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Everything posted by Musashi

  1. I'm new to this thread, but I thought I might share what I'm currently doing/attempting along with some disciplinary advice. I had a workout routines thread going...but realized it was redundant and the topic was already covered here. So the workout I've adopted lately and decided to go far with, is actually martial arts training. One common misconception about martial arts training is that it's all about the techniques and fighting. This is really only about (at my early levels of experience) half of it. Warming up alone is in and of itself an intense workout. Not to mention the practice of various striking or even weapon techniques in addition to the rather intense warmup is a major workout. I don't necessarily do ALL of the workout every day or all at once, mostly due to my inability to wake up early in the day and my evening work schedule (I usually get up about 2:00 giving me time to do whatever before I work @ 5:00). Sometimes I'll squeeze in another full workout at night when I'm watching a movie or something as well (the twice a day workout still pretty much kills me, but man it feels good.) Obviously the during tv workout does not include running. So here's what I do: Before running I'll do some light stretching and between 75-150 jumping jacks depending how spry I'm feeling. I don't feel guilty about cutting a corner here or there because as a whole the workout will still be enough. After that tiny warmup, Sprint training for one mile (one mile is the goal. Right now on my first day I did a half mile. Don't bite off more than you can chew. I've always been in very poor cardio shape. However I quit cigarettes (but not weed, never weed. judge away on that drug snobs), andam feeling better than I ever have since I started exsersizing more. The sprint training starts out at a light jog, then you burst into 30 seconds of as-fast-as-you-fucking-can sprinting for 30 seconds, then bring it back to a light jog (or if you're just starting out like me a walk), then build it back up and repeat until you've covered your chosen running distance. Some stretching (always stretch!!! don't overdo it, but stretch often. Like twice a day do the full body range of stretches.) This includes neck, shoulders, arm swings, hip rotations, arm rotations, touching your toes (omg~ I actually can touch my toes now), "reach for the sky", side-to-side,the splits, toe touching while sitting, hurdlers, butterfly.... there might be a couple I'm forgetting. You get the idea. Full stretching. Then once I'm all limber, it's time to start the warmup...no, the running was not the warmup...yeah, it sucks. Squat thrusts with one pushup when you're legs are extended. These are BRUTAL. Remember to keep your core balanced and flexed or squat thrusts can murder your back. They are awesome cardio. After 20 I feel kinda like dying. Also they work many many areas of the body that might otherwise be overlooked and rejected. After squat thrusts I'm trying to do this bear crawl that I got from youtube. But mountain climbers are good for beginners. They're not by any means easy or fun. Or if you're feeling badass, you can do both. The bear crawl focuses on control, speed, and agility. Check it out. ....after that stuff.....ab workout. 20 crunches(give or take a couple) Go up all the way and hold for 2 seconds at the top on each one. Not all the way up like sit-up. Quality > quantity. 20 leg lifts. Laying on your back, have your legs extended all the way and SLOWLY lift them up vertically, then SLOWLY lower them. 20 or so Reverse crunches. Bubbly lady, but she shows a good technique. reverse crunches The 20 or so bicycle crunches. These are pretty rough. Basically crunches bring your right elbow to your left knee, the the opposite side, repeat. I hate these. They're hard. Now it's time for pushups. 10-20 Diamond pushups. Just form your index fingers and thumbs into a diamond shape and put it under your chest. Then do that as pushups. It's pretty hard, but very worth it. 3-5 Superman pushups each with a 30 second hold at the top. This is awesome for your core (abs and back.) Be very careful if you have lower back problems. The initial raise-up can be a shock to that area of your back if you're not prepared. Then as many regular pushups as I can do. That's the end of the warmup. Yeah. That was just the warmup. After a short water/meditation break. I practice a few different basic kick that I learned when taking martial arts classes. Roundhouse, sidekicks, snaps etc. If you decide to practice this stuff, remember that accuracy and form come BEFORE power and speed. Kicking down a door is not impressive if you also dislocate your leg and pull 12 muscles because you missed and hit the doorframe way too hard. I like to move around between kicks, punches, blocks and small combinations of the three. Like tae-bo with less repetition and more flow. When you know some steps and how to punch kick or block, you can string them together and not only get an awesome workout for both cardio and muscle, but it's lots of fun and even looks cool. The technique practice part of the workout lasts at least 20 minutes, but up to as long as you can go. I also do some training with a bokken (wooden samurai sword). It's a FAR better workout for the upper body than you might think. It's also great for cardio once you can swing without hurting yourself. If you practice properly with the correct stances and footwork it also promotes good posture and mental focus. I'm doing this workout 5 times a week. Not necessarily all at once or all 5 days in a row. Sometimes I'll skip a day and make it up later. Sometimes I'll do only the running and/or warmup during the day and then warmup and practice techniques late at night. Just always warmup before practicing techniques. At minumum the workout lasts 30-40 minutes if I'm hurrying through or cutting more corners than I should. But even then it's pretty intense. I've really only been doing this for a couple weeks and I'm already seeing noticeable results (I am, of course, biased on my progress, but still. I do already feel better.) Oce I'm mobile again, I'll be taking martial arts classes 2-4 times a week. I also want to incorporate some swimming (best excercise in the world) at least once a week and eventually once I've trimmed all my fat and am more agile, a fully body weight routine once a week. Of course that's all supplemental as the martial arts training will overshadow anything else aside from running I do. My ultimate goal (aside from being sexy, dangerous, getting laid once a year or so) is to get in proper shape to go here : Like...omg WOW Hopefully this helps some people. All I can really say is that if you want something badly enough, you'll get it. Whatever it takes.
  2. Looks like I may not be able to attend.......stupid work......and money...and automobiles.......bleh.
  3. Ahh, I see. I didn't know the original artist, just knew that Blutengel covered it.

  4. poke-poke.

    P.S. Nice Blutengel quote $$

  5. Man I wish I had access to a proper swimming pool. We might be getting a decent one this summer! *Fingers X'd* I've recently decided to take the martial arts thing up another (by another I really mean the first) step. I ordered a new bokken with saya (wooden sword and sheath) and am going to be practicing iaido along with some basic martial arts and sai until I get my wheels (a month or two). Then I will be taking actual Iaido and Jujutsu classes at a school relatively nearby. One year from now, I will be a sexy mofo! In 10 years....straight NiNjA!! My true goal is to be like this guy though....one day.....
  6. When you move into a place and pay rent, that entitles you to certain things. Not the least of which is the right to have company. Nevermind the whole relationship/friendship thing. A person has a right to have a place where they feel safe and comfortable. Anyone who infringes upon that is simply wrong. A girlfriend may have a right to an opinion on "who" you have over, but that, obviously is neither here nor there. If she's not your girlfriend, she has no right. Plain and simple. It's good she saw her folly and apologized. Hopefully she will have learned a lesson and it won't be an issue any longer.
  7. Favorite characters...as a kid Luke was my hero. He had dreams. He rose to the challenge. He had his hand cut off and accepted that he had to fight his father. He was a whiny douche for a minute, but ended as a hardcore wise badass Jedi effin Knight! Just a great protagonist for anyone to admire. Favorite villain is most definitely Vader. Plus he was played by James Earl Jones. That's like black Patrick Stewart IMO. Favorite movie = Return of the Jedi. But honestly I hate having to decide on the first the movies. As a trilogy it was just beyond epic and for it's time was more than simply groundbreaking. On a little side note, favorite "catchy" character = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYVppDpn7Rk
  8. One of these days I'll meet that (those) challenge(s). I have some great memories of the crew sitting around gettin drunk playin tekken 3. Good times had by all! Maybe I'll buy 6 again for 360 (sadly I sold it for crack (aka other games). Had no one to play it with at the time and it gets boring by oneself.
  9. My tag is "Mallious". I don't currently have MW2 but I may get it or borderlands or something if enough cool people want to get down. I hate xbox's voicechat, but hey. I'm also into tekken, and pretty much anything I can have fun and some laughs with.
  10. Damn what a bummer :( Many condolences.
  11. I've always said I'd love to go exploring really old abandoned buildings. However I would want to go: A) During the day. At the very least not at 3am. There is nothing more frightening than man at his worst. B) With formidable numbers. Going into a place like that alone isn't just scary. It's dumb. Real dumb. There may be no one there. There may be a shady laboratory with scientists that are not happy to see you. C) Armed. Maybe not packin heat, but definitely not strictly bare hands. Just some thoughts. But seriously I would totally go if it happens. Also while I'm on the topic, what's that humongolous abandoned factory right along the lodge near I-75? I oggle it every time I ride out to City.
  12. Single. Not really "looking" at the moment. Dating just seems so forced. That could just be because I'm not real good at it. I'm actually pretty shy. I can be real cool when I'm comfortable, but sometimes it just takes me too long to get there. It's all good though. No rush. Candyman has the right idea. We should aim to perfect ourselves before inflicting ourselves upon another person. Of course now that I'm the ONLY one of my close friends that is still single.....I get kinda bored at group picnics. Just sayin.
  13. Very restless and stir crazy. Hate my job. Hate my coworkers. WTB social life. Paying phat goldz. On the other side, feeling good about staying the course. My problems may be a ways off from being fixed, but the end is now in sight. Also feeling my my physical efforts are starting to pay off and that I look better than I have in a long time (if ever). Now I just need to hoard some cash to get some new power ranger costumes (clothes).
  14. Wow, that's a tough one. I mean Skeletor ALWAYS loses, but no one ever dies..... Gonna have to go with Skeletor still though. Big sword and snake mountain is just all win. Strawberry Shortcake vs. Rainbow Bright
  15. There is some validity here for sure. The gamer girls say they're out there, but hey, I also heard that snow leopard's hunt mountain goats. Even though the kill has never actually been caught on film (that I know of). Analogies are fun. Also, I'm not awesome at first person shooter games, but I'll pwn all of you at Tekken 6!! Ya that's right right. The gauntlet has been dropped.
  16. Hey, I'm happy with them simply not laughing and running out of the room when I mention an Xbox while smiling nostalgically. I mean sure, it'd be great to sit down and experience a badass video game that has a kickass story with a girl. Baby steps though. Baby steps.
  17. Well I was going to nominate one or two people.....but once I saw Clover was in on this, I realized there would be no point. The contest is already over.
  18. And here I thought the Barbie Dolls had destroyed the last of the remaining "Girls that don't make me want to hang myself by speaking to me" (title pending) in the Douchebag Rebellions of the early 20XX's! Yay they do exist! Just to clarify: I love girls that can appreciate being shown/told about interesting and cool stuff. Tyger and Eevee, girls like you give nerdy dudes around the world hope for the future. P.S. Anime and foreign culture in general also rocks~
  19. Right at this moment I really hate my job............I'll be with you guys in spirit
  20. Feelin' pretty good. If a bit restless. Kinda feel like doing something. But Monday disagrees. Also feeling that if my work schedule doesn't change soon I could set the building on fire.
  21. Happy b-day hotpants!

  22. "Marvin puts on his robe and Wizard Hat."
  23. Yay! Dinnerplates for the win!

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