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is anyone else experiencing a change in the weather to cause your sinus' to go hay-wire?

constant dripping nose, sinus headaches, scratchy throat, ears draining, eyes watering/drying out, etc.

i've had this thing for about 2wks. now, and it isn't going away, no matter what i take in my house that suppose to help get rid of it. i need to go to the doc's office, and i intend on doing so.

just wondering if anyone else is having this same problem.

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ok lady cheech! :happy: i think it may also have to do with the fact that i've been taking care of my guy, what with random important hospital runs and other medical type things, and running myslef ragged. on that note, i'm going to go take care of myself right now!

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Yes always. I'm so sick of my damned sinus' that at times I'm tempted just to smack my damn nose and give it a reason run.


see, i always threaten to cut out my sinus', and end the problem there. :grin but then i just go and grab more tissue.

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i got the ears filled with stuff nadi cant here very well, then i will get in the shower and they will pop and drain and make my ears itch and tickle and i have been sneezzing allot , a few slight head aches too.

We use walgreens brand stuff and it works prety well we also have used real sudafed.

The Doc used to give me guaifsen (sp?) and that would loossen everything up in my head so when i bent over my head would not explode, i know it is in just about every other over the counter cold med and i have found a whole bottle of the pure stuff they let me buy at costco with out a script.

Mr. L has had the sinus surgery they fixed his spetum and scrapped out a bunch of nasty ness in there, but the kid kicked him in the nose (accident) and since then his sinus has been screwed so i think his septum went back tothe wrong place again.

Its not just you, it seems so may have sinus problems now a days. Kepp good care of your self that is all i know to do other hten that we just have to wait till the weather changes again. MIchigan sucks realy bad too for this sort of thing.


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Michigan; the state mother nature said "Umm... what do I do with this place? What kind of enviornment should I make it? Oh look! There's a snow cloud. It's only July, but it can snow now! They won't notice." :blink

the random weather changes does WONDERS for me. i like being sick half the year, and getting over it the other half of the year. it's fun.

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The weather changes precipitate (no pun intended) changes in the whole ecosystem. It could be the pollen, the mold, or the plain ole' dust. But with the chronic sinutis, I would recommend thinking about the "allergy" prospects as well as the "change in the weather."

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It's worse when I wake up. Eww won't go into details.


aww, c'mon! i'm a sucker for detail! :devil i guess when i go and see the doc, then i'll know if i do have a sinus infection, or if there's something else going on, or if my body is just giving off symptoms(sp?) for whatever reason. can't really say at this point in time. i just know from past experiences what a sinus infection "smells" like. i know that's gross, but think about it. whenever your sick, and if you're sick a lot, your body gives off a certain smell to go along with that sickness... or maybe that's just me. who knows.

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When I first saw this I thought it said Algebra does wonders for me.   :doh


you sir need more sleep. :sleeping go nite-nite! :happy:

really need to get to the doc. over-the-counter meds only work for so long before my body says "fuck you, i'm not listening!", and starts the process all over again. it was really bad this morning. not so bad right now. wonder if i can make it to the doc's tomorrow, last min. appointment... might work... who knows!

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    • I'm sorry they suck so hard.  I'm also sorry to say that it's very likely because of how you look with all the tattoos, piercings, garb, and whatnot.  They probably thought you were there for drugs especially if there isn't anything obviously wrong (and if there was something obviously wrong like a lead pipe sticking out of your leg they might think you did that to yourself just to get drugs.) But admittedly they're a bit jaded because SO MANY people do go actually just trying to score drugs. My mother was in constant pain the last ten years of her life, and even more when the cancer showed up.  She said it was the worst pain of her life.   Pain management is a fucking joke that just isn't  and never has been funny, but they keep telling it anyway. They also can tend to be super judgy on top of the general distrust because it's a religious hospital network.  I think we're lucky they're not still trying to use leeches at this point.     You should have sued their asses.  At least it didn't diminish her quality of life longterm.   Doctors are arrogant assholes too and think that the patient doesn't know shit.  While I admit that not having seven years of medical training doesn't make us regular plebs as qualified, no one knows what's going on with the patients own body quite like the patient.  The patient (or guardian) should always be informed and involved with what their medical team is doing.   There needs to be some type of legal medical bracelet that basically says "this person has a guardian and if you do anything without their  consent they will sue the everloving shit out of you."     All that said, I should probably go see someone about this blood I'm shitting.  But I really don't want to deal with them that much (also the lack of medical insurance doesn't help either.) On the plus side if I do die then it's not my problem anymore so I don't have to worry about it!
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    • ~~~~~ We received a letter about that a bit ago.  I know Corewell Health was included in the cyber attach as they were transitioning over from Beaumont Heath.
    • Excellent idea, since between your experience and Trene and Tron's ordeal they clearly aren't doing great things.   Also didn't Ascension just have a huge breach of their medical records because their cybersecurity department sucked?
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