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Everything posted by Epic_Fail_Guy

  1. Torn I'll say they do. And I am riding the fence on this one as I can see why this is getting so popular, and at the same time, why it is so wrong. It's freedom of expression, wich is right there with freedom of speech. But I do agree it's taking on a misguided Jr. High mentality. I can't really get into to detail without sounding biased about religion though.. Just my closing thought, I believe they have the right to do this, but at the same time it doesn't make it right.
  2. Debating whether I want to go to the store for a mt dew and play xbox, or just go straight to sleep.
  3. Hmmm.. I say we blindly donate to dgn endlessly to collectively save up the money to be our own sovereign nation. We'll take over Detroit and call it our own bloody country! We just need someone to create the flag...
  4. Here's a more recent news article about this whole movement.. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/37253579#37253579
  5. this is more of what I would find appropriate.. http://www.killfrog.com/animations-of/34-animations/127-ultimate-survivor-afghanistan-part-1.html http://www.killfrog.com/animations-of/34-animations/81-ultimate-survivor-afghanistan-part-2.html Targeting the taliban specifically, not a blanket insult on all muslims.
  6. Hm this strikes up another possible topic of symbolism. Most, I think, would know that the swastika was a very positive symbol before the nazi's got their hands on it. And maybe that's why they did, sorta a superstitious thing to give them the good will and luck in their goals because, after all, in their eyes, they were doing a noble thing. Sort of like how we have all sorts of symbols on our currency, like the arrows and olive branches the eagle holds in it's talons on the older quarters, or like the all seeing eye on the back of a dollar bill (wich was actually an Illuminati sign) ect ect. I think religious prophets are more of a symbol now adays than they are "prophetic" Christian symbol is a cross for obvious means, yet it has been warped and twisted in so many ways. I do agree with phee's argument that their religeon should not have special immunities to this, and the fact that in a rather unorthodox way, this retaliation is standing up to the few extremist "bullies" by telling them, "Hey, we've had enough of you trying to cram this shit down our throat, FUCK OFF!" but the problem with this is they're attacking the whole group, not just the extremists. A silly cartoon depicting terrorists acting like total fools wearing boxer shorts on their head is all gravy in my book, wich has been the case for a while, but what I see happening is these extremists are being the few bad apples that are spoiling the whole bunch in the eyes of everyone else. They are a culture that most know very little about, and barely understand. The few all of a sudden start stiring shit up in the name of this culture.. it gives it a bad name as a whole unfortunately.
  7. what does socialistm have to do with liberal and conservative? I'm pretty sure socialism would fall under the category of society (hell even the words are similar) And a completely socialist government wound suck ass, but some things do need to be socialist in society, like police, fire fighters, certain public services, and yes, even health care should be socialist imo. But we're diving off into a different can of worms here.
  8. I have to give a +1 on this honestly. I don't think religeon is above a humorous outlook at all (though often times it's a rude outlook) but yes, humor is something that keeps people's ego's in check. When someone gets' all high and mighty, taking him seriously may not be the best aproach, fighting him will only make him feverishly dig his heels in even further, but looking at him, telling him he's a fucking joke and laughing at him.. well that's a very sly angle to put his ass back in his place because sometimes, they wake up and see that they're not so big and bad and if people are laughing at them then they're already defeated before a fight even began. Will it work in this case with the Muhammed thing? I don't think so, it's only going to instigate a retaliation. The example I gave above would work great against one person, however as I said, group mentality is a completely different monster of psycos then your everyday single person. I've always poked fun at religion, and this Muhammed thing does tickle me, however knowing the possible reactions from this really make me 2nd guess the practicality of this. Most arab countries already have Banned Facebook, wich to me is awesome, I no longer have Ahmed Akbar or Ali Babuhl trying to be my friend over and over.. :/
  9. tasteless and rude in my opinion, is a vastly lesser evil than death threats. This is why I can see both sides to this. There's some that are sick of the hatred and are retaliating with the tasteless and rude stuff in an attempt to show that what the extremists are dedicating their life to is backfiring, that we only see them as an object to poke fun at. If it was something that attacked the extremists only, I'd be all for it actually. However it blankets over the majority of muslims who happen to be good and peaceful (although not entirely trustworthy from my experience) but wouldn't resort to killing in the name of Allah. I see a double standard with all of this, just like racisim, most black comedians make their careers on racial jokes, along with other minorities like Carlos Mencia. True they'll make fun of their own race wich makes it ok but most the time all you hear is, whitey this, cracker that. But god forbid if a white person ever says nigger. It's the same double standard i see here, no one bitches or gripes about it when someone's pickin at catholics for being pedophiles, evangelicals for being nut jobs with their jesus camp, pagans for being tree huggers, and satanists for sacrificing small animals or the occasional virgin.. but god forbid if you draw Muhammed!!! Just the way I see it, unbiased equal opportunity, you either protest it all, or you accept it all. If I remember correctly, and I'll probably regret saying this.. But didn't Muhammed get married to someone that was like 6 or 9? So in short they could call him a dirty pedophile and bring the shit further down the toilet? It'll probably happen true, but to me, this whole mess is just 2 cultures that have little to no understanding of eachother and by natural human instinct (when grouped together that is) they'res a direct path here.. Ignorant leads to misunderstanding, misunderstanding leads to fear, fear leads to hatred, hatred leads to violence. And though an individual person may be more likely to pick up a book and study up on his/her self without reducing to such rude actions, a group of people generally go for the cruder approach..
  10. Spot on with what I was trying to say!! Just, i consider myself more of a centralist then left or right viewed. Just you are a bit more tolerant of people than I am. When they start shouting, or acting snotty to a person with a different opinion, i simply no longer care what their viewpoints are, right or wrong, it doesn't matter, i just don't want to listen to that person because of how obnoxious they act, it doesn't mean that I instantly start to blindly disagree with the topic they view. .... i'm having a difficult time explaining this... um.. ok maybe this, lets say I'm Luke, and Darth Vader comes to me and is all like, join the dark side!!! And i'm like, well I'm on the light side, and don't nessecarily agree with the dark side, but some things I do favor. Then Darth gets all bitch and is like, "LUKE WHAT GALAXY ARE YOU FROM?!?! THE DARKSIDE IS THE RIGHT WAY!! THE LIGHT SIDE SUCKS DONKEY BALLS!! FAG!!" Then i'm gonna be all like, you know what darth.. FUCK YOU!!! And then we'll have a whole thread full of shit goin on. When if Darth simply would just say, Luke, you know what, I was once a follower of the light side once, but that's because I didn't understand the Dark side then, but hell if you're willing to hear me out, I can tell you the method behind the motive of the Darkside and why I, along with others, feel it is practical to follow as opposed to the Light side, for one, the dark side gets shit done, yadda yadda, ect ect. And then I'll be like, really? That's cool bro.. eh dad.. eh whatever? I can see your side, the dark side really got shit done in that zone. I follow the light side because of ect ect, yadda yadda. End result, we come to a mutual agreement, and are all like,
  11. but isn't causing terrorist attacks in the name of Allah the same thing? I understand that 2 wrongs don't make a right. And I really do think this retaliation is petty and immature and only going to keep the hornets nest of shit stirred up between the two cultures, but at the same token, I can understand why the retaliation is happening, the few extremists are using their religion as a spear point against those of different faith and culture. it's alot like what the catholics did back in the "good ol' days", convert or die! just with these extremists, it's not convert or die, it's just die. Now the pot's been stirred enough to provoke this low retaliation, that is pissing off the majority of the muslims that weren't fucking with us. I don't neccesarily agree with this Draw Muhammed day, however I'm not surpised by this and only expected something like this to eventually happen. It's just a shame that it's only going further down the shitter than it already has.
  12. I rarely mock an individual unless he/she gets insulting with me first. As far as groups or organizations go like Tea Baggers, (wich is what they did in fact call themselves origionally until they realized what it meant lol!) I really don't like lobbyists or special interest groups, or any organization of people period. Just groups of people usually almost always lowers the value of the movement. A person by him/her self can be a smart rationally thinking person by default nature.. yet somehow when they group together, those qualities are lost entirely. For example, I support the right to bear arms, I love my guns. I respect the NRA's efforts to keep that in effect, however I find it hard to respect most else of what the NRA's agenda is. I avoid almost any and every form of organizations from politics to religion. I do have my set beliefs and Ideas, some are liberal, some are conservative. Will I listen to a conflicting belief? I'd be more than happy to as long as there's an actual respectful explaining why they feel that way. But if they have this snotty attitude about it, I loose all respect for that person or anything they have to say as I get the gist they aren't really trying to "correct" me out of the pure consideration that i'm misguided, rather they are simply stroking their ego to gain the satisfaction that they are somehow superior. And if it's based on that principal, it doesn't really matter if it is a right or wrong situation, or simply a matter of opinion, all that matters is their superiority. So they could just as easily have the misguided view and mine isn't, but all that isn't gonna matter due to them needing to stroke their own ego. So with people like that, it's really irrelevant to even listen to what they say, they have no credibility based on the principal of wich they "debate" their views.
  13. Hmmm... this brings up a question.. due to the "spark" for this rude retaliation.. if the extremists never went crazy, or the rest of the citizens could manage their own better and not stir up so much negative attention to their beliefs, would this sort of reaction never have happened?
  14. I have noticed the same thing on here. Not everyone with a conservative viewpoint is like that, but there are a couple posters that always seem to jump on any band wagon they can to bash liberals. Of course, I see the same trend on a few "liberal minded" people as well. It's sorta a shame that a few loudmouths here ruin the name for everyone else. I have had plenty of words with Tea Baggers (that's how they'll forever be known in my book because most of them are off their rocker in my opinion) for being an "obama lover".. When really, I aint crazy about the guy by any means at all. Hell if you really wanna know my real opinion on Obama, I didn't even bloody vote since either Obama or McCain would be a vast improvement from Bush, it was a win win situation in my eyes, i'd have been happy with either one in office. But the hypocracy is blatant with Tea Baggers, go on flaming rants against obama, then when they get a bit of backlash, they flip out and assume the reverse race card. Liberal, conservative, 90% of each group are poster children for the reason why just because you have a voice, doesn't mean you should use it.
  15. So maybe some of you have already heard of this event taking place on facebook, maybe some havent. Apparently There's a facebook page now dedicated to drawing pictures, cartoons, maybe even animated videos of the prophet, Muhammad. The stated reason for this "trolling" is retaliation to the cencorship of south park due to the threats of Muslims and Islams. It's a freedom of speech protest in a sense from the information I've read. Here's one article to start your information searching on this topic below. As for me, I'm on the edge of the fence about it. I can understand both sides, so in a sense I'm remaining neutral on this however I'd like your opinions just as food for thought. http://www.examiner.com/x-40065-Blogosphere-Buzz-Examiner~y2010m5d19-Draw-Muhammad-Day-garners-threats-from-extremists
  16. See it's the simple fact that The Oriley Factor is a segment within FOX news, technically making it "news" It's part of the news broadcast, not it's own individual show. And the rest of fox, though what i've seen first hand and was involved with is petty and trivial, takes a story, and twists it into fiction and displays it on the news such as a huge group of internet hackers known as "anonymous" that will seriously fuck your shit up man!!! they're EVIL!!! But when the truth be told.. the root of the story was fucking 4chan, the biggest JOKE of the internet out there.
  17. Nihilism 100% Strong Egoism 100% Hedonism 75% Apathy 75% Existentialism 50% Justice (Fairness) 50% Kantianism 25% Divine Command 0% Utilitarianism 0% The nihilist is dead on actually. As well as Egoism though.. I wouldn't say 100% but it's just a silly test made by someone over the internet. I did this out of boredem and looking any deeper to what these test results tell you is rather silly. I just clicked without really thinking too much about the questions, and always either way left or way right. Anything that hints at shades of grey in quizes like this is just.. lame.. there's no point, simple yes or no answers only please, it's not like it's an actual form given to me by my psychiatrist.. and even if it was, I'd probably just write "SUCK MY COCK" on it because I couldn't be arsed to bubble in this shit. However, I didn't have that option on the webpage now did i?
  18. man everytime i click on this thread and see the picture of that lil fella, I just see the confusion and heartbreak in his sad little eye as if he were saying, "what the fuck man?!?! I just don't understand why I can't be in that cage! I'm all by my lonesome self! Didn't I prove I I could get along with all 24 just fine with no problems?!?! What the fuck man?!?!"
  19. God damn... I wish i was so lucky to find 24 caged females that haven't seen dick in too long! Maybe I should hit up the female prisons!
  20. I'd like a place that's clean, has multiple bars for me to drunkenly stagger back and forth too, an open yard in the middle of the club for when I wanna get my smoke on, a dance floor that doesn't take up half the flippin club, full of sexy women.. oh wait.. that's Necto... nvrmnd
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