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DJ Nocker

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Everything posted by DJ Nocker

  1. The Blood Brothers- Rats and Rats and Rats for Candy
  2. Love Helena to death but no City Club events for me, hopefully she will have another that me and the lady can go to.
  3. Chances are I will be going. Dunno what im going to dress as this time though...
  4. Raison D'ĂȘtre Atrium Carceri Anenzephalia to name a few...
  5. Was a great night and a great crowd, thanks to everyone who came out, and thanks to those who made it out on previous occasions but couldn't make it to the last one, you were part of something fun, different, and special, more to come at a latter date It was a great experience and several new friends and connections were made because of it.
  6. I can tolerate some "Japanoise" stuff but thats about it, even then its mostly because my girlfriend enjoys it. Although "Merzbow" is awesome.
  7. I played Autumn once on a Wednesday, good band. If I ever do another "goth proper" night, it will be at a lounge or coffee shop, people just dont dance to it anymore, because they suck.
  8. Dark Ambient and Death Industrial along with alot of Power Electronic are lumped in together
  9. Tonight will be fun, I look forward to it. Looking back on what wee have done with Wednesdays makes me happy, Ive made new friends and introduced people to new music, as well as had people compliment my ability to actually mix music. I cant ask for much else. Haters gonna hate (you know who you are) and I couldnt care less.
  10. My friend kelly told me about this night! hope it goes well, I may try to make the hike out some time!
  11. Agreed! even though a couple of the regulars didnt show, it was great! I had tons of fun!
  12. I am excited for tonight, should be fun, as always. And they lights should be up and running as well!
  13. You should!, also pretty funny that we both ended with Alien.
  14. I finished on time, posted ful list in winners lounge and will review as the day goes on.
  15. Well, I made it, hooray! I wonder if anyone else aside from me and killyosaur made it! and now...for reviews (Reviews will be edited through out the day, I dont have time to do it all at once)! FTV's will have longer reviews than previously watched, since ive reviewed those movies a million times, lol. WARNING MINOR SPOILERS 1-Blood Creek- An interesting horror movie about Nazi's and the occult. I was surprised to say that I kind of enjoyed this one, The make up was good, as well was the acting. The plot was very different but also made it a little less believable (even for a horror movie) I wouldn't buy the movie, but I would watch it again. 2- Evil Dead- Michigan born baby! a classic B-movie with Bruce Campbell about demons in a cabin. The first of 3, this one actualyl was trying to be scary where as the other 2 leaned more to comedy, which is still good. If you havent already seen this, go rent all 3. 3-A Haunting in Connecticut- Once again, another movie that proves PG-13 horror SUCKS! The ghosts looked cool, but it was one of those movies with a bunch of lame pop out scares where NOTHING HAPPEND! Id pass on this one. /grumpyface. 4-La Horde- VIVA LA FRANCE! Once again prooving french horror is THE BEST! This awesome, action horror of zombie splatter goodness was probably my favorite FTV of the month, if you can handle subtitles, PLZ give this one a chance, it has gore, good acting, and laughs! 5-Scream 2 6-Scream 3 7-Nightmares in Red, White and Blue: The Evolution of the American Horror Film 8- Night of the Living Dead 9-In the Mouth of Madness 10-Priest 11- The Howling 12- Wrong Turn 13- Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon 14- Troll Hunter 15- The Exorcism of Emily Rose 16- Event Horizon 17- Flight of the Living Dead: Outbreak On A Plane 18- Fright Night (original) 19- Henry: Portrait of A Serial Killer 20- The Ward 21- Vampyr (1932) 22- Dolls 23- His Name Was Jason: 30 Years of Friday the 13th 24- The Hills Have Eyes (2006) 25- Insidious 26- Basket Case 27- Evil Dead 2 28- Re-Animator 29- An American Werewolf In London 30- Dawn of the Dead (original) 31- Inferno 32- Alien All in all, 17 FTV and 32 movies total. Was fun!
  16. its not over yet... and the challenge goes on until the morning ofnovember 1st since alot of people have marathons on halloween, and ending at midnight messes that up
  17. dont know who you are but as far as clubs go, necto will be the place to be tonight.
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