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Everything posted by slingerlandstyx

  1. Has anybody actually contacted LQ about a possible group rate if we get enough people? Also, if I remember correctly from my membership days, lock-ins are $30 in advance and $35 at the door. While on the expensive side, its usually my preferred way to go, as its VERY cost effective, and you're not tripping over little kids.
  2. Looked like early thirties. Probably his first or second time, just spewing BS to get himself laid. Some tourists are OK, but this jackass was just there to find himself a "freak" I heard it wasn't his first attempt that night, either.
  3. *facepalm* I don't know which is worse... This, or the smokers that ask for a nonsmoking room, knowing full well that I'm going to be checking their room before giving them their deposit back when they check out. Some will even try to deny that they smoked in the room after I've already seen the cup on the bedside stand filled with butts. (we charge a $75 cleaning fee for smoking in a nonsmoking room)
  4. Ugh... A tourist once tried to pick Marmee up with the line, "Ever been kissed by a guy in a white polo before?" This was stated promptly before trying to dive in to try to bite her breast, and just after mentioning that he had been going to City since not long after it opened. Seriously? Did he really think he would have some sort of appeal like this? I don't know ANYONE that would respond to something like thisin a positive manner. Thank yous go to a fellow DGNr for rescuing her in my abscence. (you know who you are) Bastard was lucky I wasn't within earshot.
  5. Don't remind me... If I had an arranged marriage with one of them, I'd have to off myself.
  6. When you say 8-pieces including the throne... Do you mean 7 drums? What sizes are they? What kind of wood/how many ply are the shells?
  7. Happy Birthday Rev!!! Wish Heather and I could come help you celebrate. We'll have to get together sometime this next week and hang, I've got some different days off coming up.
  8. Oh, great Majik 8-Ball, oracle of divinity and infinite wisdom... Will I get any sleep this weeekend? Will mine and hers get along? Will it be a white Christmas this year?
  9. Wanna feel even smarter? Paris and GaGa are only two people... Think about all the bimbo teenie boppers (and girls in their twenties) that actuallu IDOLIZE these twits.
  10. No thanks... Don't feel like making the 2 hour drive from Bad Axe. :-p
  11. BACON! An original rap song by the great Luke Ski © 2007 Luke Sienkowski Now you can say a lot about a guy like me. I'm a spazzy fanboy, watchin' too much TV, Collectin' action figures, comic books and such, And I like "Wonder Woman" just a little too much. But there is one thing, you would be very mistaken, To question my devotion, it will never be shaken. If you do, you'll see my wrath and then you'll be quakin' To put it plain and simply, …I… …love… …BACON!… I put bacon on my burger when I order double cheese. I put bacon on my salad, but I throw away the leaves. I grind bacon into powder and I mix it with my salt. I blend bacon with my ice cream and I make a bacon malt. I eat bacon all alone, I'll eat bacon in a group. I eat bacon chopped and mixed into my chicken noodle soup. I'll eat bacon with Doritos, and entire can of Spam. And I'll even top it off with Soylent Green Eggs and Ham! BACON IS DELICIOUS, IS SO YUMMY, IS SO GREAT! BACON IS THE SUBSTANCE STACKED A FOOT HIGH ON MY PLATE! BACON IS SO TASTY, IS SO AWESOME, IS THE BEST! BACON IS THE FOOD THAT I KEEP TUCKED INSIDE MY VEST! (Yum yum, eat 'em up!) If you say I like it too much, well I say the Hell with that! As I place upon my head a brand new stylin' bacon hat. It was made out of the meat strips that I constantly desire Fresh and hot off the wire, from designer Oscar Meyer. So call me a dork, when I eat it with a spork. I'm a razzafrackin' Pac-Man eating dots of salted pork. It's an entrée and a condiment, so kill the condemnation, And I hang it on my walls, just to use as decoration. I eat bacon in the morning, I eat bacon in the night. I won bacon playing Plinko on the show "The Price Is Right". If you do not comprehend it, well I guess I'll spell it out. B is for the by-products like grissle, grease, and grout. A is for the Apple Smoky flavored Cudahy. C is for lettuce which goes on a B.L.T. O is for… um… …ostrich. N is for never get a side order of sausage! BACON IS MY DINNER, IS MY DESSERT, IS MY SNACK! BACON IS THE REASON THAT YOUR BABY GOT BACK! BACON IS THE RULER, IS THE MASTER, BACON REIGNS! BACON IS WHAT'S CLOGGIN' ALL MY ARTERIES AND VEINS! (Yum yum, eat 'em up!) Could it be a big conspiracy that bacon's on my brain? Bacon was the dying word of Charles Foster Kane. Bacon's written backwards on an old Da Vinci scroll. Bacon was the second gunman on the grassy knoll. Bacon laundered all the cash of Mr. John Gotti. Bacon wrote the by-laws of the whole Illuminati. Bacon changed the recipe of Coke for no reasons. Bacon played 'Becky' on "Roseanne" for two seasons. (ShoEboX Bacon was the last opponent that Dale Earnheart raced. Bacon is a Hanukkah gift for those with piss-poor taste. Bacon crashed my car. Bacon shot J.R.. Bacon knows where Waldo, Hoffa, and Atlantis are. Bacon told Titanic not to worry 'bout the ice. Bacon knows you're naughty, and it knows when you are nice. Bacon flew to Hiroshima when they dropped the bomb. (ShoEboX: Bacon is your father,) cause it hooked up with your Mom! Bacon rigs the Super Bowl with help from John Madden. Bacon was the voice of Iago on "Aladdin". (beat stops breifly) - Hey, what happened to the song? ('Gilbert': I ate some bacon, so the mix came out wrong!) BACON IS THE FREEDOM, IS THE POWER, IS THE WAY! BACON IS THE INDIAN WHO SANG "Y-M-C-A"! BACON IS THE ANSWER, IS THE QUESTION IS YOUR FRIEND! BACON IS THE SAVIOR THAT WILL SAVE YOU IN THE END! Bacon bacon bacon bacon by the score! Bacon bacon bacon bacon bacon ga-galore! (ShoEboX: So, you wanna meet at Denny's at, say, 8:04?) AS IF I HAVE THE TIME TO EAT BREAKFAST ANYMORE!!!!!!
  12. HOLY CRAP! I get this at least once a day. "Swagger", or any variation used to describe someone's style in a positive light. Has anybody ACTUALLY looked it up? Its not a good thing, when you think about it. Really.
  13. They have them by me! They taste virtually identical. The 12-pack makes it easier to pick them up to go to the club and not feel like I'm overspending, too.
  14. Indeed. :-( on the plus side, I prefer clothes that have a bit of weight to them if I'm going to be out and about.
  15. Will the weather be warm and sunny in 5 weeks?
  16. Three people got fired from my workplace that REALLY needed to be. No, I don't feel bad about feeling good about this. When you tell the boss when you "will" or "won't" work vs. "can" and "can't", there's a problem. So is calling off every weekend for the last 3 months. Good riddance. Only a few more to go....
  17. Kookie Cookie Karma Restaurant | New York, USA Me: “Can I help you, ma’am?” Customer: “Yes. What are these?” Me: “That is a fortune cookie, ma’am.” Customer: “It doesn’t look like a cookie. Where are the chocolate chips?” Me: “Ma’am, these are a different kind of cookie. You open them up and they tell your fortune on a piece of paper.” Customer: “What kind of cookies have paper in them!?” Me: “Fortune cookies, ma’am.” Customer: “This is an outrage! Cookies are meant to be eaten, and paper isn’t EATABLE!” Me: “Please, ma’am, the paper is–” Customer: “Shut up! I’m leaving.” (The customer begins to storm out but in her anger misses the door and walks right into the wall. When she finally stumbles out, I open up the fortune cookie and read its message: “Do not worry. You will get what is coming to you in life.”) (courtesy of notalwaysright.com)
  18. Mmmmm... It's easier to write what I don't love about her... Which is next to nothing! Nobody gives better back scratches, or knows me better. Even my family fell in love with her the first time we all got together. I can't wait for our handfasting next month! (and the wedding a year later!)
  19. *passes CotN a carafe of Cophee* We seem to be all out, my friend.
  20. Oh, and I'd like a large iced chai tea please. Do you have any bananas to blend it with?
  21. Found on notalwaysright.com, brought to my awareness by ScaryGuy. Thanks for the night-shift entertainment, SG! Less Twilight, More Daylight Hospital | New York, NY, USA Me: “Hi, this is anesthesia. How can I help you?” Caller: “This is the blood bank, right?” Me: “No, this is anesthesia.” Caller: “That’s the same thing, right?” Me: “Not really.” Caller: “Well, what is anesthesia?” Me: “The stuff that puts you to sleep before surgery.” Caller: “Well who cares about that c**p!” Me: “People who need surgery?” Caller: “No! You know what they need? BLOOD!” Me: “Okay…but you still have the wrong number.” Caller: “Vampires need blood! You’re not a vampire because you don’t need blood! Humans don’t need blood!” Me: “Sir, humans need blood just as much as a vampire.” Caller: “Wait, so humans are vampires?” Me: “No, they just need–” Caller: “Holy f***! I’M A VAMPIRE! You just made my day!” Me: “Well, no–” Caller: “Thank you sooo much!” *click*
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