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Everything posted by Musashi

  1. I know I'm going and Shaun is going. If anyone else is going, feel free to say hi! If you don't know me (you don't) I have short dark hair and will be wearing a black tank top with chains on my wrists and neck. Haven't been out in a while and everyone but shaun bailed on me tonight. See you guys there!
  2. So from Sunday to thursday, I clocked in 17-18 hours of training/martial arts practice. Including weight training, ab work and stretching too. Lots of falling this week too. I'm way tired and sore, but man I'm so happy that I stuck to it and didn't wimp out. Had a great training week! Now it's time for CC tonight!
  3. Remember to tuck your chin! Falling is very technical in and of itself and takes a lot of practice to fall well. I myself am pretty bad at falling as well. Back falls arent so bad as I can break it and roll with the momentum a bit. Certain falls like from hagoshi or anything involving hard impact on the shoulders kinda scare me. It's how I injured my shoulder recently that took almost 8 weeks to heal. My shoulder has healed sufficiently so that I have started weight training again after about 2 months off of it. Have been focused on cardio, flexibility and technique mostly. Now my training schedule looks like: morning = abs, flexibility, form, combo and technique practice (forms are AWESOME cardio) 5-7 days per week. Comes out to about 1-1.5 hours before breakfast. Moday and wednesday = Morning stuff plus 1 hour tai chi, 2 hours kung fu in the dojo. Tuesday and Thursday = morning stuff plus 1 hour kung fu, 1 hour brazilian jiu jitsu, plus some other random practice, varying depending on my energy level. at minumum some tai chi. Really starting to get into this stuff now. I just wish I knew how bruce lee or even these mma guys bodies can handle all that punishment. I can handle a fair amount of exercise and punishment. I'm no slouch. But man have I been getting worn out. Not the tired from the day kind, but the been a long week and might be down a couple days to recover. Wish I knew how to get over this hump. I guess less days off and more active recovery (i.e. hot baths, stretching, water etc.)? Martial arts is such hard work, but now that I'm actually starting to gain some actual skill, I only want to step it up. Just have to convince my body that it's for the best....
  4. Need to find a good, cheap place that has a swimming pool and sauna. Those two things just both sound so awesomely awesome right about now.
  5. Nursing an injured deltoid....and I have a sash promotion test this Saturday...I'm a little worried cuz I can't practice as hard as much before the test and I'm worried because it may make me perform at less than peak capacity. Feels like it's just about there, range of motion is good, but sudden tension is a little iffy and things like knifehands, hammer fists, and especially elbows are what really have me worried. Been out of the dojo for a week now, even though I have given in and done some straight basic technique practice. Going to go tonight and see how it feels. I guess at worst, I'll just have to reduce the amount of power in my left arm strikes. Gotta pass this test though. GOTTA!
  6. What is it with girls doing that shit? If you're not interested just say so. Don't be such a bitch about it!
  7. Paranoia agent and Witch hunter robin eh? Both ring bells. Will check em out. Thanks! Loved Samurai Champloo. One of my favorites.
  8. I hear anything by William Gibson is cool, and I never read a Shadowrun novel, but always wished there was a good video game (since the snes and genesis games, those were both awesome thoughg I never beat either one) or movie or series or something.
  9. Original Full metal Alchemist. Didn't really like brotherhood. Was more childish yet somehow more gory than the original. Just didn't strike me. Death Note was awesome. Claymore was awesome except for the cliffhanger....hate it when anime does that. The worst ever to do that was trinity blood. Amazing anime but left you with a "so wtf is happening now??" kind of feeling. Only saw a couple espisodes of black butler. Maybe ill check it out again. Mushi-Shi I've not seen, but if that's the one about the ghosts, it was on my list. Need to watch ghost in the shell. Been on my list a while now, just keep forgetting about it. Keep the suggestion rollin in!
  10. Title and description pretty much say it. I'm on a big anime kick lately and want to grab as much as I can while I'm in the mood. Currently watching D. Gray Man and have Full Metal Alchemist in queue for it's second run through. Loved that one. So yeah. Any suggestions? Anime movies are good too!
  11. Nice! That's one of my favorite book series' ever. Awesome ending in store for you in like 4 or 5 books. Can't remember the numbers. Also He started a new series with Richard and Kahlan. Not sure of the series' title, but the first book is called "The Omen Machine". Was pretty good. lots of potential. Finished reading A song of Ice and Fire series by George R.R. Martin up to where it's currently at. Awesome story, very mature. Game of Thrones is the name of the tv adaptation on HBO and follows the books almost to the letter. Fucking awesome. Can't wait for season 2. Season 1 covered the entirety of the first book. Also read The book of Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi for like the 6th time. Whenever I go back to it I always feel like I understand just a little more every time. Also finished a little diddy called "zen in the martial arts" by Joe Hyams.
  12. The song is a little meh for my taste, but......HOT!
  13. Ha! Nice. I don't care what anyone says....rarely heard any j-pop that wasn't ubelievably catchy. My interest has even been growing over time. Thinking about actually seeking out more these days. How nerdy would that be? Very....but I think I'm ok with that.
  14. Conga-Rats! (can't believe it hadn't been said yet.
  15. Yeah...Karen Gillan......HOLY. SHIT. Is right. Also Kerli! http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRUJvP7TqdX3fhhPMn07sMSMD7aB0DMdbuFVCDq9UjE9BqSFJTRyH3vMXxWBQ
  16. Oh pleasegod yes! Do that! It's even worse for us guys that not only have to deal with a horrible selection, but also were raised with no sense of style. So even if there were good clothing options, I don't know that I'd even be aware of it. Maybe get us fashion consultants too. Because dressing myself I always either feel like a douche or a poor person wearing clothes that just don't even fit right cuz that's what was available. Seriously, I have fashion issues. Thinking that I earned my day of rest. Thinking it's time I try to find a woman maybe. Been single waaaaaaaaaaaaay too long (we're talking years). Would like someone I can talk to and share interests with. Tired of talking about things I love and either having the subject change or getting that very obvious "That's great but I'm having so much trouble caring about this" attitude. I need to be able to share things that I love with an intelligent and passionate girl. I am far more emotionally stable than ever before. Now just need to work on the much more important (apparently) goal of being financially stable. Not too far from that now either.
  17. Hit a milestone today! Finished First Loop of "The 108" Tai Chi form. Yay! Also had the honor of rolling jiu jitsu with my Sifu. He uses virtually no power or strength and I'm still so utterly helpless. Lots of fun though rolling with someone who is seriously advanced in the art. The more martial arts I practice, the more I fall in love. Now if only I cold get more practice in the trapping and aikido type stuff.
  18. Still single. Not that it's really a bad thing. Just kind of wish I could have some fun and fascination with someone. Of course it doesn't help that I've not had any time or finances to just get out to socialize pretty much all summer...bleh. Soon though. Things are looking up. Even though I kind of feel like Atlas now and then...
  19. Wisdom here. However, what if you live together for a few years, get married, then before another two years, for some reason you hate each other. Things can change suddenly. I agree that a thing like this should not be a good idea, but in practical thought, it'd save a lot of heartache and woe for a lot of people involved.
  20. Wow, lots of kick-ass outfits. Do you guys do any stuff for guys? or maybe recommend someone who does?
  21. They very often play that Engelsblut! Great to dance to. As for me I'd love to hear "Reich Mir Die Hand". Yeah I know you Dj's read this sometimes! Also I'll probably be there Saturday :D
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