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Anna Phylaxis

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Posts posted by Anna Phylaxis

  1. Livid.


    My daughter has done nothing but give. Her husband hinted that he doesn’t love her anymore on Tuesday, causing her to spiral to the point that I had to call the cops to take her to the hospital on Thursday. She was fucking furious and said some pretty horrible shit to me, but realized that I wasn’t wrong for doing so.

    last night, he informed her that he doesn’t love her and hasn’t loved her for quite some time. Imagine, being taken in, leading someone to believe that you love them, constantly saying some really crazy things, because you have mental health issues, and then telling the very person that has done nothing, but stand up for you and fight for you that you don’t love them.


    she is at home with us, right now. He will be moving out. I have no fucking idea where he thinks he’s going. He doesn’t have a fucking job. His mental health is in the toilet. He won’t get help, despite promising for the last couple of years. My husband and I have been nothing but patient, kind, and generous. No more. I am fucking livid. But at least she’s here and safe with us. Being hurt like that is rough and I remember exactly how it felt.


    But I am heartbroken for her. So heartbroken. She feels like a failure. In reality, it was him that failed her. She gave everything. Time to heal.


  2. 23 hours ago, Slogo said:

    There's something on youtube that has REALLY epic disasters (like world ending). Supervolcanoes, sucked into a black hole, etc... Great to listen to it works.


    Some of them are pretty ridiculous though

    Oh, yeah, some of them are absolutely ludicrous. But what blows my mind is seeing all of these people as a raging flash flood is going by and they’re stepping out into it. Like, fuck around find out is not my favorite game. It’s one thing to be fascinated with it, it’s entirely different to pretend like it’s nothing and you just go walk into it.

  3. 23 hours ago, TronRP said:


    Yeah...I just can't stop looking at this picture.  It's like something just draws you in.

    He is the sweetest boy. I get sucked in by those eyes every day. I wish that just looking at him would be my full-time job because I would totally do it and I would get rich.

  4. I have a thing for natural disasters. I’ve been like this since I was in elementary school. I have seen some shit. When hurricane Agnes hit Maryland and Pennsylvania in 1972, I was there to see all the flooding. As I’ve gotten older, I have driven through hell, flooding, and tornadoes. Jeff and I drove through a storm cell in 2019 on memorial day as a tornado was dropping from the sky to our left. 


    So, on this fine Sunday morning, I am watching the top 10 tsunami disasters are and will probably watch more lol


  5. 13 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

    Troy created it, and funded much of it.  I think it still exists partly because it wants to though.  If Troy hadn't passed we'd still be poking along doing our own thing and checking in every so often with very little activity.

    Like minded people will come together and form hubs though.  This one is targeted toward goths who live in or around the Metro Detroit area.  If it didn't exist something else would to fill that void.  Perhaps that other forum would still be around, or a Failbook group, or even a forum like this one but started by someone else and called something different.

    I'm still sad that we've lost a lot of users over the years, some that I liked, and even the more annoying ones.  I'm thankful for everyone who decided to stick around though, and those that decided to come back.

    As far as him apologizing, pride and a fear of being wrong (especially publicly) often limits our ability to do so.  That in turn limits our ability to maintain the friendships attached to those transgressions, however minor those may be.  It takes a big person to admit they were wrong, and another to accept that admission and move on.

    What’s so wild about this to me is the fact that, even though the huge, main group that was here, when I came in are gone, this board is still moving along. I have peaked in, on and off, over the years. And Tron is doing a fucking phenomenal job. I’d love to help rebuild it, somehow. I just know that it’s because of this place, and these people that I uprooted my entire life to move from Baltimore, Maryland to Detroit, Michigan. 


    I have zero regrets. And even if something happened to my marriage, this is my home now. I could move back east, but why? I’m absolutely thriving here. And it’s all either directly or indirectly because of something Troy did. I just feel so damn fortunate and it’s just so nice to be here.

  6. I don’t even know exactly how many years it’s been since I’ve seen, Troy, in person. I think that it was at Angel and Wreckie’s wedding. I don’t come out much because it’s just a little too peopley for me sometimes. Every so often, I’ll make an appearance at Smalls. It’s always a nice little group, and it makes me happy to see those faces.

    He and I had a falling out, several years ago. The crazy thing is that I don’t know what it was about. I came here to visit and socialize and see who was here. What I got was a verbal attack that I never saw coming. Several people stood up for me and I just stopped coming. 


    He eventually apologized, in his own way. I think he was embarrassed. But the reality is that if DGN didn’t exist, I wouldn’t be here at all. I would probably still be back home, living a miserable life, because I just wasn’t thriving there. DGN brought me some awesome friends, a wonderful husband, even my job. I don’t know how my life would be if it wasn’t for this place. This community has given me a lot without even trying hard. 


    The community, here, is something I brag about, often. When people ask me how I met Jeff, I told them all about this place. It has given me a lot.

  7. 38 minutes ago, Scary Guy said:

    I agree, and there is an entire post sort of related to that.

    Bringing back a dedicated DGN night seems like a great idea though.  Maybe a weekly and we could call it The Gathering or something 😛

    But seriously, a club night after that would be good too.  There was talk of when it was at The Red Apple of opening the downstairs area which used to be a bar, but I think it was going to take way too much work and the owner decided against it.  That was even sealed off from the rest of the restaurant too so that could close and the bar could have remained open.  Or back when City Bites was a thing and I didn't think/care that it was as gross as it was.  Some restaurant with a bar attached that is open late that we can all meet up at that isn't too far from anyone.

    House parties are always an option also.

    Really we need more people chiming in on events here saying "I'm going to *whatever* does anyone want to come?" and then a group of us goes and has fun.  At least that's how it works in my head anyway but AMMV.

    I’ll check out the post! 

    But I think that it would be great if more people just met up, in general.

  8. 51 minutes ago, Scary Guy said:

    Thanks so much!  Looking forward to seeing the photos others took of the events too.


    This isn't directed solely at you and I get it, but either everyone says this and then no one goes, or only a few do manage to go providing a weak turnout.  It's unfortunate but the way things seem to work these days.  There are many other factors as well that venue owners and promoters have to compete with like having low funds, low gas, low emotional energy (because sometimes fuck dealing with people even if you actually like them), forgot to do laundry so literally nothing to wear, no one else I know is going, already drunk (cheaper to drink at home too), and Twitch has better DJs.

    The power in my subdivision went out last night around 10 and I decided just laying on my bed in the dark was literally a better option than going out, so I'm guilty of this too.

    This is why it's rare to find a nightly/weekly goth night / a club that just focuses on goth/alternative music in general.

    I would love to see a club with a night dedicated to goth/industrial/EBM/grunge/metal/punk/new wave each on a different night catering to a different crowd.  It'll never happen though and I don't like it but I do accept it.  (in my head it's also 24/7/365 so you can just go hang out whenever, and it serves food.)

    I was happy to see Tina's kid and his friends enjoying it too though.  The goth scene doesn't die, it just changes forms and gets passed on to the next generation.  Even the bartender said she liked the music and it was her first time hearing anything like it.  I love when I can introduce people to new things they enjoy.

    Oh, I know it wasn’t. I just really wish that we could’ve hung a bit longer because it made me so happy to see y’all and I want to do it more ☺️

  9. 2 hours ago, TronRP said:


    The posting that you, phee and others used to do was the inspiration behind me starting Board Domination Week.  There was such sporadic activity the year that I joined that I was able to top the leaderboard with 11 posts for one day. 


    I started going crazy on here and my Purple Elf was everywhere.  I just kinda never stopped some 10+ years later.


    I call DGN my publicly, private online diary.


    I think that it’s a perfectly good diary ☺️

  10. 15 hours ago, Scary Guy said:

    Memorial for Troy "Spiral" Crayson @ Joy Manor (sublevel 1 room 2)

    ! = Request


    21:00 - Scary Guy
    Pink Floid - Shine on you Crazy Diamond (parts 1-7)
    The Moody Blues (it was the wrong song anyway so I cut it short, sorry.)
    A Flock of Seagulls - I Ran
    Camouflage - The Great Commandment
    PIL (Public Image Limited) - This is Not a Love Song
    Romeo Void - Never Say Never
    Martha and The Muffins - Echo Beach
    Talk Talk - It's My Life


    Human League - Night People
    Gang of Four - I Love a Man in Uniform
    Soft Cell - Tainted Love
    Torul - Mad World (Rob Dust Remix)
    IAMX with Imogen Heap - My Secret Friend
    Jaw - Creature of Masquerade (Apop Remix)
    Merge - Lost in Eternity
    Schiller with Heppner - Dream of You
    !Camille - Obsession (Save your Love)
    Anders Manga - Cars
    Rotersand - Bastards Screaming
    S.P.O.C.K. - Never Trust a Klingon
    !Depeche Mode - Soothe my Soul (Rob Dust remix)
    !Assemblage 23 - Document


    !Apoptygma Berzerk - Unicorn
    Beborn Beton - Another World (extended remix)
    Covenant - Dead Stars (club version)
    De/Vision - Rage
    Static Icon - It's a Lifestyle
    !VNV Nation - Illusion (for Bobbi)
    Diorama - HLA (Her Liquid Arms)
    Diary of Dreams - The Plague
    The Fair Sex - Not Now, Not Here
    !Destroid - Lucretia my Reflection (Meg requested Sisters and I went another direction with it.)
    Left Spine Down - She's Lost Control


    Rick Astley vs. Nine Inch Nails - The Hand that Gives you up
    Orang Sector - Touch (Psyche version)
    Out Out - Admire the Question
    BiGod 20 - The Bog
    !Killing Joke - Adorations
    Drab Majesty - Dot in the Sky
    Cold Cave - Confetti
    Hooverphonic - Shake the Disease
    The Tear Garden - Romulus and Venus
    Gary Numan - Love Hurt Bleed
    3TEETH - Pumped up Kicks
    Numb - Blood
    The Gothsicles - This Club is Closed

    Fun fact, this was the first playlist I typed out with the Workman layout.  We've been learning how to type the wrong way for YEARS!

    Among the requests and my own favorites I threw in a couple fetishy tracks I thought Troy would have liked.  I did do some of my overplayed favorites, but I'm the only one that plays them and I don't play out that often anymore.  I was going to do a strictly trad goth set but never got around to it.  Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and I got lots of complements on the music.  It was fun playing for a crowd that actually appreciates music.  I wish the turnout was better but three other goth nights and the fact that it was a memorial might have kept people away (and also the fact I was the DJ and a good chunk of the scene literally hates me, and I suck, and I can't mix.)

    Then most left because they have family, jobs, or are just old now.  I'm happy some made it out at all!


    Hopefully someone who took a bunch of photos can post them in a gallery on here.  If they only exist on Failbook, I'll never see them 😞

    I think that Jeff and I would have come and hung out a bit if it weren’t for the fact that I had already been up since 430, been to work, came to the dinner, and had to do a couple of other things before going to bed where they weren’t going to get done at all. but it really would be cool if we could make this happen a little more often and if more people came out. 

    It’s true that a lot of us have kids and jobs and other things. However, I honestly would like to come out more often. It was really nice to see everybody and it would be fun to see everybody a little more often. It’s been too long, and honestly a lot of that is on me because I kind of dislike most people lol.

  11. 8 hours ago, TronRP said:

    It's June and the Month that brings you World Bicycle Day, Father's Day, The Summer Solstice, PTSD Awareness Day: A total of 73 Observations and...




    Daily rankings will be based on the top 3 Top Posters +, as listed in the sidebar, from 12am until 11:59pm with the actual Top 5 totals posting at the end of the week. 


    Now, with that said...



    I remember the days where I posted so ridiculously much, along with Phee and Paper Hearts, that nobody could touch us. And it was never to see who could post the most. OK, maybe once or twice it was 😂


    we had so much fun. For real, some of the greatest people that I know are people that I met, right here.

  12. 18 hours ago, TronRP said:


    I am so socially awkward when it comes to meeting new people that I often feel like I'm waiting for my turn to jump into the jump ropes during double-dutch. 


    I was going to tell you in person that I saw your Facebook friend request, but some kind of way, the site crashed when I clicked it.  I have no idea if it confirmed or not.  Then I didn't know how to get back to where I saw it. 


    I know it's probably very simple, but I think I kind of panic when it comes to using Facebook due to past experiences that were not so good.


    *coughcough* I also have Facebook 

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