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Everything posted by saechalyn

  1. No, but I did yell at a cop for choosing not to intervene in a fight that was going on down the street. Then reported him. How many states have you lived in?
  2. Yes! And I've gotten off at the wrong exit many times because of it. Neat! Which other threads are about getting me stuff??
  3. Totally worth it, when you make them for the right reasons. Do you get the same amount of sleep most nights?
  4. Yup! I didn't have the kind of childhood that included things like bikes. And then it just never happened. People define "fun" differently. I'm really an Indoor kinda girl. Nah I'm too old. What was the last book you read?
  5. I never learned! Have you ever lied about your sexual orientation to get away from some creepy person trying to hit on you?
  6. I am ugly because I ignore the topic and post a thinly veiled reference to how I need to get laid in every thread. OH WAIT, that's not me.
  7. I am ugly because I think this thread is really funny.
  8. I am ugly because I am evil. But evil will always triumph because good is dumb.
  9. I had bad dreams and now I have the ookies. Weekends are supposed to be relaxing goddammit!
  10. Hmm, no, that doesn't make you ugly. As someone who does work at planned parenthood, that definitely does not make you ugly.
  11. I am ugly because I enjoy my flaws too much to work on them. I am ugly because I love my shallow side. I am ugly because I am a total narcissist.
  12. I guess this means I can say "I'd do me" and mean it fo real. Haha.
  13. I am beautiful because I caught a glimpse of a hot chick out of the corner of my eye and thought "ooh, who's that" and then I realized it was me in a mirror.
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