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3 People Looking For Work! -aa/brighton/canton Area

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hi there!

My husband and I and our roommate (GothicRavenGoddess) all need jobs! I saw some people posting on here so I thought this might be a good idea.

Jeff, my husband, went to culinary school, has kitchen manager experience as well as tons of line and prep experience. He can work in a restaurant, catering, hotel, whatever. he just wants to cook again. he can make money with taxes no problem.

I on the other hand, can only work under the table, unless its something that is PT and within my guidlines. Long story, ask privately because I dont like broadcasting my personal business. I have worked at two coffee shops (LOVED IT!) was a waitress (cash only now) for several years and have references. I also have good office experience so an assistant position would be great. As well, I have been a FT nanny for over 10 years. I actually went to school to become a montessori teacher- a babysitting or nanny possition even if only PT would be IDEAL!!!

Our room mate also needs a job. any offers in the ann arbor/brighton area because she cant drive so we'll have to cart her so it cant be as far as canton! But Jeff and I are willing to travel out that way or towards Chelsea too. she wont work in fast food or a convenience store but doenst have alot of work experinece either.

HOPE YOU GUYS CAN HELP!!! thanks so much!

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its not that I am unwilling to work in fastfood, or gas stations, i just don't want to... last resort kind of thing, ya know? BUT i am looking into some sites, and browsing what's available. I am fixen to apply to the Marshall's down the road from where we live.... i know... perfect time, right? 3 am, after a concert! lol

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its not that I am unwilling to work in fastfood, or gas stations, i just don't want to... last resort kind of thing, ya know? BUT i am looking into some sites, and browsing what's available. I am fixen to apply to the Marshall's down the road from where we live.... i know... perfect time, right? 3 am, after a concert! lol

And you think that this isn't a last resort?? You have no job. You seem to NEED a job. It's crazy to even be remotely picky in Michigan's economical situation. Hell, I'd ring burgers if it I couldn't find a job with the extensive qualifications that I had and fast food was all that I could find. At least it's a job.....

Get whatever job you CAN, and then look for one you WANT. Jesus......

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well in her defence sometimes people DO need to get jobs they want. not thier dream job, but something they would feel comfortable working at. otherwise you are likely to get fired or quit very easily. and a life of hating oyur job and being stressed out all the time isnt much of a life. We were waiting for this one job to go thru with a friend of mine, but my friends boss got canned and now there is no one to say she can hire an assistant. But I think we will go looking this week :) I'll make my husband go tooling aorund with her lol. Its punishment lol (just kidding teehee)

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yes, we have checked Craigslist alot. almost every day. alot of them are scams if you look, makes it look like there is more on there than there really is. alot of them are waitressing, which he cant do (lost all his hair with chemo meds for his skin) and hes applied to a bunch of the cook positions. actually, I think I'll be doing that in a few minutes, replying to places for him. he likes my help. makes things move along faster lol. I am SUCH a caretaker! lol but he takes care of other things like my sanity (yeah shoulder rubs! lol) and he cleans the pig's litter-boxes lol... I think he does his share so its the LEAST I can do for him!

THANKS THO! you are awesome! getting the Free Press and AA NEWS today too.

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woo hoo! guess whos calling them first thing tomorrow morning? lol want to make sure they are hiring for anything I want. I actually have to be selective on what I take because I have anxiety issues. If I dont feel comfortable the job wont work out. In the past I was let go alot from restaurants because as soon as a manager found out I have anxierty and depression (one slow day is all it took no matter how hard I worked nromally) I became a liability and was forced out. TGI even fired me and then wrote it up as medical leave so that I couldnt file a lawsuit. not that I knew any better at 19 lol. Its never been an issue really. I function very very well and never miss work. it just scares people who never would have know otherwise. I hate that. but in the last 10 years I think every area has come a LONG WAYS in the acceptance of mental illness!!! It just sucks that people judge you no matter how great your perfomance is. you know???

okay... so now the cat is out lol. sometimes I have a habit of saying too much, but I knwo you guys are all supportive :)

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And you think that this isn't a last resort?? You have no job. You seem to NEED a job. It's crazy to even be remotely picky in Michigan's economical situation. Hell, I'd ring burgers if it I couldn't find a job with the extensive qualifications that I had and fast food was all that I could find. At least it's a job.....

Get whatever job you CAN, and then look for one you WANT. Jesus......

i see where you are coming from, but there's no need to be rude. when i say last resort, i mean when things are desperate... well, not totally desperate... but yeah. i mean, i'll still apply there, but if i get call backs from other places, they will be called first. I just love when ppl jump to conclusions... I didn't say I wouldn't apply there, but I'm not going to press to work there, if there are other places interested.

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i see where you are coming from, but there's no need to be rude. when i say last resort, i mean when things are desperate... well, not totally desperate... but yeah. i mean, i'll still apply there, but if i get call backs from other places, they will be called first. I just love when ppl jump to conclusions... I didn't say I wouldn't apply there, but I'm not going to press to work there, if there are other places interested.

I am in no way being rude. I am being realistic. Sure, you may have to take something that sucks. But until you find what you want, wouldn't you rather have some money coming in as opposed to NONE?? I understand that you're very young and not very experienced, but you also have to be realistic in your expectations. I have an extensive amount of retail management experience. When I moved here just over a year ago to be with Jeff, I went from being management at Ulta in Hunt Valley to a one-day-a-week ringer at the Brighton store. I am educated. I can spell, speak, and form large words and make sentences that people understand. There are a lot of people here who cannot.

I had to take what I could get until I landed what I wanted. It stinks. But, it's reality. It's time to accept that. No conclusions would be "jumped" to if the wording would have been right. Good luck, though. I really do know just how hard it is.

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Kroger is hiring night stock! Jeff, even tho he wants to cook again, is thinking about applying. he can always cook a few evenings a week before he goes to work at kroger. they dont pay that bad either, $8.75/hr. doesnt sound like much but most grocery store jobs are $8 or less... meijer starts at $7.15/hr regardless of experience. Im sure he'll have no problem getting it. hopefully he'll apply!

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I have an interview with target on friday! Its just for sales floor. I wish it were for the starbucks :) but they dont have one in that store :( the stupid target net work you have to go in and fill out a 60-80minute thing on the computer in there (they actually tell you its that long) and it ONLY applies to that store only! not other stores! but this is fine. oh, and the coffee shop I like is hiring! I'll take that one if I get both :) money doesnt matter because being on SSI I can only make so much a month. which SUCKS!!! anyway...wish me luck!!!

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Kroger is hiring night stock! Jeff, even tho he wants to cook again, is thinking about applying. he can always cook a few evenings a week before he goes to work at kroger. they dont pay that bad either, $8.75/hr. doesnt sound like much but most grocery store jobs are $8 or less... meijer starts at $7.15/hr regardless of experience. Im sure he'll have no problem getting it. hopefully he'll apply!

Bob Evans is hiring cooks at the 275 and ford road location. They drug test and you can't have long hair though, FYI if that matters. 12 bucks an hour I believe.

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Bob Evans is hiring cooks at the 275 and ford road location. They drug test and you can't have long hair though, FYI if that matters. 12 bucks an hour I believe.

oh wow! thats alot of money for a cook! usually only kitchen manangers make that much! Jeff has a culinary degree almost and only gets hired for $8-$9 usually. only made $12/hr as an executive chef (pretty mucht eh kitchen and dining manager of a golf club, but he did everything). he doenst have long hair because hes on chemo meds for his eczema. and a drug test is no problem as long as they dont care about the steroids hes on for his skin lol. just hopefully they dont mind the oposite, because he has no hair or eyebrows and is losing his lashes lol but full body hair! LMAO!!! poor guy. he'll have a hard time due to looks. but I'll have him go down there on monday! (we dont have the gas until saturday and they frown on weekend applying).


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