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Everything posted by prick

  1. Thats not so odd. Maybe you need to find a girl or two wanting the same.
  2. It was a lame night snyhow. You could always ask for a ride. Your close to me and I have been known to give DGNers rides

  3. I love P.I.L.! Get up to Kubo tonight and meet some DGNers

  4. We dont hear gunshots at night in the suburbs. I have lived in Warren for 41 years and never heard them but you sure can in Detroit. Thats a big difference.
  5. I was going to but then I started not to feel so good so I stayed the night in bed. :(
  6. I think Torn needs to take some time off soon and come spend some time with his DGN family.
  7. Excited for tomorrow, brown chicken brown cow!
  8. God I love that show. I cant wait for the new season.
  9. Go to Kubo and buy me that drink tonight!
  10. I always prefer to go alone. I can stay or leave when I want and dont have to entertain anyone. Theres always a few friends up there anyways.
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