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Everything posted by 0pheliA

  1. As a kid (80s) I used to make my own Transformers out of Lego. One of my callcenter jobs I collected a fair sized tub of lego to play with at work (night shift) Other employees didn't like the noise when I dug for parts, but fuck them I made Blitzwing!!!!
  2. First, theme music http://soundcloud.com/miss-ophelia/pong-hard-mode Rules are simple If someone posts Ping, you post Pong (and vice versa) You lose if you post wrong (ie You post Pong and the last post was Pong. This happens often if someone posts as you are. More people playing the better this game gets. You can add a tally in your sig if you wish indicating how many people you have knocked out of Pong, or how often you have lost. You can be creative and elaborate your moves. *0pheliA digs deep inside her backpack. The sound of devices of debauchery jingling together as searches around in the nether regions of her little bag, until eventually a tint metal disk is procured with her fingertips. She slides it gingerly into the antiquated piece of computer hardware and presses the start button.* PING!!!
  3. I was actually going to mention something about them being on their death throws. When a movement is struggling the most is when the loudest most absurd (ie crazy) voices tend to come out and take the reigns. They start using the most questionable tactics in a mad fight to gain ground they have lost. As messed up as the world seems now, I am very happy to be a part of it. We are in a time of great historical importance, because a great shift is taking place. In terms of politics, religion, social progress, etc. I just hope some of the more important changes (such as environmental issues) can change fast enough.
  4. I'd use the money to have myself permanently committed and medicated, because apparently I thought buying a lottery ticket was sensible. Actually I do buy about $50 worth about once a year. Not because I want to win, but because in Canada lotteries partially fund education. So I basically make sure I donate at least an extra $50 to the educational system a year. If I did win, I'd open my club.
  5. I was not calling anyone an idiot, though I can see how it could be inferred. I was quoting an imaginary person that would represent a good chunk of society. I apologize for the misunderstanding though. I often say "It is ironic to see conservatives fight tooth and nail to preserve traditions that liberal minded had to fight to teach them in the first place." The world needs a balance of liberal and conservative minded people to keep each other in check. That is where progress comes from. However when one side starts fighting to move backwards, there is a serious failure. We also seem to live in a time where the Right can flat out state the things that were until now seen as conspiracy theory in their political speeches and agendas. As example ; By the next election after this one, we could see bumper stickers saying things like "Fuck Women, not like they are real people anyways."
  6. I find El Dorado in almost every game of Civ 5 I play. Is actually a gestalt personality formed from the lost hope and dreams of young catholic choir boys.
  7. Ophelia also happens to be my middle name in rl. I chose it myself as a homage to Shakespeare, reference to her madness, and the name also means hope. I think you and I are going to get along very well. I used to play MTG for a long time. Fallen Empires through to Lorwyn. Combination of having a lot of power vintage cards stolen as well as a serious dumbing down of the rules made me quit. I started playing MTG Tactics shortly after that came out. Fun game.
  8. I've been dying to put together and gm a dice and paper game for ages. As for computer games; i prefer fighting games, strategy games and RPGs. Not much a fan of MMORPGS because they are more squad games than role playing, though I have been playing DDO with a friend recently and enjoy it. It is very solid for allowing free character design and role-play.
  9. I was overall very pleased with the original. I had no real complaints aside from excessive lensflare. Time Travel defines Trek more than people realize. Not only is it a constant in every series, it is the glue that holds canon together. It is why canon can have all the holes and contradictions it does. Think for often the crew on screen falls prey to some sort of temporal issue, now multiply that by the number of starships in the universe. Even if only 1/100 ships run in to some sort of temporal issue in their entire lifespan, that is still reality redefining itself daily. Red Matter gets jumped on, however I see it as a way to stabilize Omega Particles. Something which is already well defined in canon. Destroying Vulcan is something I am actually fine with. It takes a character we know and which is well defined already and throws a huge monkey-wrench into their potential character development. A massive one. Kirk being field promoted so early and it sticking actually makes sense in canon as well. Pike seemed to have some sort of insight implied but not stated. Add in to that Spock-Prime. I am pretty sure the two combined would make it very clear that it is in Starfleet's best interest that he be Captain. Also, it is an accepted part of canon that the universe itself has plans for him. Reading the prequel comics also clears up a lot that was not in the movie. Only thing that really stands out is Chekov being older in this universe. And Scotty's mini-me is just horrible. Using Kahn as a movie villain would be a bad move. It would be rehash and lazy writing. After going to so much length to create a fresh start, immediately jumping in to a defined character like Khan in the second film would be a waste of it all. Someone like Mudd as a minor character would work fine, though. *Trekkie*
  10. Only books I have with me and am reading currently are the ones I took with me for the trainride when I moved to Windsor. Had to leave all my others behind. The End of Faith ; Sam Harris Kraftwerk : I Was a Robot ; Wolfgang Flür
  11. And Troy, i would like to help out with the forum/community any way possible. Financial is not quite possible at the moment as I am between jobs, however anything you could need feel free to ask. I am very passionate about rebuilding Goth culture back to its rightful place.
  12. The DGN (welcome) Questions 2.1 ™ © Formerly the "S.D.G.N.W.Q.P.S." The Standard Detroit Gothic . Net Welcome Questions Polls and Suggestions 1.7b Feel free to ignore anything you feel uncomfortable sharing, dont have the energy for or have covered already. We are just friendly, if a bit nosey. And we ask these same questions fairly often as you may have noticed. Current location? Futon Where from? Originally BC, Recently Kingston Gender? Female (MtF) Work? Zilch at moment School? Thanks for all the fish Kids? 1, I miss him :( Married? No Single? Clones tend to degenerate really fast, so not plural at the moment Hobbies? Music, Debate, Theological History, Classic Sci Fi, Gaming, Poetry, Debauchery, Food Nerd How Did You Find / hear about DGN? Google How did you pick your DGN name? It is my DJ name Other Stuff? See first post Additional ideas / questions: What is the sound of a single hand fisting? Add yourself to the DGN member map! If you live close enough, are old enough (18+ for City Club) and/or are ever in town you may want to check out: "DGN Night" Or you can find out about other events near your area with the The Events Calender Some folk also enjoy our random pot of: Quizzes & Polls ! How did you hear about DGN? Poll And we can always use help finding new friendly people. Help us out and drag em on over! If you have a website / personal journal link to us! http://www.facebook.com/Miss.Ophelia
  13. The change is in how the Pro-Life movement is presenting its side. Calling itself Pro-Life in the first place is already standard practice of the Right to label things in a way that make you feel guilty to not agree with ; take a look at their history of policies. Don't Ask Don't Tell just being an example, sounds progressive and inclusive and isn't. Patriot Act. No Child Left Behind. Pro-Life screams "if you aren't Pro-Life, you are Pro-Death." And the big difference is now that idea is being screamed over the airwaves instead of just inferred. The Right has been getting progressively more aggressive with all its policies in this way. It is winning on some things, losing on others. They are losing the gay fight, winning the war on women. Though once some voters on the right realize "hey this moron wants to ban birth control and condoms, what is wrong with this idiot?", then the Right will lose its voice.
  14. Hello all I just recently moved to Windsor. Checking to see what the scene is like. I DJ online and produce my own music ; I am looking in to opening a Goth/Industrial Pub/Club here in Windsor. We seem oddly under-represented on this side of the boarder, and with the lower drinking age here I think at least some of the Detroit community would appreciate somewhere to go. I am thinking of starting small with a pub open 7 days a week, and hope to add a dance floor for weekends. I am looking into Entrepreneurship programs here in Windsor since they give me time to plan, access to resources while putting a business plan together, and usually end in a grant to start your business. I appreciate feedback, ideas, and new friends in the area. To add some information on myself ; I am 37 as of the 2nd of July, and am Transgender. I am a huge music nerd ; I appreciate something from just about every genre and love blending styles together. Personal favorites of mine are ; Post Punk/Goth/New Wave/Synth, Early experimental Industrial and EBM and Electronica, Modern EBM, Aggrotech, Electro, DnB/Techstep/Darkstep/Skullstep, 80s/90s Hip Hop, Industrial Hip Hop (Saul Williams.) I love Sushi and Sashimi, my personal favorite foods. Would love to find a way to put a Goth spin on Sushi for some dishes in my Pub potentially. Make the place a unique experience. I write ; have some novels in the works that I just cant get around to finishing, poetry, songs, articles. I love debate. I am a whore for information. I just cannot learn enough. I value creativity, uniqueness, honesty, brilliance. Look forward to meeting some great people here in Windsor/Detroit. Thank you.
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