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Shade Everdark

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Everything posted by Shade Everdark

  1. I'm really sick and tired of trying and failing. That's all.
  2. Rolling hills. Endless cornfields. Hundreds of cows. Badly-accented, backwoods, closed-minded, self-important rubes. Ah, Bonduel.
  3. I know I've mentioned this group before somewhere, but I have a soft spot for them. I wouldn't call it a must-listen, but it has some nice 80s influences. Edited, because I'm apparently up too early and can't embed Yahoo video right now. You'll have to content yourselves with the crappy Sims video.
  4. Um, taken where? *snicker* I just can't resist an awful pun.
  5. I've lost entire days at work (more than one in a row, in fact) wandering around TVTropes. I try to stay away simply to keep from getting pulled back in. It's a fun place, but damn, it's as addictive as nicotine.
  6. I started mostly because I'm extremely nervous (you couldn't tell, could you) and needed something to do with my hands when I was out. And it made a convenient excuse to get up and walk around a bit, while at my very sedentary job. I should probably feel angry or a sense of injustice at this smoking ban, but I can only feel almost entirely ambivalent about it now.
  7. My understanding of why the EPA made this declaration is so that the government has a basis upon which to regulate the artificial production of CO2. It may seem silly to declare it harmful, since (as aforementioned) pretty much every living thing on earth expels some carbon dioxide (even plants expel a little bit), but it gives the US government a starting to point to put pressure on big polluters to draw down their CO2 levels.
  8. This troglodyte and Orly Taitz should get together. It would be the 'divide by zero' of both stupid and racist.
  9. "It is what it is" is sort of a poor substitute. Maybe it's just because "shikata ga nai" I always remember being said in that resigned, sighing tone. The words just seem to go hand-in-hand with the tone.
  10. So much This, along with the sequels A Wind in the Door and A Swiftly Tilting Planet.
  11. It's not so much that there's nothing there between you and the prospective atheist, it's that there is just nothing there. Bunch of soulless bastards, we are. Kinda the way we like it.
  12. It's a 'Big Daddy' from the game Bioshock. I shouldn't be amazed that some die-hard cosplayer made a costume of that character...but I am. Hell of a lot of ingenuity, and really cool.
  13. Really, Obama should have just stopped his speech, walked up to Joe "I'm having a tantrum" Wilson, and beaten him with a cane. There's precedent for it: Preston Brooks beats Charles Sumner in the Senate Chamber Hell, South Carolina even has it coming.
  14. I have to wonder why everyone bags on the DOT and the Post Office when the matter of public health care comes up. Every year, my plate renewal form comes in the mail, and I renew it either by mail or online. A couple of weeks later, my new tag arrives, as easy as pie. Seems pretty efficient to me. Even when I was still going to the office to renew, I didn't wait more than 20 minutes, and that was only because the place was FULL, and that in a location where Secretary of State offices abound. And for the post office, you pay $0.42, drop your letter in the mail, and in less than a week (usually significantly less), your letter arrives where it's going. Where's the complaint? Just my opinion.
  15. I don't know much about it, myself, since (due to my schedule) I have to go to MSU on the weekend to practice, but I understand that the Detroit kendo dojo meets in Northville, and once a week in Birmingham. There's also a kendo kai at the University of Michigan, and I think one at Eastern, but I'm pretty sure that last is for more advanced students only, and I'm really still just a beginner.
  16. Heh, yeah, I've been sort of wrapped up in rediscovering kendo, lately. The kicker to the work thing is that my own natural inclinations tend toward that bizarre, off schedule, too. Guess I'm pooched either way, heh.
  17. It's not so much the single thing that's a problem, it's that cultivating one's social circle bit. But I lay the blame for that upon my rather unfortunate work schedule.
  18. I just make sure to never have any style; that way, no one can criticize it.
  19. Things like this are why I say that the only people from my home state to become famous are howl at the moon crazy. Consider: 1. Ed Gein - Plainfield, WI 2. Jeffrey Dahmer - born in West Allis, WI; committed most of his murders in Milwaukee, WI 3. Joseph McCarthy - WI Senator; born in Grand Chute, WI; started his law career in Shawano, WI (my birth town!) So, just remember, folks, Wisconsin is the home of teh crazy. Think about that next time you see.
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