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Everything posted by Epic_Fail_Guy

  1. I like the part on titanic where this one guy falls off the boat, and dings off the propeller, and spins all the way down into the water.... holy shit I laugh until I fuckin' piss myself every time I see it! XD
  2. I too have discovered some interesting recepies while on food stamps. One BIG perk is you can buy spices.. For ramen noodles beef, take a carat, dice it up, a small onion, dice it up, celary, dice it up and dice up a potatoe and boil that for 10 mins, then throw in the diced items and boil for another 10 mins. Then take the pan off the burner, add in the noodles. Once soft, strain most of the water out (you want just a little bit left for the powder flavor to mix. Add in the flavoring, a little bit of garlic powder, and if you're feeling reeaaaaly brave, spice it up a bit with some cyan pepper spice.
  3. I can agree with your bottom line stuff. But honestly, i didn't care if obama or mccain got in office, either of them would be better than bush. But to deny that obama is giving a fuck and TRYING to improve things is stupid.. wich is what the tea partiers actions always seem to point out, that's why i dislike them.. they're actions say they just hate obama and nothing else matters. I'm just wondering where the activist group was when bush was blowing money AND LIVES in a pointless war?
  4. most of that is the aftermath of bush guy. And the war in iraq.. several trillion.. i can't remember the exact number off hand but if you wanna compare big spending, bush is in the lead by a long shot. And don't label me a lefty or righty, the fact that bush is republican and obama is a democrat have nothing to do with my opinion. Jeez.. you expect the clusterfucks bush caused to go away with him magically as soon as we get a new president?
  5. Also, seing Pork barrel spending.. made me think of bacon and other juicy meat products from the pig. Now i'm fucking hungry...
  6. what i find funny is bush was spending ungodly amounts of money on this stupid iraq war without any activists saying wtf on the level we have with obama, now we got these teabagger guys crying over everything about him. He's clearly nowhere near as bad as bush in spending or anything else, but these hypocritical idiots continue to politically troll hard. And trust me, I know trolling when I see it.
  7. You randomly added (as of right now) 2,464 people, most of wich aren't even posters.

    I smell a spammer.


  8. Or... you could do what Iraqi's do.. use your left hand.... So... who's got the "stink palm"!! But on a serious note, I agree with this. They're giving you money to spend, they have every right to restrict what you can buy. It would be VERY cool if they allowed hygene products on the bridge card, but it's purpose is for food. Yeah it was nice when i was on the bridge card to be able to use it to get a case of soda once in a blue moon, but i really used it for actual groceries, like fresh produce... just to me the way I see it, if it's free money, might as well make the most of it because fresh food goes alot farther than junk food in quantity and quality. The only drawback is most the food I'd get was perishable (fruits, vegetables, meats, ect) I'd still be cranky if i were still on the bridge card and had to give up soda's... But it really doesn't do anything for me other than taste good so it's not much of a loss and I wouldn't bitch, I'd just be happy I got good food I can live off of still.
  9. Oh one last thing, thats stupid that someone would waste so much time to try to troll you that hard on the internet. Though fuck that joke, you know you're liked on the board, it's pretty obvious you are liked here, so fuck what one ass clown says. Tell him to get aids and die ^_^
  10. Also, your disagreeing comment about the values i learned with fighting back.. well i mean i have my own personal experiences to disagree with you. But on the same token, I fully understand where you are coming from on your views of this too. What I learned is, fists were the only way to get these fuckers to stop. And once it resorted to that, after it was said and done, no more fights or harassmenmt. They'd leave me alone, and after that, there was no problems, i didn't seek them out to whoop em again, i don't like violence (hard to believe with what i've been preaching here i know) But I really don't like violence. I don't like getting attacked, and I don't like having to fight back, if there's another option, I'll take that first trust me. And the only reason why I'll go to fists with someone now, is the same reason why I'd go to fists with a bully as a kid. If that's the only way to communicate to this asshole to leave me the fuck alone, then so be it. I'll go to fists with the goal that this is gonna settle the dispute and prevent any further incidences between me and the person. And sometimes bullies do learn, when other kids saw me stand up against one kid when a whole class room was against me, they ALL backed down.. no one wanted to be next to get stabbed with a #2 pencil. And others that were being bullied by that kid well.. by me kicking his ass... he didn't look so scary anymore to the other kids he bullied, and soon they were standing up to him. Within a week his whole attitude in school changed and he was actually sucking up to the ones he used to bully to be friends. 6th grade, we turned out to be really cool friends actually. But that's kinda just how guys are, we hate each other, we fight, then ironicly, we become buddies. Guy was pretty cool, had a really shit homelife though so I did feel for him. But once he learned to actually talk to other kids, he got the communication he needed and wasn't getting at home and honestly.. the kids grades improved, he loved school, and got to set up his own values in life instead of venting his frustrations on other kids making his school life hell for himself.
  11. Right here alone deserves the +1 the most IMO. I couldn't have said it better. Society is failing hard by going for the pretend fix instead of doing some real work. We think everything comes with instantly and if not, we don't have the patience to bother with it. Sad reality, it takes patience to properly and effectively raise children. Patience that most people don't have anymore due to our instant gratification obsessed culture. I blame the fast foods for starting this lazy trend. lol
  12. My pet rats won't eat their fries. If a rat won't eat it.. then that's really bad.
  13. I have a theory. I kinda lean towards the story of Adam and Even... I mean if you think about it... they had a bunch of kids.. then the kids started having incest like there's no tomorrow and BAM you have the human race. I mean if you think about it.. that would explain A LOT.
  14. I don't know where my "style" came from. I just picked out shit that I thought looked pretty nifty and would like to have in my wardrobe. I don't dress the same everyday, but If I wind up looking like a specific subculture, or completely unique, either way doesn't matter, I wear what I want to wear. I'm really not bothered if I look like a stereotype or not.
  15. I'll have to disagree with you too. We lost our backbone as a society. Now instead of the average fist fight, kids are total cowards and are too afraid to fight back for fear of even worse consequences until they snap and commit homicide or suicide.. how come we have so many more school shootings and suicides than like say.. 20 years ago and longer? Because back then people weren't afraid to go to fists in school. At least with fists, both stay alive to see another day. Also.. every bully I've had, violence worked wonders. Sometimes, violence is the only language people will understand/listen to. I was picked on all throughout my school year, not just teasing, but would get physically pushed around and roughed up too sometimes. I remember this one douche bag in 5th grade.. throughout the whole year he'd torment the shit out of me. I'd tell the staff, nothing would happen, nothing would change. Well one day, I've decided enough was enough, grabbed a #2 pencil, and stabbed him in his back so deep and hard that the tip broke off underneath his skin. Up until the 9th grade.. NOBODY fucked with me after that. Then in the 9th grade, here comes another bully.. would try to bully me and push me around, insult me.. most the time i just sat there and listened to his insults because the insults he would try to fling out were retarded and in a weird way, amusing. But, he was a cocky asshole, always tried to pick fights with me where I'd always turn the other way. Well one day, it just wasn't his day cuz I was in no mood for his bullshit. A quick 5 minute fight, and he was crying with a broken nose and ribs. After that, never had a problem from him or his jock itch gang. I'm not exactly condoning violence here, I'd much rather take a better alternative than to fight. But in the world of a child, sometimes it just comes to maning up with balled fists and fight back. Violence will always go with humanity, like flies on shit. Sometimes, you just gotta accept that side of you to keep it under control rather than denying it and letting it control you.
  16. you is cute, you know rambo.. total fuckin win. opposite of me.. I fail :'(

  17. a video for you... Candle Cove This actually was a children's show back in the late 70's I believe.
  18. see the funny thing about terrorism to me.. is it's a ghost word. Just like all those progressive mental "problems" like ADHD, Aspergers, or whatever the hell the new trend disease is... they're blanket diseases to push drugs for profit. That's what terrorism is to me, any act of violence or hostility can be considered terrorist activity now. It's bullshit, someone robs a bank, they're economic terrorists, zomg! There's no such thing as terrorists, just pissed off people with misguided vendettas.
  19. and for the record, we are failing hard as a society where kids are picking suicide over getting a backbone and fighting back. I'll tell my kids to hit their bullies square in the fucking nose and if they get in trouble at school, to don't even worry about it, I'll have their back for defending themselves.
  20. Hm I'll throw in my 2 cents. Bullies suck, we all remember them as a kid, or maybe were the bully? But to be honest, knowing now than what I did then as a kid, I'm glad I wasn't a bully. A bully's home usually isn't a happy place, wich is the reason they act out agressively at school, it's like a pecking order. But.. bullies serve a purpose. It's a lesson in life that you need to learn early on in life. To stand up for yourself. To get the courage, face your fears, stand up for yourself, don't take shit, and fight back. Those who didn't overcome this lesson usually struggle harder in their early adult life because they don't know how to stand up for themselves. Also on the flip side, a bully needs to get stood up to, get his/her ass kicked as a child. Because then he learns intimidation and violence isn't how life is run all the time, and will be forced to develope other social skills other than insults. I wouldn't want my kids to go to a school that's "safe" from bullies. It's nothing like real life, and they'll be getting robbed of alot of hard lessons that may only cost them a few tears learning the hard way as a kid, but as an adult, the price is usually extremely steeper to learn the hard way.
  21. extremely sleep deprived but artificially wired on a big ass can of monster and like.. 4 liters of mt dew in a 2 hour period.....brb gotta pee... ok back.. where was i? fuck.. gotta pee again... ok back. I may not be drunk... brb, pee... ok back. But this sleep and energy drink thing sure... brb pee... ok back. thing sure has me trippin crazy like!
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