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Everything posted by prick

  1. Jim Harper as Charlie Lum on Martial arts theatre
  2. Damn I wish I had a bike. I would love to say I rode to Hell during a full moon.
  3. Agreed, I do at times miss the random make out sessions at City Club with a stranger.
  4. I just found out that a roller skating rink I used to hang out at on Friday and Saturday night had teen dances those nights, but anyways back in 1980 when I was a bit too young it had several concerts. Acts like The Clash, Iggy Pop, The Ramones and The Jam played there that year. Hard to believe such stars in a roller rink. God How I wish I was a bit older to have seen it.
  5. prick


    Now that's a crime!
  6. Personally Im kinda bored with the whole prison and Govenor thing. Its time for them to move on.
  7. prick


    There are wonderful museums all over the state. You could always camp in a heavily shaded area.
  8. prick


    I plan to take a few camping trips. Do plenty of fishing. Shoot my guns and practice my archery and of course Depeche Mode concert!
  9. prick


    Summer is coming so what do you plan to do when its warm and nice out this year?
  10. You pull in the parking lot that's right next to the Leland Hotel. Theres a parking attendant in front. 3 dollars to park. I believe they raised club admission to 4 bucks before 11 and 5 after.
  11. Dizzy and sick to my stomach. Its been going on since Thursday. This needs to stop!
  12. I have eaten many a people in my time.
  13. Favorite comic book would have to be Michael Stackpoles Rouge Squadron from Dark Horse. Favorite Super hero would be Green Arrow although I don't like how they recently revamped him to be more like the t.v. show. Favorite Marvel super hero would be DareDevil. Favorite bad guys would be Gorilla Grodd from D.C. and Magnetto from Marvel.
  14. I have been feeling feverish and been sleeping most of the time.
  15. Who reads them? What are your favorites? Who are your favorite super heroes, bad guys?
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