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Some fun facts about me...

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First of all, it's about 4:30 in the a.m. and I can't sleep. I hate having insomnia only because I have gotten addicted to sleeping pills. OK, now for the fun facts kiddies. :flower: In high school, my guidance counselor's name was named Alice Cooper. I kid you not. Three of the doctors that I go to are named Timothy; that's also the name of one of my brothers. Last year at this time, we had a major crisis with our daughter Sami. She was going down the road of destruction with drugs and alcohol. Last December she was popped on a piss test for pot. That was the last straw as far as her P.O. was concerned. (and us too) Sami was locked up at a place called Western Nevada Regional Youth Center or WNRYC(winoric). It's located in Silver Springs, about 30 minutes from where we live. She was there for almost 5 months. She got out on 4-20. Yeah, yeah, I know, national POT day.(ha ha) It really helped her and us as a family. She's a senior this year and her grades are VERY much improved. Her health is also very much improved I am happy to report. Last Oct. she had to get her tonsils out & then two days after she got out of lockup, she started throwing up. At first, I thought she might have gotten the flu. Well, a week goes by & she's still throwing up. So of course I took her to the doctor. The doctor thought that maybe she might have something else wrong. So we waited another week to see if it might pass. Sami was given meds to help with the vomiting but it didn't help. THREE weeks later she's still can't keep anything down. By this time she had lost 13 pounds in that time. She had had quite a few tests done during the last two weeks of this going on when she was hospitalized. She was put on I.V. solution because she was so dehydrated. They finally figured out what was wrong; they had to take her appendix out. She finally started to get better & was able to gain the weight back that she lost. A week before she got out of WNRYC, I got fed up with my hair and shaved it off. I gave myself a buzz cut. That's how stressed I got during the months that our daughter was being a major fuck up. When my hubby & Sami saw what I did, they were less than pleased. I didn't care. Hell, it's only hair I told them. When my son saw what I did, he said, and I quote, "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO YOUR HAIR?". :laugh: I thought it was funny the way he reacted. So did he. I have NEVER done anything that drastic before. It's growing out quite nicely. In about another week or so I'll be getting it permed again.

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We just found out this morning that one of the young men who was at WNRYC with our daughter died of a Methodone overdose. I don't even think he was nineteen yet. I haven't had a chance to talk w/my daughter as of yet. This young man had a LOT of promise too. We got to meet him when we would to visit Sami while she in WNRYC. That place had family visiting days on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. There was another young man that my daughter made friends with during her stay in "lockup" who hung himself a week after he was released from WNRYC. That tragedy happened at the begining of Feb of this year. He was only seventeen. It's just such a damn waste. *crys*

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