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Everything posted by angry_darkness

  1. Having a family,work, and lots of stress keeps me up at night. I find that if i exersize in the morning I sleep better at night.
  2. The government is finding more ways to invade our lives and take away our freedom in the name of what is good for us. Soon we will all be government sheep.
  3. There are no jobs in this state, all the manufacturing went to Mexico, china or elsewhere. Most of the jobs now are service jobs and when the manufacturing left alot of the people went elsewhere to find jobs, so there are less services needed.
  4. The gun control laws of 1968 were taken from natzi Germany when Hitler was in power.Just before he started sending people to the concentration camps.
  5. That sucks, I used to go to the East Detroit one back in the old days.I bought my first industrial music record there which was the front 242 headhunter 12" extended play single.
  6. He will raise taxes somewhere else, maybe when the health care tax kicks in next year. It will be a lot more than 8 bucks a week.
  7. It is down at the end of the hallway where the bathrooms are. It is all connected like one big club. One price of 5 bucks gets you in.
  8. It was a good night, and you did a excellent performance. The ballroom did not sound too bad while you were performing. Sometimes the ballroom sounds like a echo chamber.
  9. Way too far for me, but if i am ever in Grand Rapids on a Friday night I will stop by.
  10. People suck,they spend most of their time pointing the finger and blaming other people instead of trying to make the world a better place.
  11. A movie company was going to buy the old jeep truck engineering building on Plymouth rd. Then they backed out of the deal at the last minute.
  12. What kind of barn are you looking for? A old nasty falling down one, a new modern one.We need more details.
  13. We are still in Germany,Japan and Korea. Lets pull back from everywhere destroy all our weapons and give a terrorist a big hug.
  14. Wow, a positive video on Detroit,this is great. I am so sick of the normal media saying bad things about Detroit and it's people.
  15. I would not miss this for the world, it will be two great clubs in one.
  16. Great music, I will be there to see you guys play on the twenty fifth.
  17. I like the science theme like Phee said. Have a Frankenstein lab setup with Jacobs ladders and other electrical equipment, we could find most of that stuff in the basement of the Leland hotel. Live bands would be cool too.
  18. I told people for years that Flint is more dangerous than Detroit and this proves it.
  19. That is a slap in the face of America,If we tried to build a church in their country they would blow it up and kill all the people inside it.
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