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Scary Guy

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Everything posted by Scary Guy

  1. I saw Krampus last year. I thought it was good and I hate this holiday. No lesbian orgy though. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3850590/
  2. I mean they didn't do a horrible job, but there are some songs one shouldn't cover. Not out of respect, but because they can't do it justice. It's said that almost all those people in the song Jim actually knew and when he wrote it he was writing from his personal experiences. I believe The Basketball Diaries (which I guess the movie isn't exactly accurate but the book probably is) goes into greater detail about the life he lived. It's often thought of as a "fun" song because it sounds so upbeat, when in reality it's just one of the most upbeat dirges I've ever heard.
  3. Well I hope you feel better. I myself feel great now. Nothing like good friends to help with that, and I'm doing it again tomo... later today :D
  4. Sorta funny but he can't rhyme for shit it seems. Looking at the rest of his videos he has no real original ideas or shame (man needs to put on a shirt!) Gotta cash in on that WWDitS popularity that's all the rage right now though I guess. Going through season 5 and the entire thing (including the movie) has been a riot. I mean that's had some sticking points too, but obviously you forgive those because they're trying their best. Here, have this instead:
  5. So apparently the Big Boy at John R/13 Mile has pizza now. I'm not sure how much that's agreeing with me though, but it was okay. Their strawberry pie is amazing too, but I ate too much to really have any. Also they close at 8 PM now and that sucks. I miss when they closed at like 10-11 back in the 90s, which is probably the last time I went with any regularity. I kinda stopped after my granny died (mom's side) since she'd usually pick me up and take me out. That location was torn down and I think the last time I was there was at her funeral. The funeral home was across the street from that and I suggested we all go. ...and now I feel sad(der.)
  6. I mean "DGN Game Night" doesn't sound like a terrible idea to me...
  7. I'm not sure of that since all those drones are made of plastic and contain batteries. The production and destruction of those aren't very good on the environment either. Though they can be programmed to do way more impressive things. Could also combine them too for maximum negative environmental impact (and fun!):
  8. Yeah, just not me this time, I hated that shit. I'm pretty positive I sold all those Halloween karaoke CDs but I still have the other files of instrumental goth tracks if anyone wants them to do their own thing with.
  9. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impostor_syndrome Maybe you're not a part of the original genesis but Troy had the vision to leave you in charge for a reason. At this point you have as much of a right to be here as anyone else. I just wish you'd make it to The Gathering again (and I really should go more myself.) It's really less BDSM and more like the old days these days, at least as far as I can tell. I'm definitely not a newbie, still ostracized though. It's okay my lone wolf style just makes me mysterious or something.
  10. Yeah that's about as cheery as I get. What really irks me about the thread is the title is "christmas and other year-end holidays thread 2023" like the other holidays (of which there are many) are lesser than it and don't bare mentioning. Could have just called it "Year-end holidays thread 2023" and it would have been all inclusive and not "otherizing" the rest. As I posted there's a video about Festivus but there is also Yule and Saturnalia among many others (Hanukah and Kwanzaa come to mind as well.)
  11. I mean you better. If they said it and they welch on it that might be legally actionable. Or they'll try some cop-out bullshit like "no we meant that it was a possible door prize."
  12. Okay, so a bonus to go and literally walk the line of social interaction and an uncomfortable meeting with H.R. I'd probably still pass, but I can see where money and free food would be hard to pass up for many. You could sell the gift card for money too: https://www.thepennyhoarder.com/make-money/side-gigs/ways-to-sell-gift-cards/ I'd much rather pay a bill than buy some crap I probably don't need with it.
  13. I invite you to things as much as I can but you never seem to want to come, but the offers still stand. You have my #. Maybe just get a few close friends and go out to eat or something. I stopped making a big deal of mine a long time ago. I mean sure I have parties but it's really just an excuse to have a party for and with my friends. Perhaps a little late now, but make this weekend all about you (well as much as you can anyway.) Self care is way more important than we realize and we shouldn't feel guilty for that at all.
  14. I'm using J's as a cop-out to avoid seeing family on the 24th. It's not that I hate them, I just resent that they only really make time on holidays I don't actually celebrate. Work is work, so I'd go and just do work if I absolutely had to be there. If it were optional I'd just not go because I'd probably rather be literally anywhere else. Most underpay and will stab you in the back to save themselves a penny anyway.
  15. Hope you feel better, no one should feel bad on their birthday, but I do know it can be hard especially during this time of year.
  16. I think non narcotic pain management does exist, but it does also kinda suck. Pain management is a joke in this country though. They look at you and judge you for wanting pain meds, and you're fucked if you even look just a little bit odd. They somehow think you're faking it just to get high. Yes, the high of not being in fucking pain anymore. I knew a goth girl who looked great but got tired of dealing with the bullshit (also CPS which is another story) and she gave up the look to go all Donna Reed/Betty Crocker/1950s bullshit by wearing normie clothes, dying her hair natural colors, removing her piercings, and hiding her tattoos as best she could. Society forces you to conform or it shuns you and pretends like you don't exist. Either that or it tries to imprison you to where you actually don't exist in it for a while. I love those who refuse to conform because they make it better for everyone.
  17. This was the battle for the boomers that is akin to the lightbulbs for the millennials (and let's be honest also the gen-x/boomers.) I remember my father bitching about our new "low-flow" toilet because you could not find any of the older styles anymore due to being regulated out. Now I personally get it's better for the planet to do away with both of those (and a bunch of other older tech while we're at it) and everyone switching would really help with things. But I still hate change. Although I honestly wouldn't mind a taller toilet since most of them feel like I'm sitting on a kid's chair or something. Maybe a bidet too since that would help save on toilet paper production and waste, but then you're using more water in the process.
  18. Looks like a great show, too bad I won't make it
  19. Yeah, Mark does some good work. His thing on bedbugs was enlightening if not gross. I learned about him through his porch pirate antics (that he mentioned in the video.) Need more explosive glitter bomb setups for those fuckers.
  20. That's news to me since it seems like to them that I'm the second worst person on the planet because I'm friends with their ex (who is the first.) They literally told me to "pick a lane" and I went with the person who didn't ask me to choose. If They're over that though then that's fantastic, but still fuck them for being that petty in the first place. Sorry, I meant Small's. I had this formatted better in my head. I'll fix that to make it more clear. Also, fuck Trump.
  21. I like how Musk wants everyone to call it X and the internet is just like... no.
  22. Bat within easy reach? In an office? He grabs for it instantly before he even starts screaming? I'm calling fake.
  23. Archive.org has done great work to try to save much of it at least.
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