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Everything posted by 0pheliA

  1. Its kinda like the comparison between you and I. You are badass but lazy, I'm brilliant and dynamic!
  2. His name is Mycroft. Named after the computer in Heinlein's "The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress", which is itself named after Sherlock Holmes brother.
  3. Indeed. Having an abortion is a very difficult choice, it should not be a get out of jail free card. There has to be something seriously broken with someone to take such a choice that lightly.
  4. Yes!!!! Wintermute :D ty How did I forget Neuromancer? I was just suggesting the Sprawl books to a friend yesterday O_o Bad Opie! BAD *flogs herself*
  5. Colossus is actually one I had on a backburner for my next desktop. M5 is suitably nerdy and tempting
  6. You know, the number of people I have met who were Pro-Life until suddenly it impacted their life is absurd. Just last summer I had a friend of mine who was Pro-Life and outspoken on it the entire time I knew her (8 years) suddenly in a situation where a random fling she had with the custodian at the mental hospital she was in (she was lonely, so I don't blame her for it) resulted in a pregnancy. Suddenly shes asking me about abortions. She is Pro-Choice now. I've had friends whom their pro-life parents suddenly started suggesting they aborted. This actually happens a great deal. I've (scarily enough) had friends have abortions, and continue to be pro-life afterwards. People like that don't generally remain friends long. >.>
  7. I am heading out to pick up a new machine (Laptop. 17.3" Quad Core) I always name my computers after fictional computers, trying to figure out a name for it. Current Laptop is Mycroft Previous was Synergy All my Desktops have been iterations of Teletran Considering Holly, but unsure. Anyone have any other suggestions. Purposefully avoiding Hal.
  8. Any first date that involves purposefully ignoring your date for an hour or more is just a bad idea. You are basically saying "I am so uninteresting, I am going to let the movie seduce you." Even when you interact after, it is after a few hours of emotional buildup from either a good or a bad movie/play/concert.
  9. Been single for a few years. I am not the sort that needs to define myself by another's attention, but am reaching the point where I would like to have someone to share all that is good in my life with daily and vice versa.
  10. This is also a very valid concern
  11. My only concern is that things like this tend to be rather hetero-centric. How do those of us with either non-standard genders or non-standard sexualities fit in? I suggest those involved fill out info before hand regarding sexuality and gender. What is your gender Male Female FtM (Born female, identify as male) MtF (Born male, identify as female) Neutral gender identity, born male Neutral gender identity, born female Which of the following would you consider yourself attracted to? Male Female FtM (Born female, identify as male) MtF (Born male, identify as female) Neutral gender identity, born male Neutral gender identity, born female Preferred sexual role Strict Top Strict Bottom Switch Top with men, bottom with women Bottom with men, top with women Top with men, switch with women Switch with men, bottom with women Bottom with men, Switch with women This will take a bit more organizing between speed dates. You could make things easier simply by printing this info on people's name tag, to save confusion when mismatched dates happen.
  12. Thanks for the welcome

  13. If you actually are interested in a debate on DADT policy, I would be glad to debate in another thread. For now though this thread is about abortion and public opinion. To save derailing the thread, I have nothing more to say here that isn't on that issue.
  14. Basically DADT was a shell-game to let them do what they did before while naming it something PC sounding. It leaves the military bound by the same rules as the rest of the country, which are covered by anti-discrimination laws in most states and growing. DADT allowed those laws to be ignored.
  15. You think removing DADT is a failure? You are right, it is none of the military's business who is gay. I think you misunderstand DADT. It wasn't about keeping people's lives private, it was a licence to attack and investigate them when that information was made public. It is an example of the name of a bill being the exact opposite of what the bill actually did, in an attempt to mislead.
  16. lol I'm fine you did. I appreciate the fan love. I've already spammed my soundcloud a few times, so just seeing it posted again was kind of funny.
  17. It is so his rimmers come back for seconds :D Instead of a teddybear, sleeps and cuddles with a sack of dead squirrels.
  18. Thank you for the shameless plug sweety. *checks her remote control and turns the Shame dial up past Catholic*
  19. Certainly there are other choices, and certainly the government has no place in abortion issues or marriage issues. However we have to work with what is presented to us. Whether we like it or not, the realistic choices are between A and B. Spread the word about C-Z, and vote for them when election time comes. However before voting day we need to debate A and B to help those who will only vote one or the other pick the least horrible of the two, and help those who are smarter not vote for them at all. We cannot just pretend they do not exist. The votes for independents has been growing, which is good. Attacking the Dems and Reps with derogatory actually has the opposite effect that you intend. As for thought crimes, if you are talking about hate crime legislation then we can have another debate later.
  20. I've also made quite a few Megatrons. His unique leg/waste/arm transformation always intrigued me.
  21. I've made countless Optimus Primes As a child I made all the Dinobots, Multiple Jetfires, a Starscream, various Gestalts (Combiners) of original design, a transforming USS Enterprise, a surprisingly accurate Bird of Prey model I kept together for ten years (I was that proud of it), various original designs for cars and jets and whatever that transformed, MASK Vehicles, and Star Wars vehicles. I also made transformers out of old betting slips when my Mom took me to the track.
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