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DJ Nocker

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Everything posted by DJ Nocker

  1. Try and head out to a something cold event when I DJ, I play lots of weird noise and old industrial/power electronic.
  2. Love the little docu. I am a huge noise addict.
  3. Oh im not saying they shouldnt be able to do it, im just saying that when there are threads like that on a goth board, I have no desire in reading or posting in them. And those threads seem to get the most traffic, which makes me sad, but what can you do. And you know when I say censoring, im talking about when people say negative things, not sexual censoring. AS for little censoring, thats your opinion and I will fight to the death your right to speak it, although I will say you are wrong. And the things you do or do not censor are very bias. We both know that to be true.
  4. Most high activity forums have little to no censoring, or are about a topic that is constantly having new things to talk about, for instance, a forum about movies, or 4chan or redit. You can only ask what the best goth band is so many times before people just ignore the post. And wtf, no personal story is true? That doesnt make much sense. The main reason I stick on the board is to promote the scene, or in hopes of finding a young would be goth/rivethead and teaching them the ways before they turn into and idiot (just ask Eevee). I hate City Club with a passion, as do alot of people, and since your main meet up is at city, and no where else accept maybe once or twice a year, it makes it hard for alot of people to connect to this forum. I could care less if someone is currently horny. I care about the music, which is really what the scene is about. When someone like say, DJ Saint posts a great write up about an up and coming industrial band and gets maybe 2 posts (usually from other DJ's, meanwhile the "what have you masturbated with today"thread gets 6 new hits, it makes you wonder. I will still post hear and when I see a DGNer I will be happy to say hi, but its pretty obvious why things are a little slow around here.
  5. There isnt one, because as A DJ it is my job to show everyone all the music I find to be worth listening to, so they have already heard it. Your favorite Neofolk band (assuming you have one).
  6. That and if someone posts something that isnt gum drops and sugar cookies it gets erased
  7. Even though I am usually on of the top posters on the board, the main reason I dont post as much is because most of the people on this board just right me off as a troll. I will post, but usually its only about a DJ event/concert I am participating in, or a music thread that Phee starts, because me and him seem to have alot in common. I think I started loosing faith when I saw that a thread for for the new "Sound Garden" album had more hits than the new "Alien Sex Fiend". There isnt a goth scene any more and most of the industrial scene is stuck in the past. Although I have made several very good friends via DGN, which is probably why I post. I probably would not have started DJing either. Just wish that there were more people in this city that shared my opinions.
  8. High Pitched, Jacob Bannon (Converge) Low Pitched Growls, Jonny Davy (Job For A Cowboy) A song you NEVER get sick of.
  9. It would depends entirely on the genre. Your favorite "mainstream" band
  10. look up images of "Johnny Slut" AS for the driving one, lame as it is...Drive by A23 A band you only listen to in solitude.
  11. Chrome by VnV Nation. The album wasnt perfect by any means, but god that song was so over played I can barley listen to ANY vnv now. Which goth/punk band had the best mo/deathawk
  12. "mother ive tried please belive me, im doing the best that I can, Im ashamed of the things Ive been put through, Im ashamed of the person I am." "Isolation" by Joy Division Whats your least favorite synthpop band.
  13. SEAL Who has made the best RECENT Goth Track?
  14. Choking someone to death, slowly. Your Favorite Christian Death clone? (combo breaker)
  15. I payed around 100 for the Alien Sex Fiend/Specimen show that was supposed to happen at St. ANdrews a couple years ago, until it got cancelled and I got my money back, but that included back stage passes and a bunch of other shit, and it was also ALIEN SEX FIEND AND SPECIMEN....But you kids probably dont like them...being batcave and all.. actually even that I think was about 85.
  16. LoL... Or you could just ask me
  17. Psh, rapesploitation and sexsploitation are basically the same thing, one just has more sounds in the background.
  18. Uuuugh My work internet blocks i, I will check when I get home..
  19. So Sexploitation is just awful but blacksploitation is totally legit eh?
  20. I really need to think of a way to incorporate these giant light bulbs I was given... maybe a steam punk ghostbuster pack or something...
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