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Everything posted by coed_doll

  1. I can tell you feel sorry for me...the empathy is showing..
  2. hahaha....you know where to find more....
  3. Count me in on this....
  4. Thank you, darling!


  5. The last time a guy spilled his potion on me was.....well, never mind.....let's not go there.... <<sigh>>
  6. Tomorrow, Sunday the 26th is the annual VegFest at Ferndale High School. Hours are 12 to 5...John Salley, formerly Piston's Bad Boy, will be the keynote speaker. I will be serving yummy food samples downstairs, so come out...say hello...and learn about making a difference in what you eat. Cost is $10 and $5 for students....free for VegMichigan members. Lots of food...lots of information...lots of vendors and restaurants. I hope to see you there!!! Kristie
  7. Thank you for the that profound observation, smarty! ;-)
  8. VegFest used to be called the Great American Meatout. It is put on by VegMichigan to promote vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. It is this Sunday at Ferndale High School...I think it is 10 bucks to get in...free to members....tons of free food...John Salley, formerly of the Pistons, will be the keynote speaker. He is vegan. If anyone wants more specific info, PM me.
  9. I will be wearing a sign around my neck at the VegFest... "single and available" One can only hope....
  10. Wellbutrin was just awful for me....I was ready to rip someone's head off...no kidding. I've been on several...currently on Cymbalta for the past few years...definitely helps... I will say that Zoloft got rid of the compuliveness....but Cymbalta has been the best for me for dealing with true depression. I would NOT wish it on my worst enemy....it is the most horrible expierience...one suicide attempt in the past few years... Just this week, I've started reading up on natural herbs/vitamins/suppliments. I need to make changes in my life and don't you dare take my meds away. THAT is scary...but I am trying to find another "natural" alternative in additon to western medicine....makes me hopeful. Gimp....I am so sorry for all you have been through....it is so hard to deal with when the people that should protect and love you don't. BUT, you are not alone....and you have the inner strength to overcome any obstacle. My very best to you. And to everyone else....do NOT give up....believe in love and compassion...and know that you are worthy.
  11. Hey darlin'....how are you doing? I hope all is well with you and the girls!!!

  12. When did you say your last date was??? I DO NOT believe it. You are adorable!!!! Get out of that hospital and have some fun!!!!

  13. Tired, tipsey, wondering WHO I can freaking network with to get a freaking job!!! But, adored, loved, smart, happy, and I trust in the universe.
  14. Fine...bring me a bottle of wine...and you can have beer... And Ariane...well, she'll have fun playing with Lola.
  15. Fabulous...ok...scratch that...more like pissy....wishing I HAD gone out and bought another bottle of wine... bored out of my fucking skull..... Anyone want to come over with a bottle of wine???
  16. Thanks for the vote of confidence with my Snoopy underwear! :)

  17. jeans...black socks...a black hoodie with the Detroit Pin Up Girl Logo and....snoopy underwear... very sexy....NOT
  18. adored and scared at the same time.....
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