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Everything posted by Invictus

  1. The Marx Brothers silver screen collection featuring The Cocoanuts, Animal Crackers, Monkey Business, Horse Feathers, and Duck Soup. If that doesn't make you laugh then congrats, you're a robot.
  2. Don't ignore your athletic gifts, just because you've met so many dumb jocks. Aka: Just lift the damn weights.
  3. Sore. I pulled a trap stupidly climbing up my basketball hoop, and now I can't lift or train for a few days. Note to self: warm up, then climb.
  4. I could with no harm to any scheduling, assuming you two are comfortable getting a ride from someone you haven't met yet.
  5. I was there. Got in around 1:45 and was gone by 2:30. Between feeling sick and pulled muscles I wasn't having much fun. Sorry I didn't stop by the DGN corner or talk to anyone. I did see Osaka though. In fact I'm pretty sure I met her at drag queen bingo a few months ago...
  6. Not even a little. More like Sambo. In Russia and Eastern Europe all the wrestlers, judoka, and sambo guys all train together so their style of Judo is different than classical Japanese Judo.
  7. Hey, I'm going to be at Mid Summer's Expo and then CC later. If you've got a booth, I'll drop by and introduce myself.
  8. Shower. Trained for nearly 3 hours this morning, and the gym is not air conditioned.
  9. Well, UFC 100 is on that night, so maybe afterward. It depends how much training smites me.
  10. I am absurdly excited about this. Twitchingly so.
  11. El Mariachi > Desperado == Once upon a time in Mexico
  12. First one looks like it would fit nicely on an album cover. Cool pics man.
  13. Former US secretary of defense, Robert McNamara died today. I say RIP. Anyone have an opinion on this/him?
  14. Former Detroit city council woman who is under investigation by the FBI for corruption, and recently pled guilty to bribe taking.
  15. Crazy tired. Like, trying not to sleep at my desk tired.
  16. I'm not entirely clear on what the term means, but I'm pretty sure I'm not it. That said, I've often ended up hanging out with people who could be considered goth, or those who consider themselves goth simply because they were more open to my outlandish thoughts and opinions than the vast majority of people.
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