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Scary Guy

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Everything posted by Scary Guy

  1. Well I went, and there were no real issues. Though there were some musings about how Small's announced a ReCure night on the same night two days after this was announced. They are the Trump of goth clubs. Turnout was as you would expect. As my friend Mike said, I'm also silently judging everyone who didn't show up. I took off early to go to Black Salt, which now closes at 1 AM instead of 2 AM on Friday/Saturday, so it's a good thing I left at 12:45 PM. I'd have gone back but Noelle S. was working the door (so I may skip out on the next one) and whether or not they'd give me shit and try to charge me again is anybodies guess, so I just took off for home. It was good seeing @DJ Saint, @DJDeadbeat, and Sharktoof though, plus my other friends who showed up. Though I missed @Serxera, Aria, and Tanja since they went to Asylum first and arrived after I left. So they're the only ones with a good excuse IMO.
  2. The first season had a bit of a rough start but after they hit their stride it went from being great to fantastic. But even that first season was great:
  3. Never look down on yourself for being human. We try to control our bodies but sometimes they don't listen. I'd say go work out (since already gross) and then go shower (to stop being gross.) (Unless you mean some other type of mental grossness.) I just hope you're well.
  4. The term "grippy-sock vacation" sounds fun. It's not fun though it's a trick. Sorry you were in such a dark place, this time of year is rough on many (on top of any regular depression that already exists.) I hope you are doing better and if you ever need people to talk to we're here
  5. Do tell everyone I've actually met hello. Y'all are nice folk and I wish her many more enjoyable birthdays.
  6. Those were just remakes of older shows as well, though with a bit more drama added and less episodic (well, still kindof but with the overall story.) It's all the same formula though, even going back into literature. Nothing but rehashed tropes with some pop-culture sprinkled on top to make it palatable for the youth of $current_year. In a few more we'll have AI generating it all for us.
  7. https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/clever-girl Though that's more about the Velociraptor rather than Dilophosaurus (that is closer to your... scalesona?) which kills Newman... I mean Dennis Nerdy.
  8. Remember when we were roaming around that cemetery and I found that cane? Not that you could use it for this, thing seemed like it was ready to snap in half.
  9. I'll take almost any excuse to go loiter in "Mike's town." Would love if this was a weekly/monthly with guests. Because someone didn't know what I meant by "Mike's town" here's a link:
  10. LOL. Yeah no shit! I'm just hoping things don't get any worse, pathologically or in general.
  11. Off to the weekly barbecue that I seem to only make every other week.
  12. Yeah, that's literally nothing new. He's been doing shit like that for years now, at least as far as I know.
  13. I mean it certainly doesn't hurt since he also knows good lawyers (hence the connected part.) Also he isn't rich, but he makes a modest living and certainly isn't poor. I suppose compared to most of the world he is though. His cultural and religious identity is important to him so I mentioned it. I love how you instantly went to a negative place with it though as if just mentioning the word is a bad thing, and I'm sorry if you took it as such. Obviously we don't really agree on the whole religion thing, but we're both respectful of each other's beliefs. Him and his wife are my only real orthodox friends though. Most of my Jewish friends are pretty secular.
  14. They should cancel astrology completely. Hydrox knockoff, but I do like them in ice cream.
  15. You don't have to, I'll do it for you since I've always quite liked that idea.
  16. See this one is an easy answer, which is her douchebag husband. She checked out mentally during that time and after he died she started to thrive. The real question though is how are there still so many zombies after that many seasons? You'd think they'd have thinned most of those numbers by then.
  17. Where did you find a documentary on me and my friends? :P
  18. Yeah, technically you only have as many privileges as the government is willing to give you, no matter how native you are. If the government doesn't care then all you can do is take it to court and hope they see things your way. What? I tell no lies. So he's got wealth and is connected, is that such a bad thing?
  19. What a crock of shit. How about it's your land and you can do as you please with it. My friend has a side lot next to his building that he parks on all the time. It's behind a fence though so maybe that helps. Probably also helps he's Jewish so he can afford to fight any tickets with some good lawyers.
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