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Everything posted by darknight1

  1. You Are the "T" Block You are very flexible and adaptable. You're able to fill almost any role or do almost any job. You are peaceful and calm. In fact, you're so tranquil that people often forget you're around. You prefer to leave the drama to other people. That being said, you sometimes end up cleaning up someone else's mess. You don't mind doing the dirty work every so often. You're a true team player, and you're always happy to contribute. Meh...Dr. Mario was more fun.
  2. Hmm...interesting. I've never really followed Dr. Who until I saw what I think was the british version of it not long ago. I forgot what station it was on though.
  3. Oh. I don't really have the capability to do that. I still look pretty fucked up in mine. However though...bwahahaha....I did give myself a majini makeover.
  4. The place looks extreme too...just looked through their site. I'm beginning to wonder why I wasted $20 at Realm of Darkness on Saturday when I could've splurged on a road trip just to go to this thing.
  5. Isn't the 30th on a Friday too? Wow...an actual first.
  6. I know they're known to practically everyone but does anyone remember NIN's Happiness in Slavery? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=otqGFiiIoTI
  7. Attention whores indeed. Why anyone would want to willingly risk felony charges over promoting a reality show is beyond me...
  8. If I could afford it I would. $600 a month isn't bad at all.
  9. Cool. That whole moon crash thing was cool itself too... http://news.yahoo.com/s/afp/20091019/ts_alt_afp/usspacemoonnasa
  10. You Are a Blackberry You are one of those super hard working, cellphone to your hip types. You like gadgets that do what they're supposed to do, especially when they keep you super connected to the world. You prefer function over flash, so things like a long battery life and easy features appeal to you. You may not look as cool as all of the iPhone kids, but you're probably being more productive than all of them! If you answered mostly As, you want a BlackBerry to tap into its leading-edge enterprise functions and cross-carrier flexibility. If you answered mostly Bs, pick up a sleek and sexy iPhone for a stylish, customizable mobile experience. Damn...I like the iPhone a hell of a lot better.
  11. Speaking of current affairs...what do you all think about that balloon boy hoax out in Colorado? My opinion here: stupid.
  12. I'm thinking I need a far better job now.
  13. Somehow I'm not surprised by that. And PETA? Idiots. I used to do security work for a company based out of Ionia...Herbruck Poultry, aka Eggland's Best. They constantly tried to break in there to try and get evidence of mistreatment of the literally hundreds of thousands of chickens housed there. It was always a headache dealing with those sorry jackasses.
  14. I hate to sound like an idiot but how do you post your zombiefied pic?
  15. What really makes me laugh is this myth that Obama is a Muslim. I had no idea that attending a Christian church for virtually your entire lifetime makes you a Muslim?
  16. It's quite simple for me: a shirt reading "Cheap ass halloween costume".
  17. Ich Tu Dir Weh by Rammstein (just got the new CD on Friday)
  18. once saw him get into a fight with Chuck Norris, Steven Seagal, and Mr. T only to kill them all...using some wire cutters, a blowtorch, and a 55 gallon drum.
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