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Everything posted by slingerlandstyx

  1. Soooo... Handfasting... Friday, the 23rd, next month...

    Interested in being the officiant? :-)

  2. You should post more, m'lady... But then again, I could stand to drop in a bit more myself, LOL. Hope it's far better than you think it will be! :-)
  3. LOL, how'd I know you'd want to go to this. *edited to add quote
  4. Marmee & I should be there later on, not sure yet what we're bringing... Anybody have any idea as to how late everyone is staying?
  5. You Are A Little Snobby Being a little snobby every once and a while is totally allowed. If no one was ever snobby, people wouldn't try to better themselves. While you enjoy the finest things in life (that you can afford), you do tire of superficiality. You know there's more to life than what's just on the surface. Are You Snobby?
  6. LOL, since when does anything that happen at City ever truly stay at City?
  7. Where's Troy on this matter? He must be informed! And how the heck did I not see this sooner?
  8. I wanted to go!!! But finances just won't allow it at the moment. Please, people, details! Marmee & I need to live vicariously! LOL
  9. Thanks for the wishes everyone, wish it HAD been a happy birthday. I was sick all week last week, only got out of bed to get supplies for getting better. Marmee took good care of me though, made me soup and jello, and never left my side. I loves mah Lady!!!
  10. Gusoline Alley is a must-see for any pub-crawl in Royal Oak, along with Fifth Avenue if its on Tueseday, Wednesday, or Thursday, as they have some (usually) pretty kick-ass local bands with no cover.
  11. Where is "here"? Teh intarwebz, they are vast. "Here" is such a relative term.


  12. Thanks again for the congratulations everyone... No Rev, we haven't out any serious thought into that yet. We met at city about a year and a half ago, but she was seeing someone alse at the time. Its probably all just the same, as I wouldn't have been in the right frame of mind for a proper relationship back then...
  13. Oh gawd... I never wanna see that merri-go-round again... LOL
  14. Thank you, to all of the well-wishers. There are still a few people who either can't, or won't, believe that this actually happening. Every bit of support is appreciated. :-) Heather and I haven't set a date yet, but we'll keep you posted. One thing we HAVE decided on, is that we want to have it either in the Henry ford Museum, or one of the taverns in Greenfield Village. I worked at a bridal show a couple of weeks ago for the hotel and they had a booth set up. I'll have to get a pic or two to post up on here, I don't have any here at work.
  15. Maybe... But I think I'm a good kind of freak.


  16. But they make good dessert!

  17. *me pokes you* When are we doing dinner?

  18. You are the awesomest awesomeness of the awesome of awesomest... lol

  19. I'm an idiot. I'm WORKING this Saturday, I'll be going NEXT Saturday.
  20. Crap! This is starting to look like a good week. I wanna go, but I have to be up early to pick people up to work at ren fest on sunday. :-(
  21. Yay for drunken Big Boy adventures! Best grad party I ever went to.
  22. See you in 2 1/2 days. :-)

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