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Ny own debt-collection question

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We canceled our DirecTV service about a year or so ago. We still owed about $115.85 on our bill.

We've been getting non-stop calls from their collection service's automated callback system, but screening calls and ignoring them. I don't think we've gotten anything in the mail from them for a while, just the calls.

Well, this weekend, we got a letter from Riddle & Associates, attorneys at law. The letter states they've been retained to collect the amount due, plus $98 attorney/collection costs, or DirecTV can pursue arbitration or other means of collection.

So, I did some research online to see how valid this is. The best article I found involves their practicing this in West Virginia. Sounds good, but I'm not in West Virginia. You can read what happened with WV here.

So, I'm wondering if I can just print out a copy of that, attach it to this letter, respond by saying, "I'll pay 5 monthly payments, 4 in the amount of $25, and one final payment in the amount of $15.85 to settle this debt. I will not pay a penny of attorney/collection costs per the attached internet print-out."

Think that'd suffice? I don't mind paying the $115.85, as that'll just help clear Jon's credit record. But damned if I'm gonna pay an additional $98 when we're already not in the greatest financial shape.

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OK, well I probably have the most experience here since I am a debt collector for the largest debt purchasing company in the country.

Yes, it is valid. Do not underestimate it. My advice to you is not to ignore the calls if you plan on paying the bill. That only makes them want to take you to court or garn your wages, income tax, etc. And don't do it by mail only. I mean, you can if you want but there is nothing to be afraid of by calling and you can be sure that they understand your intentions and you understand theirs. Call the number on the legal notice you received and tell them you would like to work out a payment plan starting immediately and let them know what you are capable of paying.

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They can't hold anything against you as long as you make the effort to pay. I would print that out and send it with a notice of intent to pay. Don't send a check yet until they accept your offer.


They can do anything they want unless you get your own attorney.

Trust me I've tried to fight the system before, best to just take it up the ass and get it over with, not to mention fighting it destroys your credit history.. But do communicate with your debtors so they know you're not trying to skip out on them totally.

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Alrighty. In NB's advice, I called the collector's office. Got just what I expected - an overbearing, fast & loud talking jerk who rather than DISCUSS the issue with me, did his best to ensure I couldn't get a word in edgewise while he tried to bully me into coughing up every penny - including the $98 fee - on the spot.

I tried to reason with him, but he wouldn't stop the bullying & fast-talking, so I hung up on him and contacted DirecTV directly. They worked out the exact payment plan I was TRYING to discuss with the collection jerk, and reassured me so long as I stick to the plan, the collection agency can continue to contact me, but that they can't do anything further. As soon as I've made one payment, I'll have a reference number I can give the agency if need be.

No offense, NB, but I don't know how you can work for places like that, if that's the kind of tactics they train their employees to use. Does it really get them anywhere to harrass & bully rather than to discuss & work things out? It might with scared, unlearned people, but it'll never work with someone who's done their research.

I knew I could go directly to DirecTV because this isn't my first experience with an agent using these sorts of tactics. The first was quite a few years ago, when I owed a doctor money but, similarly to today, took almost a year or more before I was in any shape to even discuss payment arrangements. I tried to talk to the collector, but he outright SCREAMED at me over the phone when I tried to arrange a payment schedule, since I couldn't lump-sum the total debt. So I called the doctor's office, said, "Look, I'm trying to make arrangements to get you your money, but the collector only wants to scream and bully me, and if I can't get someone to DISCUSS things, I'm just going to have to lump it in with a bankruptcy." Needless to say, the doctor wanted her money, so she worked out a payment plan with me by having the collection agency call me back to iron-out the details. I spoke with a different representative who feigned disbelief that the first rep would treat me in such a manner, but the guy was a horrible actor and I could tell he knew exactly how I'd been treated.

The details were worked out, the doctor got her money, and all was well.

And thus will the same be with DirecTV. They get their money, Jon gets a bad mark removed from his credit record, and all are happy.

Except the collection agency, which isn't going to get squat.

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No offense taken, FC. I don't work for a collection agency either. I work for a finance company that purchases debt. There is a difference. And the reason I work for the company I work for is because I make great money that is putting me through school and have great benefits that provide medical, dental and vision coverage for myself and my children. That's what's important.

I gave you the advice I did because once an attorney has it - and legal collectors are they biggest bullies - you will get sued if no attempt is made to pay the bill. I just didn't want you to end up paying legal fees and court costs - which they are capable of making a person pay; voluntarily or not.

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Ahh, I getcha. No, I don't have a problem with the sort of company you work for - I've found them a lot more actually willing to discuss such matters, rather than bully. It was just such a company that helped us work out our house fiasco 2 years ago, and enabled us to sell it without being foreclosed upon. They were great.

As for the above referenced jerkoff, I could understand his kind of attitude if I'd called with an attitude of, "F-you, you're not getting a penny from me, f-off." But I was totally calling to work something out and pay the money. I just can't believe this works for them.

It feels good to get these debts on their way to being paid. We're trying to clean up Jon's credit record, while mine is still slated for bankruptcy. But it's so disheartening to be treated this way when we're actually trying to own-up to our debts. :(

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Ahh, I getcha. No, I don't have a problem with the sort of company you work for - I've found them a lot more actually willing to discuss such matters, rather than bully. It was just such a company that helped us work out our house fiasco 2 years ago, and enabled us to sell it without being foreclosed upon. They were great.

As for the above referenced jerkoff, I could understand his kind of attitude if I'd called with an attitude of, "F-you, you're not getting a penny from me, f-off." But I was totally calling to work something out and pay the money. I just can't believe this works for them.

It feels good to get these debts on their way to being paid. We're trying to clean up Jon's credit record, while mine is still slated for bankruptcy. But it's so disheartening to be treated this way when we're actually trying to own-up to our debts. :(


I completely agree with you.

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I think this girl is right from what I hear, my husband is an accountant.


According to the original post, she did not make an effort to pay.. she ignored bills from DirecTV and then the calls from the agency.

Bit of a difference ;)

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I was just going to say to call directv and they would probally let you pay what ever with out the the legal fee's but ......

you already did that!

You are so on top of it all. :grin

Most of the time if you contact the company in which you actually owe the debt too, even after it has been placed with a collection agancy, the orignal company will work with you even when the agency wont.

Glad things worked out and i have to agree if you are calling to try to work something out why do they have to scream at you. I have had it happen to many many times, and i have screamed back and hung up and tried to be nice and explored every possiable way to make it stop but they just dont. It is so upsetting.


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I've gone bankrupt, been in debt, haven't paid all kinds of bills and never cared about how many calls, letters, etc I get from anyone. It's terrible to say, adn may seem immature, but even now when I am paying my bills, etc,. I never ever give out my real phone number anymore. Several companies I do business with do not have my real phone and they don't need it. If they have my mailing address, they can contact me through the mail if any problem ever arises.

I like things in writing and I have fought and dealt with debt collectors, some fro years. I have used 'cease and dessist' notices and everything I can think of, but never did I allow them to intimidate me. Not once have my wages been garnished nor have i been taken to court. Once the statute of limitations runs out on one credit card dispute, I will tell them so and they can take a flying leap.

Whatever you do ALWAYS get it in writing. ;)

Good luck.

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I think I might take your lead and start giving out a fake phone number myself. We're already unlisted.

What I don't get is why these collectors have to be so rude. When Jon bought his motorcycle, we ended up not paying the very first payment on time, 'cause I had my dates mixed-up (I handle all the finances in the household). Not a week after it was due, Jon gets a call - AT WORK, where he's a shop worker and has to be called to a phone - from a guy at Yamaha financing and the first thing the guy says to Jon is, "Mr. X, don't you believe in paying your bills?!?!?!" After my husband recovered from that one, and informed the guy that "my wife handles the bills", the next thing outta the guys mouth is, "maybe that's your problem."DropGob.gif Jon called me, and I called Yamaha right away and realized the date mix-up, and immediately made the payment. We've had the bike 2 years and never had a single other missed payment, and even have been paying above the premium due most of that time.

I just don't know why they have to be so rude.

We're doing what we can to keep Jon's record clean. Mine is beyond repair, so I'll be going through with the bankruptcy once we move back to Michigan. But we're also taking the Dave Ramsey road of not depending on credit more than we have to. We have only used Visa & Mastercard debit cards for over 4 years now, write checks only for the bills we can't pay online, and are paying off what we can by making higher than required payments each month.

Looking forward to being debt-free asap.

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Good for you FC!!! I like to listen to Dave when I have the chance!


I have some bills that are in collections. I have no job to pay. My husbands $$ pays the current bills and some of his student loans. Since I CAN NOT pay at this time, but I do intend to pay, what should I say to the ceditors?

I hate talking to these poeple on the phone for the same reasons that Critter stated. I'm a big chicken!

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Good for you FC!!!  I like to listen to Dave when I have the chance!


I have some bills that are in collections.  I have no job to pay.  My husbands $$ pays the current bills and some of his student loans.  Since I CAN NOT  pay at this time, but I do intend to pay, what should I say to the ceditors?

I hate talking to these poeple on the phone for the same reasons that Critter stated.  I'm a big chicken!


notthat this is a good reply but i found it funny......

so this lady kept calling every day all day even when i answered the phone she would call back and bugg the living pissout of me.

One day she called,

Lady: Is XX there?

Me: no can i take a message

LAdy: this is a long distance call from floridia

me: okay so can i take a message

lady: who is this

me: well who is this

lady: is XX there

ME : no

LAdy / me: back n forth as above for about 5 minute

Me: listen XX dont know any one in floridia so if you dont leave you name and number she will not call you back

LAdy: this is personal business and i can not give out that information

ME: listen if you dont give me a name of your company, or your name,or an phone # XX will not call you back

Lady: Well who is this and how do you know?

Me: this is XX lover "kimmie"

Lady: well what happen to XX's husband?

Me: Who, her husband, we kicked that bastard out 2 months ago and have been hitting the lesbo sheats ever since.

Lady: Oh

Me: So do you want to leave your name and #

She hung up on me and never called back ever, ever , ever.


any how i usually say some absurd stuff to the nasty ones who call and call and call and are allways rude to me.

Sorry i dont ahve any real advice for you to tel lthem cause well if you do not know when you will be able to pay them, why even bother trying to tal kwith them, it does not make most of them stop calling. If you do have a an estimated time in which you will be able to pay them then let them know, but other hten that i dont see where it would help any.

just my own thoughts


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ME: listen if you dont give me a name of your company, or your name,or an phone #  XX will not call you back

Lady: Well who is this and how do you know?

Me: this is XX lover "kimmie"

Lady: well what happen to XX's husband?

Me: Who, her husband, we kicked that bastard out 2 months ago and have been hitting the lesbo sheats ever since.

Lady: Oh

Me: So do you want to leave your name and #

She hung up on me and never called back ever, ever , ever.



heh heh heh.

I love it!

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You know, I have very little advice to offer on that.

I basically never took any calls. I have been screening with my answering machine for at least 5 years now. And yes, I'm sick of that.

But anyway, I can only remember talking to one creditor who was actually civil with me, and we worked out a payment plan. But that's the difference - we were actually able to pay, we weren't telling them we COULDN'T pay.

Sometimes, I hear, you can work out some things through a "hardship" clause or something, where they'll eliminate interest and minimize payment amounts for a while. But other than that, I'm clueless.

Good for you FC!!!  I like to listen to Dave when I have the chance!


I have some bills that are in collections.  I have no job to pay.  My husbands $$ pays the current bills and some of his student loans.  Since I CAN NOT  pay at this time, but I do intend to pay, what should I say to the ceditors?

I hate talking to these poeple on the phone for the same reasons that Critter stated.  I'm a big chicken!

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