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What's your degree in?

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I have a Bachelor of Fine Art with a major in graphic design and a minor in photography. I've never been able to use it, but I enjoyed art school so I don't regret it.

I also have a Masters of Science, Business Administration. I use the skill I learned all the time but theyt don't pay me for it. In hindsight I would have opted against this plan. It cost alot of money, and has done me no good really.

I think I would have been much better off going into medical or teaching.

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I have a BS in Forestry from MTU. My thematic was in historical archeology. I was good at statistical things like Ecosystem Modeling, Forest Biometrics, Linear Programming, Forest Economics, Forest Finance, and Practices in Silviculture. I also dug natural resource policy a lot because I liked to argue for the underdog.

Somehow, I ended up being a horticulturalist for a historical private school. Occasionally I utilize things I learned in Plant Pathology and Entomology, Urban Forestry, Botany, Hydrology, Soils, and make some use of my thematic when I need to search thru archives for historical plantings. Once I used info I learned in my Wood ID class to identify ground up stumps because an adjacent property owner cut down an acre of our woodlot, and we sued him for its value.

Basically, I use stuff I learned in about four classes for my career, and except for the plant pathology and entomology, they weren't even the classes I particularly enjoyed or excelled at. In fact, I only showed up for my midterm and final in my Intro to Hydrology class, and I'm a part of the group that manages a chunk of the headwaters for the Rouge River. Still, less than 10% of what I do involves something I learned in college. Funny how things work out. I kinda miss being a numbers guy. I feel like my current occupation mostly involves me leaning on a shovel stareing into a hole. Sometimes figuratively and sometimes literally. :(

I wish there were jobs in forestry when I graduated in the mid 90's and that I could have gotten a masters in something forestry related. Unfortunately life situations have now gotten in the way. I guess my main problem has always been I'm not sure what I want to be when I grow up.

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Law. Although I haven't graduated yet. I have at least a year left. Maybe a little more.

Yep ... Not every lawyer meets the scumbag portrayal. ;)

I think it's exactly where I should be and I can't imagine going for something different. I debated psychology for some time, but there's a lot of psychology involved in a law degree.

My classes already have come in handy and I'm not even done yet.

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Undergrad is in Computer Science.

Barely used it.

Master's will be in Written Communication. Haven't used it yet, but I will be, soon enough.

If I opt for some sort of doctorate, I'll end up teaching.

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I have a degree in nursing, it's very useful. :doc: I am very happy with the degree choice I made, it allows me to have a job I enjoy, provide for my family and gives me a sense of job security. I am a lucky woman. Eventually, I might go back to pursue my masters if I decide to become an anesthetist or physician's assistant, but it's not feasible right now. The only thing else I would like to do is explore different creative areas, but that would be more for fun.

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Guest GodfallenPromos

I also have a Masters of Science, Business Administration. I use the skill I learned all the time but theyt don't pay me for it. In hindsight I would have opted against this plan. It cost alot of money, and has done me no good really.

Same thing...I got a Masters in Business Administration....specializing in Micro-economics and the Human Psyche. Got it when I was 20 from the University of Advanced Research in Hawaii. Professionally...I've only used it for 3 years....the 1 & 1/2 years I've been doing the promotions and booking....and then another year and 1/2 doing international sales.

I am currently thinking of taking medical....maybe..

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I got my degree in History and Spanish... I was going to be a teacher, but once I started my student teaching and student assisting, I realized I was so self conscious about "keeping up appearances" (I still have a problem with that today), I didn't want to see my students at the concerts dressed up as funky as I like to dress. I didn't want to lose my credibility with them, AND I didn't want to leak out that I have a "secret" side. I guess that's what happens when your life is sort of split.

I got started going back to school to complete an MBA because I figured I needed a change or some other opportunities. I was working in retail at the time. While I was taking these classes, I got a job in Construction. It paid well, and it was easy to do it and my studies at the same time.

It's a small company that I work for, so there are several things I do in one day. They realized I had a good facility for legal documents, so I do a lot of the legal work that is just slightly less than when we need an attorney. I acquire all the different licensing for all the different states, and make sure we keep in compliance with the individual laws that govern each state regarding construction. I do a lot of the collections coordination for accounts, Internet Guru (investigating).. I mostly manage construction supervisors, so when people ask me what I do all day, it's yell at men. I secured (this is the mystery part of my job.) and ran part of our maintenance program that we had a couple years ago where I was responsible for 150+ stores..

My friends would always ask me what it is I do for a living and I tell them, everything and anything, but mostly I walk my boss's dogs (this is true too). When people ask them about me, they always just say "she's either a high priced hooker, or she's a spy, no one really knows, she usually doesn't go too in depth".. (Clarification: no, I've never been a hooker, so don't ask)

As for my degree really fitting in to what it is I do, I personally think that everything I've done in life, and every class I've taken has helped me do what it is I do now. Without all the experiences and things that I've endured throughout life, I wouldn't be able to do my job without them.

I've always been a proponent of thinking outside the box, and finding a unique solution to the different challenges in my life.

Now that I've completely bored all of you, I'm going to go back to my work.. :)

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When people ask them about me, they always just say "she's either a high priced hooker, or she's a spy, no one really knows, she usually doesn't go too in depth".. (Clarification: no, I've never been a hooker, so don't ask)

So the rumors of you being a spy are true.

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I would have SO gone into arts/psychology...but I don't like the idea of starving.

Kinda like getting a Philosophy degree...makes a REALLY good bon fire starter and that's about all it's good for.

So currently I'm going for nursing with a minor in German. Originally I was going to go into Biotech to go into genetic research, but then learned that I'd have to go to school for another billion years and I would end up making as much as a nurse. Also, nursing is definately flexible and in very high demand.

Since Raven's going to be a cop and I'm going to be a nurse, moving around the country will be quite easy (we plan on still having tons of real estate also now that the market is down and houses are literally cheaper than cars. We're gonna be slumlords, yay! :peanutbutterjellytime:)

In my late 20's early 30's I'll be opening my fashion boutique, ironically, I won't be hot enough to wear my own designs anymore, but hey...whatev, at least other people will be able to enjoy them. Maybe if I start the daily sit-ups now I can still look good? Eh...that's why Madonna is a bit of an inspiration to me, not because of her music necessarily :laugh:.

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B.A. in English. I was going to go into teaching, and halfway through my junior year I decided it wasn't for me. I had no idea what I really wanted to do, so I just completed the degree in the major I was working toward and did retail for a couple years while I figured it out.

Now I'm working toward medical assistant certification. Yup, I pretty much did everything backwards, and if I had it to do over again I'd have worked the first year or two out of high school, then gone on to nursing school.

To answer the question, I'm not sorry that I have my degree, you need to have top-notch communication skills no matter what you're planning on doing, and the college experience helped me grow as a person. I just wish I had figured out sooner what I wanted to do.

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B.A. in English. I was going to go into teaching, and halfway through my junior year I decided it wasn't for me. I had no idea what I really wanted to do, so I just completed the degree in the major I was working toward and did retail for a couple years while I figured it out.

Now I'm working toward medical assistant certification. Yup, I pretty much did everything backwards, and if I had it to do over again I'd have worked the first year or two out of high school, then gone on to nursing school.

To answer the question, I'm not sorry that I have my degree, you need to have top-notch communication skills no matter what you're planning on doing, and the college experience helped me grow as a person. I just wish I had figured out sooner what I wanted to do.

Ditto, I've changed my major three times now, I believe. I'm coming on Van Wilder status...I've been in college for about FIVE years now and I'll just be going into the actual nursing program in maybe a year or two.

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I R an Engineer. :geek: I have a BS in Mechanical, and an MS in Manufacturing Systems -- both of which I got quite awhile I ago, that every now and again I wonder if I should go back for something more. I have taken some winetasting, kayaking, ... type courses since then -- just for fun. PhD would be cool .. "Doctor Bernadette", but that's alot of money and time to just be able to have that phrase!

As for using my degree -- I have. Since I'm in automotive, I find it very applicable. I use it on a more big picture type basis now, not the nuts & bolts calculations of it. I do use math (which is my first love anyway) alot -- statistics, financial/budget/currency crunching, and the like -- I am in a finance position right now. I'm a process oriented person, so I look at how things get done and how to make them better, faster, and so on. I'd have to say the best thing about my schooling, is having developed problem solving and critical thinking skills -- which will help me for a lifetime in whatever I do. I do feel fortunate, and actually enjoy most of what I do (I do right now, haven't always).

(why do I feel like I'm in an online job interview???)

It's funny, I never wanted to be in automotive - -but when I finished undergrad, there were not many jobs. So I took this one, never thought I'd stay that long -- and YEARS later... here I am, one of the seasoned ones. And now I'm pretty tied to where I am. Since I work for a large company, I've had opportunity to have various positions along the way. One of my favorites was a team teaching job for lean manufacturing -- it was kick ASS!!! (yes, I was part of a traveling team of teachers for 18mos.) Got see cool places, and meet neat people. Got to teach in different cultures and languages as well. Taught some bad apples and saw not-so-nice places too, but ..gotta take the good with the bad.

Another of my best job assignments was also my worst. I was at the plant. Loved it but it burned me out. I wasn't a very nice person under all that stress. Part of it was managing production. Part of it was planning for and implementing machine installation and building modifications for a new engine program. Crazy hours, and not being the owner of those hours -- was very frustrating. But it was great having the ownership of making or breaking what I had to accomplish, and people and the company depending on it. My job now is more flexible, and I do alot of computer/paperpushing. So no huge catastrophic thing can happen that can't be fixed.

Although I am goal oriented, I don't have a dream job -- still figuring it all out along the way. :detective:

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Did take Architectural Drafting 1 and a half years at Oakland Technical Center,(Wixom)was not able to finish due to no vehicle or job,let alone it was only free till I turned 20.and yes I did build this out of cereal box cardboard and balsa wood,

wish this trade was still around(model building)20 years experience.


Now I am looking at CNC maching,which is where mfg is going.

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I have a Bachlor of Music. I started out life wanting to be a band director. That was in the 70's when they were cutting out entire music programs because music was considered "fluff" and school districts were broke. so after waiting on tables, being a cook, a restaurant manager, an office worker, store clerk, advertising photographer, photolayout coordinator, free lance layout artist, costumer designer/seamstress, oh and occasional musician, (I also took computer programming courses in college but that's another story) I decieded to focus on teaching again but was told, in the 80's, that due to the flood of teachers I had "no hope" of getting a job in music and my only chances were in math, science or special ed. Well, after adding majors in integrated science amd math then minors in biology and physics, I am teaching. (Don't go into teaching(!) there is still a fffllloooood of teachers in Michigan.) I see now that I probably should have gone into medicine, but girls were discouraged from doing anything of the sort in those days and I thought I was too stupid. I'm thinking of getiing my masters in mathematics and physics but I'm focusing on retirement now. Maybe I'll just paint and write music... humm I'd think a requiem would be nice but I've always wanted to study archeology too, hummm. :p

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