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Serious Weight Loss

Ash Sangre

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Well. To start off I am a pretty big girl. I weigh like 218, well did. I met this fab person that just gives me encouragment and he is my motivation. I have known him for like 5 days, and have alreasy lost like 8 pounds. It feels really good because I went shopping today and bought a size smaller pants and shirt. Yay for me. But yea, it's nice to have encouragement, and ill most likely post more on how it goes:)


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I hear ya. If I am in love and happy I loose weight......but If I am stressed and unsure I eat more and not only gain but get unhealthy.

Lately my stress trigger is gone so I am doing well.....but......

The key I think is to be happy and sure all the time whether your with someone or not so if you break up or something goes wrong.....you don't yo-yo.

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Guest Megalicious

I'm in the middle of massive weight loss myself. It'll slow down, just be ready for it and don't give up. Just make sure you're doing it in a healthy way and not starving yourself.

Miss Nienna is right, don't starve yourself. You body needs at least 1,100 calories a day to keep your metabolism going and to not send your body into "surival" mode where you may lose mostly water from you body, not fat.

About a month ago I started this power 90 workout. I've lost 15lb, however I've lost SO MANY INCHES. I know its not the weight that counts, because as we all know muscle weighs more then fat. My body is more defined then it has ever been I eat healthier, I have more energy, and I feel so much better in general.

I highly recommend this program if you are looking to tone up and drop inches. If you like when I am done with it (its a 90 program) your more then welcome to try it out =) You just have to commit you know.

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Miss Nienna is right, don't starve yourself. You body needs at least 1,100 calories a day to keep your metabolism going and to not send your body into "surival" mode where you may lose mostly water from you body, not fat.

About a month ago I started this power 90 workout. I've lost 15lb, however I've lost SO MANY INCHES. I know its not the weight that counts, because as we all know muscle weighs more then fat. My body is more defined then it has ever been I eat healthier, I have more energy, and I feel so much better in general.

I highly recommend this program if you are looking to tone up and drop inches. If you like when I am done with it (its a 90 program) your more then welcome to try it out =) You just have to commit you know.

what's a "90" program? got any links?

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Miss Nienna is right, don't starve yourself. You body needs at least 1,100 calories a day to keep your metabolism going and to not send your body into "surival" mode where you may lose mostly water from you body, not fat.

About a month ago I started this power 90 workout. I've lost 15lb, however I've lost SO MANY INCHES. I know its not the weight that counts, because as we all know muscle weighs more then fat. My body is more defined then it has ever been I eat healthier, I have more energy, and I feel so much better in general.

I highly recommend this program if you are looking to tone up and drop inches. If you like when I am done with it (its a 90 program) your more then welcome to try it out =) You just have to commit you know.

Meg, Please send me info on this! I'm looking for something little more hardcore! LOL

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Power 90? Thats the exact thing i used for the two years i was actually in decent shape (like a year ago i stopped and turned into the Hindenburg) Although it was almost a year (not 90 days) before i was ready to move up to P90X. Other than the "power yoga" part, which was too rough on my knees, its a great set of workouts and tony (the trainer) is a wise ass , so i like him. =P

Right now they are actually having a contest where they give away like $100 a day just to some random person that signs up and promises to do their workout for the day. www.beachbody.com

I'm trying to start back up but my motivation is ... lacking.

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Miss Nienna is right, don't starve yourself. You body needs at least 1,100 calories a day to keep your metabolism going and to not send your body into "surival" mode where you may lose mostly water from you body, not fat.

actually, 1100 is starvation mode - you'll lose muscle mass, which will slow your metabolism even quicker.

peruse this...

i did a quick check, (not knowing your age or height) and the basal metabolic rate (meaning you do nothing but lie in bed all day - not even get up to go to the bathroom) for a 25yo woman 5'6" & 220 is 1797 calories. (if you're taller, the calories go up, i believe) if you eat less than 1800 calories, your body will start disassembling your muscle tissue for food/energy.

my best suggestion for quick weight lost (only speaking towards calories, not meals/exercise) would be to do the formulas based on what your *goal* weight is, and your activity level, and eat the calculated maintainance calories for that weight.

feel free to pm me if you have any questions! :wink

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Sangre... How is it even possible to lose 8 pounds in 5 days? I've basically lived on bread and water for a week a few times and didn't lose that much. Gimi the secret!

Hell if i could lose 8 pounds a week, i don't care how hardcore the diet and exercise was i'd do it. (Although just about every fitness expert i've read would say its not healthy but fuck em... i wana be thin! lol)

And i'd parrot the above about calories. You DO want to cut down the calories, but just about everyone says below like 1500 you go into hibernation mode and stop burning calories as fast as you would otherwise. Your body says "oops the ice age has hit, lean times are coming, we gotta stop burning fat and save it for the future"

..and how do i pronounce Sangre? Just curious. "Sang Gree" ?

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Sangre... How is it even possible to lose 8 pounds in 5 days? I've basically lived on bread and water for a week a few times and didn't lose that much.

Hell if i could lose 8 pounds a week, i don't care how hardcore the diet and exercise was i'd do it. (Although just about every fitness expert i've read would say its not healthy but fuck em... i wana be thin! lol)

..and how do i pronounce Sangre? Just curious. "Sang Gree" ?

that much weight loss is mostly from water. it's said (on many reputable websites) that you can't healthily lose more than 2# fat a week (any more than that & you're losing muscle, slwoing your metabolism, etc...) heavier people tend to lose weight quickly at first, and they're the exception, but the rapid weight loss will taper down rather soon...

btw, my weight can vary ±3# daily, so if i'm 3# high one day, i could be 3# low the next, and it would seem like i lost 6#, but it's not necessarily so, due to a lot of factors - undigested food, sodium leves (water retention), etc...

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The weight loss program I'm on (and it is medically supervised) is 800-1000 calories a day. I eat every 3-4 hours and my diet consists mainly of shakes and bars that have a very high protien and fiber content. I'm losing 3-5 lbs a week or so consistently and am still feeling good. Body scans show I have not lost muscle mas. SO.. I think the hibernation mode is different for everyone. If you have a naturally non-existant metabolism (Like me) less calories may be the only way to lose. Just my 2 cents.

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The weight loss program I'm on (and it is medically supervised) is 800-1000 calories a day. I eat every 3-4 hours and my diet consists mainly of shakes and bars that have a very high protien and fiber content. I'm losing 3-5 lbs a week or so consistently and am still feeling good. Body scans show I have not lost muscle mas. SO.. I think the hibernation mode is different for everyone. If you have a naturally non-existant metabolism (Like me) less calories may be the only way to lose. Just my 2 cents.

1) medically supervised = good! 2) the only saving grace i can see in your diet is that it's high in protein, which is the only thing saving your muscle. from what i've read, you need approx. 1g of protein per lb of *lean* body weight (lean=everything that's not fat - bones, organs, etc...) just to keep the muscle you have. if you want to build any (lifting wieghts, etc) you need to eat more, because protein and amino acids are the only things your body can use to rebuild /repair muscle.

btw, medically supervised or not, it's a starvation diet. honestly, if it were any good for you, why would they have to supervise you? they need to make sure that none of your organs are going to shut down, etc... not trying to be critical, because if it works for you, i'm all for it! i guarantee you, tho, when you get closer to your goals, you will have to dramatically increase your calorie consumption.

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I highly recommend seeing a doctor about the correct caloric intake of each individual.

My mother was an RN. The doctor she worked for had medical diet sheets he'd provide to patients, and I'm certain they were 1200 calories per day for the average female.

I highly doubt I myself would lose weight on 1500 or more calories per day with a sedentary lifestyle. I already eat very little, and pretty nutrition-savvy. I would guess I'm eating 1200 per day at most, if that. I don't lose anything because I am not moving. Getting more mobile, but I'm nowhere near the activity that would start dropping lbs.

But if you are decently active, yes, you do need more caloric intake. When I worked for the DNR 9 years ago, I started the summer eating a lunch that consisted of one sandwich, a piece of fruit, and a soda or juice. By the end of the summer, I had doubled my lunch alone, and still dropped appx. 30 lbs (I was over 200 lbs at the start).

The summer I started going to clubs regularly - meaning every Saturday - I also dropped a lot of weight very quickly. And my food intake didn't change. I danced ALL NIGHT LONG, from about 11:00 p.m. to 2:00 closing. And I didn't drink a lot of hard liquor, which is ABOMINALLY high in calories. Just that one night of serious work-out dropped me from a size 24 to a between 18&20 in about 3 months.

Bigger people lose weight quicker. You may drop a lot of poundage from the beginning, and plateau. It can be very difficult to bust that plateau - I've read articles about women who plateaued for as long as a year before they started dropping again. You need to do something to NOT get discouraged.

I did Weight Watchers for a short while. I learned a lot from it, mostly about serving sizes and "exchanges" - I can still remember the basic intake that will fill my fats, proteins and etc for the day. But the most important thing I learned from Weight Watchers is exactly what losing a single pound means. Think losing just one pound isn't much? A 4-stick package of butter is 1 lb. Picture that hanging off your thigh, and picture it gone. One pound COUNTS.

Do try to rearrange your mindframe a bit so that you're doing this for yourself, not for a partner or a relationship. Results will be more satisfying and more likely to stick.

Best of luck!

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My mother was an RN. The doctor she worked for had medical diet sheets he'd provide to patients, and I'm certain they were 1200 calories per day for the average female.

I highly doubt I myself would lose weight on 1500 or more calories per day with a sedentary lifestyle. I already eat very little, and pretty nutrition-savvy. I would guess I'm eating 1200 per day at most, if that. I don't lose anything because I am not moving. Getting more mobile, but I'm nowhere near the activity that would start dropping lbs.

critter, did you not read the part i wrote about *basal* metabolic rate? that's the amount of calories it takes your body to *function* properly, and has nothing to do with even getting out of bed. the reason many people (and most likely yourself) don't lose weight at 1500 calories is that it's still starvation mode. the body is well designed to store fat & sacrifice almost anything else to survive, including muscle. it will even leach minerals out of your bones, if your diet doesn't contain enough for it to do its job! ask gauge, we had this conversation - basically, when your calories are that low, your body doesn't have any idea when it's going to see food again, so it assumes it won't and rather than use food to do its job, it'll store it away as fat, in case the food runs completely out. it's biological survival mode! once you start feeding it regularly, and enough, it can still take a few weeks or more for your body to trust you to keep feeding it - once it does, it will start releasing it's fat stores, and it will begin to use the food you eat for its maintainance. and this has little to do with activity level, it has to do with resetting (shutting down) your body's survival instinct.

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listen to TA, he knows what hes talking about, and im proof! i was doing the same extremely low calorie thing, not because i wanted to loose wait but because i really just didnt feel like eating, it wasnt a priority. im not going to go into how low i was because i dont feel like getting the whole anorexic bs because i wasnt. anyway ive changed my diet, now eating around 17-1800 a day and without working out i was still loosing weight

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they say 2000 is reconmended for women, but of course thats all dependant on workload.

you have to keep yourself fed, lack of calories leads to fatigue, fatigue to lack of motivation. i've had fatigue once bad. and i just didnt care, i was gonna sit down in the middle of that field, i just didnt fucking care where i was (army training camp)

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Guest Megalicious

Power 90? Thats the exact thing i used for the two years i was actually in decent shape (like a year ago i stopped and turned into the Hindenburg) Although it was almost a year (not 90 days) before i was ready to move up to P90X. Other than the "power yoga" part, which was too rough on my knees, its a great set of workouts and tony (the trainer) is a wise ass , so i like him. =P

Right now they are actually having a contest where they give away like $100 a day just to some random person that signs up and promises to do their workout for the day. www.beachbody.com

I'm trying to start back up but my motivation is ... lacking.

Yes, that downward dog to runner pose KILLS ME!! Evertime. ... ::sigh::. Thank god the DVD has an option to turn the music off. I don't listen anymore anyway. I love my ipod lol ...

actually, 1100 is starvation mode - you'll lose muscle mass, which will slow your metabolism even quicker.

peruse this...

i did a quick check, (not knowing your age or height) and the basal metabolic rate (meaning you do nothing but lie in bed all day - not even get up to go to the bathroom) for a 25yo woman 5'6" & 220 is 1797 calories. (if you're taller, the calories go up, i believe) if you eat less than 1800 calories, your body will start disassembling your muscle tissue for food/energy.

my best suggestion for quick weight lost (only speaking towards calories, not meals/exercise) would be to do the formulas based on what your *goal* weight is, and your activity level, and eat the calculated maintainance calories for that weight.

feel free to pm me if you have any questions! :wink

ACTUALLY.... @ 1,100 a day I have not only lost almost 10% of my body weight but have GAINED muslce mass. Everyones body is different. I suggest Sang that you find your own groove, you body WILL let you know if somthing isn't right.

The point most of us where trying to get across is .. don't starve yourself hun, not only are you not going to lose, but youll end up stuffing your face because your starving...

Good luck too you!! It's hard but with hard work you can do it.

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Yes, that downward dog to runner pose KILLS ME!! Evertime. ... ::sigh::. Thank god the DVD has an option to turn the music off. I don't listen anymore anyway. I love my ipod lol ...

ACTUALLY.... @ 1,100 a day I have not only lost almost 10% of my body weight but have GAINED muslce mass. Everyones body is different. I suggest Sang that you find your own groove, you body WILL let you know if somthing isn't right.

The point most of us where trying to get across is .. don't starve yourself hun, not only are you not going to lose, but youll end up stuffing your face because your starving...

Good luck too you!! It's hard but with hard work you can do it.

Ditto. If I ate 2000 calories a day I would gain like crazy. I actually gain at anything over 1400 a day and need to be under 1200 to lose at all. My metabolism is VERY low and sometimes that is the case with people. It's not accurate to impose a basal rate on everyone, because alot of people, women especially are just more programmed to gain.. constantly, at the drop of a hat. =)

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Guest Megalicious

Ditto. If I ate 2000 calories a day I would gain like crazy. I actually gain at anything over 1400 a day and need to be under 1200 to lose at all. My metabolism is VERY low and sometimes that is the case with people. It's not accurate to impose a basal rate on everyone, because alot of people, women especially are just more programmed to gain.. constantly, at the drop of a hat. =)

Tru dat :thumbup:


No need to get upset, there alot of different bodies out there Mike. Not everyone is going to lose/gain at the same pace that is all we are saying. Leslie has a fucking awesome point with women who are wired to gain. ( I am one of those women!! AHHH!!)

What may work for you/me/her/them may not work for Sang. The key is to listen to what you body is trying to tell you... You know??

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    • ~~~~~ Yeah, a few years ago, Trene @Trene4000 had a seizure during an eye exam and the staff had to call an ambulance due to protocol even though she was just about to come out of it.  The ambulance crew arrived and caused her to relapse into another seizure and I ended up kicking everyone out of the room except for the one guy who seemed to have the most sense.  They stabilized her and then rushed to Ascension Macomb - Oakland Hospital, Warren Campus.   I followed shortly and no one would confirm if she was there or not.  I pointed out the ambulance she had just arrived in and they said I couldn't be in the ambulance entrance area.  So I went over to the other entrance and walked back over to the ambulance receiving area and this time they were able to speak to me because I was now on the correct side of the receptionist desk.     They told me to take a seat and they would let me in after they confirmed if an ambulance arrived with her in it.  Fortunately for me, the janitor watched everything that happened and when the lady left the desk 15 minutes later, he opened the door and let me in, told me where to go and said they always do that because they don't want to be bothered.   I did find her, already hooked up in an observation room and I stayed with her for over an hour.  Then I stated I was going to go to the cafeteria to grab some food and get her something for when they release her in 45 minutes (as we were told).  She was awake and aware and said ok.  However, by the time I got back 25 minutes later, she was zoned and moving in slow motion.  Her eyes kept rolling up into her head.   I flagged down a doctor and asked what happened to her because she was just fine.  Turns out they gave her some medication that they shouldn't have (because they didn't check her medical history) and she ended up having an allergic reaction, but whoever administered it didn't stay around long enough to "observe" her in the observation room.  I told them that she had severe reactions to certain things and they ended up giving her a counter medication and we then had to wait another 90 minutes for it to safely get out of her system.  Then she was discharged 25 minutes later.   I wanted to sue everyone who was involved in her "care".  I had told them that I was her legal guardian and that I MUST be informed of any medical treatment she received and no one spoke to me about anything, so they waited until I left the room and took matters into their own hands.  The fact that they were informed and didn't care is what still bothers me to this day so I panic whenever one of her doctors suggest an Ascension hospital for any of her procedures. 😬
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