey, you got a really raw deal.'

I think he was trying to make me feel better?!?

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I'm just remembering when I had the babies...the next day Guy says to me 'The list of reasons it's better to be a man than a woman just keeps getting longer and longer. I get paid more for the same work, I can pee standing up, I don't have babies. Sorry, honey, you got a really raw deal.'

I think he was trying to make me feel better?!?

I believe he was...it is a hard thing to do when you girls are still in the "suffering"...& most of us run out of "a-list" cheer-you-up-statements about 2/3rds the way through delivery...(coaching is a tad more difficult than it looks.)

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also federal law gets trampled alot more then you think, especialy in Utah. here in Flordia it's legal to own a switch blade and it's legal to own a silencer for ant firearm. one is a 2 year federal felony and the other, Possetion of a silencer is a federal felony usualy getting 7-9 years. but you can buy and utalize those things at any gun store in FL without fear of prosecution from this state.

Off topic, but I also believe local LEOs should enforce federal law.

BTW, neither switchblades or silencers are illegal under federal law. However, they are regulated under it.

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Note the accented word: made. I.e. COMES from a medicinal plant...yet it not that plant. Heroin comes from the same plant and you don't see then shooting people up in hospitals with heroin to kill the pain because it's DEFINATELY not the same thing. Morphine is also different from natural opium. In any case opium is HIGHLY addictive, whereas marijuana isn't, so if anything we should be getting rid of morphine in hospitals and replacing it with weed.

We're comparing Morphine with THC here. Both are chemicals that are found naturally in plants.

BTW, a clarification marijuana isn't addictive, or isn't HIGHLY addictive?

Recently, a group of Italian researchers succeeded in demonstrating that THC releases dopamine along the reward pathway, like all other drugs of abuse. Some of the mystery of cannabis had been resolved by the end of the 1990s, after researchers had demonstrated that marijuana definitely increased dopamine activity in the ventral tegmental area. Some of the effects of pot are produced the old-fashioned way after all--through alterations along the limbic reward pathway.

And a clarification of my own: No where did I say that all stoners have dreadlocks, or that anyone with dreadlocks was a stoner. I put enough words into my own mouth, I don't need any help.

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We're comparing Morphine with THC here. Both are chemicals that are found naturally in plants.

BTW, a clarification marijuana isn't addictive, or isn't HIGHLY addictive?

And a clarification of my own: No where did I say that all stoners have dreadlocks, or that anyone with dreadlocks was a stoner. I put enough words into my own mouth, I don't need any help.

I was always under the impression that in order to get morphine humans have to chemically tamper with it somehow, whereas with marijuana you just pick it, dry it, and smoke it (or vaporize it, which means you're getting no tar and all the THC).

And marijuana? Less addictive than coffee, cigarettes and alcohol. It's "habit forming" in that, yes if it makes you feel good of course you're probably going to want to do it a lot, but as for physically addictive there is no come down for weed. The only side effect it may cause in the first 24 hours is possibly a decrease in appetite and slight irritability, but nowhere as bad as either cigarettes, coffee, or alcohol, not even CLOSE.

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And a clarification of my own: No where did I say that all stoners have dreadlocks, or that anyone with dreadlocks was a stoner. I put enough words into my own mouth, I don't need any help.

..oops...my bad...we all get carried away now & again..don't we...

..but you did say...

It's funny when people mention that this is a proposal to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes and not general use. It's funny considering every person campaigning for signatures is some stoned out dreadlocked hippy... and not some old glaucoma/HIV/cancer sufferer.

...& this statement is still seriously erroneous. As I signed a petition held by a well groomed couple who looked like they were fresh outa' church...

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I was always under the impression that in order to get morphine humans have to chemically tamper with it somehow, whereas with marijuana you just pick it, dry it, and smoke it (or vaporize it, which means you're getting no tar and all the THC).You are in fact correct.

And marijuana? Less addictive than coffee, cigarettes and alcohol. It's "habit forming" in that, yes if it makes you feel good of course you're probably going to want to do it a lot, but as for physically addictive there is no come down for weed. The only side effect it may cause in the first 24 hours is possibly a decrease in appetite and slight irritability, but nowhere as bad as either cigarettes, coffee, or alcohol, not even CLOSE.

All of my findings concur.

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Yeah, I thought I was correct about that Rev (regarding whether opium and morphene are the same thing), because sadly enough I know a good amount about street drugs. Many people will say "well morphine isn't a street drug" and well....apparantly those people never leave the house because if they walked out into reality they would find themselves standing corrected.

If Morphene, opium and heroin were all the SAME chemical, I'm sure most dealers wouldn't put them in separate baggies and charge different for them :tongue:. They are all CLEARLY three distinct substances with different chemical compositions that don't even look remotely similar because humans tamper with them. Weed...is weed, I guess maybe not if you grow it hydroponically, but growing hydro doesn't CHANGE THC into something DIFFERENT, it just causes there to be a higher concentration of it, from my understanding.

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Yeah, I thought I was correct about that Rev (regarding whether opium and morphene are the same thing), because sadly enough I know a good amount about street drugs. Many people will say "well morphine isn't a street drug" and well....apparantly those people never leave the house because if they walked out into reality they would find themselves standing corrected.

If Morphene, opium and heroin were all the SAME chemical, I'm sure most dealers wouldn't put them in separate baggies and charge different for them :tongue:. They are all CLEARLY three distinct substances with different chemical compositions that don't even look remotely similar because humans tamper with them. Weed...is weed, I guess maybe not if you grow it hydroponically, but growing hydro doesn't CHANGE THC into something DIFFERENT, it just causes there to be a higher concentration of it, from my understanding.

Think of it more like Hash and Pot. Hash is just pot thats been cooked a certain way... same with Opium/Codine/Morphine/Heroine.

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