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Queen of Foxes

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Everything posted by Queen of Foxes

  1. A good laugh before bed. Hearing Roger cry with laughter is soothing.
  2. I have a cuddly dog, watching a funny show, ready for bed. New work week tomorrow.
  3. Lilacs or Elizabeth Taylor white diamond. But smells make Roger's nose go nuts, so I tend to not wear it as much anymore.
  4. My favorite publishments. Yeah. I made it. I started out as a small town girl in Colon, then got to shoot in England which drove me even more passionate. From there, I was published in a few other goth mags, I'll post those later this year when I have time. But here are my top publishments. All I ever wanted. And that is what set me free and I began a new life. 


    And the best part is, I was able to keep myself goth. 



  5. Fantasy and Demon all the way. I like chains and spikes, and spiders, and snakes, and animal skulls, but also flowers and slight earth tones to pop my auburn red hair. Very elven. I never try to look like anyone but myself or a fantasy world character. I only have one life, I want to dress freely and open to how my artsy heart dances.
  6. Making chicken noodle soup. Foraged wild edible herbs to cook in it. Also sage from my garden.
  7. Recent picture I took for professional purposes. 31 now.
  8. A few friends hit me up and told me the guy who was creeping on me when I was under age is gone now. So I felt safe coming back after witnessing a few things. I'm not on here to talk ill, even if they did do something we all feel was incredibly messed up. But yeah. Figured I'd see what is happening. I have nothing to really interact about. No need to network anymore. I am just going to float around in and out of the shadows from my fox den.
  9. Living life. New me. Just want to make strides. I live another life in my dreams, it's weird.... But yeah. 

  10. You haven't heard of Deathrock and you're on a goth website??? Deathrock is the heart and soul of goth O.O

  11. To similar of names!!!!! Lol, Those are good bands. I mostly am around the Bauhaus, Alien sex fiend, Suixie and the Banshees (Spelled that wrong...not in the mood to correct). Deathrock, techno, industrial

  12. I know a lot of goths out west that have all the Deathrocker idea. Sadly they're not around here ;-; I hate it, I just want a relationship like Morticia and her husband, with a guy who knows how to rock life (And nights as well hehehehehe). But If I could find a guy with long black hair too, that would be an instant win. Sometimes I wish I was a guy so I could give girls like me a chance with this heart throb I speak of.
  13. A fish that targets men's "Man Hood". The Pacu fish isn't a native to America but has been caught and has struck here in and near michigan. It has human like teeth (Yes, it is real! It's a relative to the piranha Family (Derp, derp)) Just found out my brothers friend caught this fish in our lake too. Warnings on the radio when I was in detroit brought my attention to this. Sorry if this is already talked about, I searched and I didn't see anything about this. The link below will explain more about the recent strikes. Thank goth for pools! Direct link to the ad.
  14. Aww, thanks, Same here also for the new friends thing. I'm Nyxiin ^.^ Well Nyxiin the Vyxiin. So what are some of your favorite bands?

  15. Back...in the area of Kzoo...so..I'm looking for some awesome peeps to hang out with. Hit me up on here if you wouldn't mind hanging out sometime
  16. For hells sake I just want a Deathrocker, Deathhawk and all the sexy Winklpickers!!!! None around here though
  17. I am, Below my pic on my profiles "About me" is what I'm looking for. All I ask is for you to be 20-24
  18. I'm back in colon. My boyfriend said my lifes to stressful and started ignoring me through my relationship -.- He knew me for more then FIVE years, you'd think someone like that would realize my parents are crazy, but I'm not...sorry venting...
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