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Everything posted by slingerlandstyx

  1. You can thank Nienna for that one. :)

  2. Also: A person newly converted to a belief, as a heathen, heretic, or nonbeliever; proselyte.

  3. Dictionary.com says: A beginner or novice. :p

  4. Weird... I could have sworn you posted something at some point about hosting somewhere. Oh well.

  5. Gorgeous pics, your phoenix is awesome.

  6. Still hoping to meet you at some point... Are you still hosting karaoke at the one place in Farmington?

  7. One might argue that his cat had the name first.
  8. Not an option, unfortunately. The only input connected to them is a stereo receiver, and we're dealing with waaaaaaaay to many issues for management to even consider taking the time to install something that would allow it, let alone spend the money on it.
  9. Figures - you're just out of range of the hotel. We might have been able to get Brandy to play it on the overhead speakers in the hallways if we were closer.
  10. That's not surprising, I used to be a corner kid. Well, sort of anyways.

  11. *poke* You have a beautiful voice, it was fun to jam at fest. (on saturday)

  12. Perchance. My bank just screwed me over, so I won't be able to go anywhere for about a month unless someone else is paying for me.

  13. Aw crap, I was logged in under DC. That last comment was from me.

  14. BLARGH!!! Damn overtime. Hopefully I'll be able to get extra some time off soon, but I haven't even made it through my first 10 cards yet. It's a shame, really. Hopefully I'll be able to get a saturday off or something.
  15. PHEE! Don't be rude to the newbies. Is this to say that they're NOT welcome if you DON'T know who they are?
  16. Wow, I thought I would have been an obvious choice. You DO know that I most always work midnoights, right?
  17. TROY! Keep tabs on this one. She'll be taking DGN registrations to an all new level, methinks.
  18. Character Witness!!! From pre-DGN days!!! Absolutely not!!! I might never have started meeting such cool people otherwise, so it's ok!!! LOL, seriously. The first beer I ever had was at your graduation party, and that just led to more socializing. (i had a serious lack of confidence back in those days, if you can recall)
  19. DBK's got better board pimping skills than I do, Troy. Make sure to send him a few extra. I don't know if it's his sweet wheels or what, but the boy has charisma.
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