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Everything posted by BloodCupcake

  1. I just don't like people who pick on people for what they listen to in a serious way. I hate that more than when people mess up their genres. I think everything is too categorized and bands are combining genres and taking genres and doing different stuff to them, so it becomes hard to categorize and ultimately becomes a new genre. I listen to everything from Fall Out Boy to Bring Me The Horizon to All Time Low (saw them yesterday, hehe) to Combichrist to The Rockett Summer to We Came With Broken Teeth. And no, all music is not emo....emo is a legitimate genre. I know Fall Out Boy isn't emo and half the bands on Warped Tour aren't REALLY emo if you're talking about the older style of emo but there are bands who DO fall into that genre. Categorizing music into sub of sub of sub of sub genres is just too hard.
  2. I don't like being the older one. I wouldn't feel right dating a younger guy...like 18, 19. I don't think I'd mind if we clicked but I would feel weird trying to go to a bar but he can't get in. I'd feel old. If anybody is even a little bit younger than me I feel old cause I'M used to being the younger one. But if the guy was 20 I wouldn't feel too old. For girls I wouldn't mind dating a 18, 19 yr old girl if we clicked. As far as how older I'd go.....that just depends on if we click, do you look like you're 60 but you're really 27, and stuff like that. I always think of guys in bands wo are waaay older than me but who I'd date if we clicked well. Josh Todd is hot for a 40+? yr old among other guys.
  3. Certain people on here are hawt but I'm too chicken to say who. Hehe. *Runs*
  4. So Sunday was fun ....even though it rained on us all day. I had fun meeting everyone. Everyone was sooo cute...or cool looking.
  5. Your City is Buenos Aires You are cultured, sophisticated, and quite old fashioned. You believe traditions are important, but you are still quite vibrant. People don't know you well at all, and if they do, they totally misunderstand what you are all about. You are more interesting and more intelligent than anyone gives you credit for. You are a bit of a hidden treasure. You are creative, ambitious, beautiful, and fun. You may have a rough past, but you are always getting better.
  6. Sooo nothing happened with him. I didn't end up hanging out with him and don't really plan on doing anything like that either. Hey! They geeky boy sounds cute. Maybe I'll find one of those. *Runs to a comic book store* Lol.
  7. Lmao at above me. And my dads gf. EVERYONE of my firends knows I hate her. And she lives with him too....and so do I!
  8. I gasped when I saw this. I LOVE Hello Kitty. She is soooooooo cute. Eeeeek. AWESOME! I think I heard of this place. Is it a temple or something made of nothing but human bones?
  9. OMG I LOVE the Harajuku cosplay girls, they're SOOOOOOOOOOO CUTE. And the retro 20's flappers are gorgeously STUNNING! And Chibi is the cutest little thing.
  10. I HATE when people think you can't dress a certain way cause you're past a certian age. I NEVER let peole get to me and chage me. If I wanna change my style it'll be cause I wanna do it...not cause middle America says I'm too old to dress goth, emo or whatever my style is. F*ck them.
  11. Awwwwwwwwww. Everything/body in this thread is so cute. Eevee, the anime looking girl, the kitty, the doll.
  12. Ooooh ooooh didn't they sing that song in Jaws? Lol. They were to drunk sounding for me to really hear the rest of the lyrics. I wanna know who people are crushing on too? I'm nosy
  13. I didn't see it but from hearing about it....I think it's awesome. And I just love gay guys and think 2 hot guys kissing is hot. I'd love to see the soccer moms faces when this was on. I think it's funny people are pissed off by this. I love people who push boundaries and think it shows how many people really have a stick up their ass and how many people are homophobic. I say GO ADAM LAMBERT!
  14. I wasn't even thought of in 1908 and hopefully neither was anyone else on here otherwise you guys are really old farts. <----I crack myself up. What would I find if I looked in your trunk?
  15. I would just bitch slap and drop kick anyone in any of those costumes. Epic fail.
  16. How to corner a girl in a locker room and makeout with her. Yeah. What keeps you awake at night?
  17. Soooooo hot. I LOVE those. Sorry for drooling all over your boots Eevee.
  18. Lmfao (not the retarded band), lmao, rofl, I'm retarded, I wonder what these next few weeks will bring, should I do it?, I need to do more applications, I hate doing applications on sucky ass computers, CHOCOLATE and FAYGO MOON MIST! I muti-task in my brain.
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