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Everything posted by Invictus

  1. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0675/is_n2_v15/ai_19205606/ Yeah, the electronic testers are ridiculously inaccurate (40%+). The most accurate is the submersion test, and slightly (.1%ish) less accurate is the body fat caliper. Of course you have to pay for each submersion test, and a caliper is only $10-$15 online.
  2. Well, the most efficient way to gain strength is to lift very heavy things, but you wouldn't go wrong with olympic rings and hardcore bodyweight stuff. Beast skills is a good place to start. Or try Ross Training if you'd rather a hybrid strength/conditioning routine. Also, how did you check your BF%?
  3. I saw Prince of Persia the other day. Shockingly, it wasn't terrible. In fact, it was one of the better movies that I've seen so far this year. Predictable, yes, a little cliche, but lots of fun.
  4. I hate it, and don't stay on it long, but this last time I gained 35lbs and lost 3% bodyfat at the same time. I'm trying to keep my weight up, so when I cut to fight I'm right at the 265 weight limit. I've already learned how much it sucks to be the small guy in the division (as a grappler anyway).
  5. Should clarify, when I was trying gain muscle mass and strength without much gain in fat I was on the anabolic diet which means I was supposed to be taking in 30ish g of carbs max on non carb loading days. The breaded double down has slightly more than a third of that in one sitting. The unbreaded one would have been fine, but it still costs more than a chicken breast. I am a fan of the high fat content though.
  6. Thing is, it isn't even that great if you're trying to bulk, less calories for a greater cost than a chicken breast but it costs more, plus the breading will torpedo any thought of a clean bulk.
  7. Back on the wagon after a few months out. I had a vertibra pop way out of place after I got snapped down by my gi at the arnold classic grappling tournament down in Ohio. Now that it's back in place, I've resumed my training schedule.
  8. 3x a week heavy compound lifts: Squat, Bench, Dead, Clean. 2x a week grip work: Farmer's walks, plate pinching, grippers. 3x a week conditioning 6x a week: Muay thai, BJJ, CSW, Savate, Kali, Judo Daily: morning cardio
  9. Gallagher, he's got a hammer. The doom guy, or Dr. Victor Von Doom?
  10. Nope, beginner is as beginner as it gets, but the instructors are good at what they do, plus all of the more experienced people are friendly and willing to help.
  11. Awesome judo awesomeness. Judo credit card commercial.
  12. Sore, sore and sore. Training every day, without proper rest/recovery methods = no.
  13. Sure thing, just gimme an idea as to when, and I'll figure out how to make school and training fit around it.

  14. How goes it good sir?

  15. I spar and grapple until I'm battered, bruised and exhausted. Then I feel better. Hasn't failed me yet.
  16. Seems like the theater was split 50/50 like/dislike when I saw it. My friends and I fit squarely in the dislike column. Most of the people that liked it seemed to think it was real based on the discussion we heard on the way out.
  17. Back to training, back to yoga.
  18. Open mat time for sparring would be great.
  19. Wander off in a distracted fashio......
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