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Who On Dgn,ever Did Cocaine?


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Guest Game of Chance

I found it too enjoyable at one point in my life also and had an unlimited supply. I did have a bit of a problem for 6 months.

So I know what I am talking about when I say.....I really feel this stuff does something bad to your soul....some wierd, dark......bad thing.

I'd again disagree. You CAN use the stuff without making a lifestyle out of it.

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a suggestion to consider:

you are right now - in a controlled environment - which for now in your experience, equates to moderation.

you will not continue to stay in a controlled environement. Nobody does. We age. we move on, and or opportunity opens doors for us.

as your environement changes - situations now present themselves. Oh its just like magic, trust me.

let's say you move to suburbia. Suburbia anywhere USA.

you left Cornrow USA with a still existing taste for junk.

so....your taste (desire) for junk still remains, you took it with you to suburbia.

but in suburbia, your avalaible market has now widened considerably.

it is no longer a painstaking inconvenience to procure dope.

in fact, it may now just take a phone call or a drive down a certain street. I mean that's aprt of what suburbia offers people right? convenience.

Now, since your former Cornrow USA existence provided you the tool sfor moderation, but you have left Cornrow USA, your moderative process therefore, has been comprimised. You left the bubble. The bubble is gone.

And as your environement changes, you change with it. Your NEW environement now has much greater ability to feed you your desire. Your desire therefore - has much greater potential to grow, it is no longer the same desire that you held when you lived in Cornrow.

And since your desire was never quenched while you lived in Cornrow, and you have now taken that desire to a place that will encourage it's ability to grow, you now have all the opportunity in the world, to be a junkhead.

And when you become one - you will cease to be uniquely you. You will now become one of "them" and they are not unique, and they are absolutely typical, as will be the lifestyle that follows...

And despite what you think....you are 100% under control. And, you get sick now. In fact you dont even use anymore to get high, you use to keep from getting sick. if you get off for awhile great, but you sure as fuck dont want to get sick. Plus, getting sick can literally kill you. And your heart by the way - is enlarging and suffering long term damages. And you stink and you itch because your liver is overloaded and your pores are clogging up, although those clogged pores will actually help you stay fucked up for longer periods of time, so maybe you just wont shower as much. and along the way enters a little compromise of yourself here and there, it always starts slowly and is easy to laugh off....

you've allready described being dope sick.

and you mentioned a quick fix (and yoru right it wont stick) in Xanex.

which leads me to beleive that you allready require a prescription for coping skills (Xanex) or that this too - is an illicit tool that you have accquired to make you feel a certain way. Thats two strikes against your moderation, and two avenues for potential addiction.

So in the end - for you to be moderate and in control and NOT be an addict...

you need to remain in cornrow USA for the rest of your life and never go anywhere.

that sounds like a good life to you?

what does one DO in Cornrow USA by the way, besides only use in moderation and not be an addict?

Damn you're tearin me a new one lol..

I know all about the dopesick thing, I've seen my friends do entire bags and not get high but "feel better", it's sad. And everything you've said is true for the most part. I have thought about that, actually. Asked myself if I'd be in trouble if I was living in Detroit or Chicago, and, yeah, I could be.

My friend Amy, who is now living in Mexico, is a good example of why I respect the smack. She's had a dope habit for 3 years now.. She's not living in Mexico by choice, but to get out of some legal shit. It's pretty much destroyed her life. She's become a dope-whore so to speak. She told one of my other friend's she "knows where she can get a couple bags from some guy for free, all you have to do is drop her off for a little while" ... ... Or the times she's stolen radios from cars because she knows a guy who will give her a bag for a radio..

As far as getting xanax, I was just told by friends that it helps dope sickness and I tried them (honestly) for the first time when I first experienced dope-sickness, because my best friend's nephew has a prescription for xanax, seroquel, etc for his sleeping problems, so he gave me a miligram of xanax to make me feel better.

Then of course there's the 3 friends I've seen buried because of the shit. All have their own long stories but in the end it comes down to the fact that they were conquered by a drug. Or this guy named Dave who lives in Hammond who I met through a friend. He's been an addict for years. He's like 38 or so, but you'd swear he was 58 because the junk has aged him so much. The ridiculous track marks all over his legs and upper arms and chest.. His disgustingly malnourished, almost anorexic looking body..

You think all this doesn't scare the shit out of me? You're wrong if you do.. I know I'm playing a dangerous game every time I do it. After I felt just a small taste of what dopesick is, nothing even scalable compared to what some of my friends experienced, I got even more careful.

No, I'd rather live my life normally like everybody else. I don't want to steal things to get high, I don't want to do whatever I have to do to get high. For me, it's just a once in a while thing. I don't really have an addictive personality. I smoke cigarettes, and to be honest, that addiction started out as "just a once in a while thing", but I didn't know anyone who has lung cancer or died from lung cancer, so I didn't have this first hand experience with the effects of smoking. Nothing to scare me. Both of my parents smoked for 20 years + by the time I had started, they were fine.. Now I turn around and all of the sudden I've been smoking for about 5 years solid. Which I would like to mention I quit smoking 2 weeks ago no problem, no desire to pick it up again, and I'm feeling better already, which is good because I quit to have my lung capacity back and I'll need it.

I have a very observant personality. Always have. I've always been into history. I've had the saying "If we don't learn our history we are doomed to repeat it" in my head since I was a little kid. I observe things, a lot. It's the reason why I've kept my ass out of jail for 22 years. I have a perfect record, save a couple of speeding tickets. Do I "really" have a perfect record? No.. If I was ever caught for half of the shit I've done in my mischievious days I'd be rotting away for at least 20 years. I see other people's mistakes and I learn from them. I've been told by some of my friends from the south side of Chicago that I've got more street smarts than most people on 95th. Not to sound like a conceited asshole but not many people from Cornfield, USA can say that. And it does take a certain something to be able to go in the middle of a project to get dope when you're the only white boy for miles, in gang territory, in a particular area that's known to have been the demise of many white people before me.

As I type this I have to say I'm getting more and more convinced that I probably won't even touch heroin again, anyways.. As of right now, this moment I have no desire to get any, and I'm also making a life changing decision by joining the military. I've done a lot of shit in my life I'm not proud of. And it was fun while it lasted but I know that it's time to grow up. I've kept my shit straight for this long and I intend to keep it that way. I've worked hard for what I have and I'll be damned if I'm going to throw it all away to a drug. I'm not exactly proud to have ever messed with heroin, truthfully. All I'm saying is - not everyone is the same. Some people know when to walk away and some people don't. I've always known when to fold my hand.

I know what you're doing, and I do appreciate the concern, I really do. But I have to ask you to trust me and know that I will always use my best judgement. I just wanted to express that my fun and games with heroin were just that, and while I was considering just walking away from it in the first place, typing all of this out is kind of like a reflection for me which further convinces me that I'm just done with it. I just don't want to be tought of as a junkhead because believe me I know better than to go to that level. I've played with fire since I was a kid and I've just been smart enough, or maybe, just maybe, lucky enough, to not get burned. One thing is for sure, I will never touch another illicit drug again once I'm in the military. I just wanted to have fun and experience some things before I went. But, I'm folding my hand and calling it quits because it's time to move on. Time I get started with my future.

Just wanted to say all that so everybody can see a little better into who I am. I've always been the guy sitting by himself at parties just watching everyone else, in a manner of speaking. Learning from other people, and their mistakes. And I always take anyone's advice into consideration, using my own judgement. I've done pretty damn well for myself so far. Now I'm going to show the world how far I can go with my judgement by doing something for the better, not just for myself.

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Damn you're tearin me a new one lol..

I know all about the dopesick thing, I've seen my friends do entire bags and not get high but "feel better", it's sad. And everything you've said is true for the most part. I have thought about that, actually. Asked myself if I'd be in trouble if I was living in Detroit or Chicago, and, yeah, I could be.

My friend Amy, who is now living in Mexico, is a good example of why I respect the smack. She's had a dope habit for 3 years now.. She's not living in Mexico by choice, but to get out of some legal shit. It's pretty much destroyed her life. She's become a dope-whore so to speak. She told one of my other friend's she "knows where she can get a couple bags from some guy for free, all you have to do is drop her off for a little while" ... ... Or the times she's stolen radios from cars because she knows a guy who will give her a bag for a radio..

As far as getting xanax, I was just told by friends that it helps dope sickness and I tried them (honestly) for the first time when I first experienced dope-sickness, because my best friend's nephew has a prescription for xanax, seroquel, etc for his sleeping problems, so he gave me a miligram of xanax to make me feel better.

Then of course there's the 3 friends I've seen buried because of the shit. All have their own long stories but in the end it comes down to the fact that they were conquered by a drug. Or this guy named Dave who lives in Hammond who I met through a friend. He's been an addict for years. He's like 38 or so, but you'd swear he was 58 because the junk has aged him so much. The ridiculous track marks all over his legs and upper arms and chest.. His disgustingly malnourished, almost anorexic looking body..

You think all this doesn't scare the shit out of me? You're wrong if you do.. I know I'm playing a dangerous game every time I do it. After I felt just a small taste of what dopesick is, nothing even scalable compared to what some of my friends experienced, I got even more careful.

No, I'd rather live my life normally like everybody else. I don't want to steal things to get high, I don't want to do whatever I have to do to get high. For me, it's just a once in a while thing. I don't really have an addictive personality. I smoke cigarettes, and to be honest, that addiction started out as "just a once in a while thing", but I didn't know anyone who has lung cancer or died from lung cancer, so I didn't have this first hand experience with the effects of smoking. Nothing to scare me. Both of my parents smoked for 20 years + by the time I had started, they were fine.. Now I turn around and all of the sudden I've been smoking for about 5 years solid. Which I would like to mention I quit smoking 2 weeks ago no problem, no desire to pick it up again, and I'm feeling better already, which is good because I quit to have my lung capacity back and I'll need it.

I have a very observant personality. Always have. I've always been into history. I've had the saying "If we don't learn our history we are doomed to repeat it" in my head since I was a little kid. I observe things, a lot. It's the reason why I've kept my ass out of jail for 22 years. I have a perfect record, save a couple of speeding tickets. Do I "really" have a perfect record? No.. If I was ever caught for half of the shit I've done in my mischievious days I'd be rotting away for at least 20 years. I see other people's mistakes and I learn from them. I've been told by some of my friends from the south side of Chicago that I've got more street smarts than most people on 95th. Not to sound like a conceited asshole but not many people from Cornfield, USA can say that. And it does take a certain something to be able to go in the middle of a project to get dope when you're the only white boy for miles, in gang territory, in a particular area that's known to have been the demise of many white people before me.

As I type this I have to say I'm getting more and more convinced that I probably won't even touch heroin again, anyways.. As of right now, this moment I have no desire to get any, and I'm also making a life changing decision by joining the military. I've done a lot of shit in my life I'm not proud of. And it was fun while it lasted but I know that it's time to grow up. I've kept my shit straight for this long and I intend to keep it that way. I've worked hard for what I have and I'll be damned if I'm going to throw it all away to a drug. I'm not exactly proud to have ever messed with heroin, truthfully. All I'm saying is - not everyone is the same. Some people know when to walk away and some people don't. I've always known when to fold my hand.

I know what you're doing, and I do appreciate the concern, I really do. But I have to ask you to trust me and know that I will always use my best judgement. I just wanted to express that my fun and games with heroin were just that, and while I was considering just walking away from it in the first place, typing all of this out is kind of like a reflection for me which further convinces me that I'm just done with it. I just don't want to be tought of as a junkhead because believe me I know better than to go to that level. I've played with fire since I was a kid and I've just been smart enough, or maybe, just maybe, lucky enough, to not get burned. One thing is for sure, I will never touch another illicit drug again once I'm in the military. I just wanted to have fun and experience some things before I went. But, I'm folding my hand and calling it quits because it's time to move on. Time I get started with my future.

Just wanted to say all that so everybody can see a little better into who I am. I've always been the guy sitting by himself at parties just watching everyone else, in a manner of speaking. Learning from other people, and their mistakes. And I always take anyone's advice into consideration, using my own judgement. I've done pretty damn well for myself so far. Now I'm going to show the world how far I can go with my judgement by doing something for the better, not just for myself.

I was glad to read this post and hope that you work things out.

and I wasent trying to tear you a new one, really.

But I WAS trying to speak some basic truth that I hoped might connect with you a bit.

your smart, you've allready seen enough to know better, and I wish that alone was enough to kick with but often its not because addiction and logic do not walk side by side.

one thing about the military and I'll let this go: its there too. you wil even find the druggies side of twon in on post housing. its all there. And this is anywhere in the world where you may be stationed. So be wise.

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Damn you're tearin me a new one lol..

I know all about the dopesick thing, I've seen my friends do entire bags and not get high but "feel better", it's sad. And everything you've said is true for the most part. I have thought about that, actually. Asked myself if I'd be in trouble if I was living in Detroit or Chicago, and, yeah, I could be.

My friend Amy, who is now living in Mexico, is a good example of why I respect the smack. She's had a dope habit for 3 years now.. She's not living in Mexico by choice, but to get out of some legal shit. It's pretty much destroyed her life. She's become a dope-whore so to speak. She told one of my other friend's she "knows where she can get a couple bags from some guy for free, all you have to do is drop her off for a little while" ... ... Or the times she's stolen radios from cars because she knows a guy who will give her a bag for a radio..

As far as getting xanax, I was just told by friends that it helps dope sickness and I tried them (honestly) for the first time when I first experienced dope-sickness, because my best friend's nephew has a prescription for xanax, seroquel, etc for his sleeping problems, so he gave me a miligram of xanax to make me feel better.

Then of course there's the 3 friends I've seen buried because of the shit. All have their own long stories but in the end it comes down to the fact that they were conquered by a drug. Or this guy named Dave who lives in Hammond who I met through a friend. He's been an addict for years. He's like 38 or so, but you'd swear he was 58 because the junk has aged him so much. The ridiculous track marks all over his legs and upper arms and chest.. His disgustingly malnourished, almost anorexic looking body..

You think all this doesn't scare the shit out of me? You're wrong if you do.. I know I'm playing a dangerous game every time I do it. After I felt just a small taste of what dopesick is, nothing even scalable compared to what some of my friends experienced, I got even more careful.

No, I'd rather live my life normally like everybody else. I don't want to steal things to get high, I don't want to do whatever I have to do to get high. For me, it's just a once in a while thing. I don't really have an addictive personality. I smoke cigarettes, and to be honest, that addiction started out as "just a once in a while thing", but I didn't know anyone who has lung cancer or died from lung cancer, so I didn't have this first hand experience with the effects of smoking. Nothing to scare me. Both of my parents smoked for 20 years + by the time I had started, they were fine.. Now I turn around and all of the sudden I've been smoking for about 5 years solid. Which I would like to mention I quit smoking 2 weeks ago no problem, no desire to pick it up again, and I'm feeling better already, which is good because I quit to have my lung capacity back and I'll need it.

I have a very observant personality. Always have. I've always been into history. I've had the saying "If we don't learn our history we are doomed to repeat it" in my head since I was a little kid. I observe things, a lot. It's the reason why I've kept my ass out of jail for 22 years. I have a perfect record, save a couple of speeding tickets. Do I "really" have a perfect record? No.. If I was ever caught for half of the shit I've done in my mischievious days I'd be rotting away for at least 20 years. I see other people's mistakes and I learn from them. I've been told by some of my friends from the south side of Chicago that I've got more street smarts than most people on 95th. Not to sound like a conceited asshole but not many people from Cornfield, USA can say that. And it does take a certain something to be able to go in the middle of a project to get dope when you're the only white boy for miles, in gang territory, in a particular area that's known to have been the demise of many white people before me.

As I type this I have to say I'm getting more and more convinced that I probably won't even touch heroin again, anyways.. As of right now, this moment I have no desire to get any, and I'm also making a life changing decision by joining the military. I've done a lot of shit in my life I'm not proud of. And it was fun while it lasted but I know that it's time to grow up. I've kept my shit straight for this long and I intend to keep it that way. I've worked hard for what I have and I'll be damned if I'm going to throw it all away to a drug. I'm not exactly proud to have ever messed with heroin, truthfully. All I'm saying is - not everyone is the same. Some people know when to walk away and some people don't. I've always known when to fold my hand.

I know what you're doing, and I do appreciate the concern, I really do. But I have to ask you to trust me and know that I will always use my best judgement. I just wanted to express that my fun and games with heroin were just that, and while I was considering just walking away from it in the first place, typing all of this out is kind of like a reflection for me which further convinces me that I'm just done with it. I just don't want to be tought of as a junkhead because believe me I know better than to go to that level. I've played with fire since I was a kid and I've just been smart enough, or maybe, just maybe, lucky enough, to not get burned. One thing is for sure, I will never touch another illicit drug again once I'm in the military. I just wanted to have fun and experience some things before I went. But, I'm folding my hand and calling it quits because it's time to move on. Time I get started with my future.

Just wanted to say all that so everybody can see a little better into who I am. I've always been the guy sitting by himself at parties just watching everyone else, in a manner of speaking. Learning from other people, and their mistakes. And I always take anyone's advice into consideration, using my own judgement. I've done pretty damn well for myself so far. Now I'm going to show the world how far I can go with my judgement by doing something for the better, not just for myself.


Very well said,I myself sometimes have the urge to go back,just because of the euphoric effects it does,but I have to stay away,due to health issues.Considering it has been just over 10 years since my brother inlaw died from a speedball dose(heroine/coke mix) and was found dead at around 4 pm.

never did heroine and never will,but I unfortunately found out a couple of months ago my sister has been

doing cocaine here and there,and I know that her line of work and the people she hangs out with have alot to do with it.I always thought she would have quit it since her husbands death.

I have been thinking of letting my mom know about this,but it might cause a shitload of drama that won't go away for awhile.

I just hope I don't get a call from some hospital and finding out the worst.

I have stayed away from this shit for 4 and a half years,and hope to for life,occasional joint once in a while is OK.If I need energy,I just drink Monster energy drinks thats it.nough said

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Share your experiences,(for those who did the drug.)

Ive done it more than a few times, but less than a lot. the first time i ever did it was about 3 years ago with a "brother figure type" at a really great party. he started me out small and by the end of the night i was "a big girl" (this was a very long party). i would have to say that out of all the drugs ive done (which is limited mind you) this is my favorite, because i enjoy how i feel on it. i never once saw myself as beeing addicted to it because at any moment i could never have it again and it wouldnt affect me, so i dont agree that doing it every now and then makes it a life style. i think the fact that ive seen what it can do to people helps out with this a lot tho.

It all depends on 3 things: Set (your mindset going in). Setting (your surroundings and the people you're with), and dosage.

i totally agree with this 100%. i was already in a good mindset with it all because of who i was with, the place i was at was a place that i had been many times and felt totally safe in, and the person i did it with was a good regulator for me.

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Guest Game of Chance

i totally agree with this 100%. i was already in a good mindset with it all because of who i was with, the place i was at was a place that i had been many times and felt totally safe in, and the person i did it with was a good regulator for me.

Right on. I didn't make it up. Leary did.

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    • No, especially now that you told me to.   I've been done for a while anyway.  Also healthcare is a joke and I just refuse to play that game. This is my form of "quiet quitting."
    • I'm not a doctor but that sounds like a major gastrointestinal problem and is one of this things that basically everyone says to get checked out immediately.   I don't know where you live but I will drag you kicking and screaming to get it checked if you don't go soon. If you die on us, I will dig up your grave and kill you a second time. Take it seriously.
    • I'm sorry they suck so hard.  I'm also sorry to say that it's very likely because of how you look with all the tattoos, piercings, garb, and whatnot.  They probably thought you were there for drugs especially if there isn't anything obviously wrong (and if there was something obviously wrong like a lead pipe sticking out of your leg they might think you did that to yourself just to get drugs.) But admittedly they're a bit jaded because SO MANY people do go actually just trying to score drugs. My mother was in constant pain the last ten years of her life, and even more when the cancer showed up.  She said it was the worst pain of her life.   Pain management is a fucking joke that just isn't  and never has been funny, but they keep telling it anyway. They also can tend to be super judgy on top of the general distrust because it's a religious hospital network.  I think we're lucky they're not still trying to use leeches at this point.     You should have sued their asses.  At least it didn't diminish her quality of life longterm.   Doctors are arrogant assholes too and think that the patient doesn't know shit.  While I admit that not having seven years of medical training doesn't make us regular plebs as qualified, no one knows what's going on with the patients own body quite like the patient.  The patient (or guardian) should always be informed and involved with what their medical team is doing.   There needs to be some type of legal medical bracelet that basically says "this person has a guardian and if you do anything without their  consent they will sue the everloving shit out of you."     All that said, I should probably go see someone about this blood I'm shitting.  But I really don't want to deal with them that much (also the lack of medical insurance doesn't help either.) On the plus side if I do die then it's not my problem anymore so I don't have to worry about it!
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