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Dgn Night @ City Club - Apr. 12

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I have to have someone come with me from here so if I can drag someone along maybe and if not then I may have to wait until the end of the semester :( I have a crap load of things to get done still XD

I'm having trouble deciphering this message. "If i can drag somone along..." If you could, or couldnt drag someone along.. how would that relate to going or not going? (if i'm even understanding that correctly)

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His words, but you repeated them.

Yeah hope he "settles down", if I ever hear myself described that way someone's getting verbally slapped.

:laugh: Anyone ever said that to me, regardless of size, they're gettin' one-hit-wondered (i.e. KOed on the first hit)


Money isn't looking good...fukkkkkkk :crybaby:

I WANNA EFFING GO TO CC! *stomps off and tantrums*

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I WANNA EFFING GO TO CC! *stomps off and tantrums*

I don't think we've officially met, but I'd love to see you there.

I will begin the "Chernobyl Scholarship Fund" & buy your first two rounds.


Who's with me & will work the Chernobyl 2nd wave?


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If I make it hopefully I finally get to meet ya. Sorry I been silent on the private messages for awhile. Hope you do come.

As of right now my chances of going has increased up a little. Theres 2 possible chances of getting a ride from 2 friends of mine. :thumbsup:

:) YAY now I feel like I have a reason to try and make it there, well I mean more of one :p And eh, i'm just glad you haven't forgotten me yet :D *hug and kiss* ;)

Haha Troy, I know this will sound EXTREMLEY lame...but my parents seeing how they kind of own the duplex I live in and I am rent free currently they still kind of control what I do and how I do it...so they say I can go to CC but that they want me to take someone with me when I do...so I have to find someone to drag to CC with me lol :p Or try and weasel my way into getting to show up by myself...*crosses fingers*

wish me luck XD

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Back from Chicago. :jamin

Count me IN, & I'll drag Hunhee & Tygerlili by the heels if necessary. By the high heels. Thankfully I don't think I'll have to resort to such measures for Tszura & Marmee.


Hahaha course no one would have to drag me by my heels... Eeeegads I wouldn't want to scuff them... Gawd I love HIGH heels!!!!!

And ummm sorry to say and specially as much as I want to chat it up with Fin one of these nights I'm not sure of anything..

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OK so like I've been getting PM's from people trying to convince me to go.. I'm just being coy, I will be attending.. don't know what I'll be wearing.. anyone wanna dress me? hehehehheh oh wait.. maybe that's not a good idea..

No I do NOT do any kind of electrical tape.. unless they now make it big enough and easy to cover your entire body..

heh.. i better not be giving anyone any suggestions.. :D

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