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We Are All Ugly

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I am ugly because I can not always stop myself from saying things that make people cry.

I am ugly because I can't alwys control my rage.

I am ugly because I'm a self centered egotistical bastard on the outside and a whimpering self doubting pussy on the inside.

I am ugly because commercial can make me cry.

I am ugly because the pain of past injurys overcomes me emoitionally, causing me to lash out at anyone who comes near me.

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I'm ugly because I'm way way too thick for my liking.

Sorry, but I am. I can't even fit in my size 9 pants anymore. All my size 5 stuff is definately out of the question, probably couldn't even get it up past my thighs :laugh: . My rolls even spill over the edge of my fat pants which are like size 11. I'll be out of wearable clothes before Christmas (I knew I shouldn't have given all of my size 21 stuff to the goodwill) :rant:

Edited by Chernobyl
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Foremost I am ugly for being an elitist. (Intellectually and lifestyle wise)

I am ugly because I let myself be used to avoid being alone.

I am ugly because I use people, know I'm doing it, and don't care.

I am ugly because I can be extremely catty.

I am ugly because I can take pleasure sometimes in the misfortune of others.

I am ugly because I prefer to shun the general public rather than embrace it.

I am ugly because I am so selfish that I refuse to have children, and have doubts about getting married.

Edited by Nienna
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I'm getting a little specific here, sorry.

I'm ugly because.... I don't know how I'm ugly... I love me... lol

hhmm.. points to ponder...

I am ugly because that comment just made me vomit in my own mouth. :ralph

I'm ugly because there is much more I'd like to say,

but for some reason I want to stay on this board.

I'm ugly, because I hate most people, and yet am oddly hurt when I find out someone doesn't like me.

I'm ugly, because I envy people like Scary Guy who bathe in their perceived ugliness.

(trust me SG there's enough hate to go around--you are only only one of many reviled around here---like me--anyone that provokes strong emotions will share in the hate mail)

I'm ugly, because I take pleasure that Black--:censored: once PMed me and said no one likes me and that I should just leave the board and shut up,

and then due to no effort of my own, he got banned.

I'm ugly because :censored: really freaks me out.

Look, I come from a family tree that has it's share of perverts and molesters,

so maybe I'm a bit more sensitive about this BUT,

you should not be posting like that about your niece.

It's creepy

And I know your life totally, completely sucks (according to you), and in fact I personally do worry about you and your well-being,

but PLEASE don't creep out every single f&^%ing female that comes on by making inappropriate comments and gestures to them.

It's not funny, it's creepy. (Except maybe not to her :up: )

Because she can laugh at it.

But, you are literally 3X older than many of the females on here.

Please, please stop.

We all think you're a nice guy. Just stop being so creepy.

I'm ugly because I've wanted to get that off my chest for over two years.

I'm ugly, because as opposed to people that PM when they should just say it on the board,

I posted what I probably should have PMed.

I'm ugly because I don't care.

I wanted to get it out there in the open, on the odd chance that I'm wrong.

I'm ugly, because if anyone raped or molested someone close to me I'd probably be in jail for ripping his nuts off.

I'm ugly, because knowing women that have been molested, raped, and abused, I'm very protective and possibly a little paternalistic toward women and very adamant about women's rights and abortion rights.

(You may say it's a baby issue--I say it's a women's basic rights issue--I almost worked for Planned Parenthood--

I actually kinda did---I used to be one of those escorts, helping women from their cars to the door for a period of time when some psycho started holding up signs of dead babies every day and shouting threats to the women entering.

He also held up a billboard with the word Holocaust with 2 images--one of stillborn babies, and one of holocaust victims.)

I'm ugly because I wanted to rip his nuts off too.

I'm ugly because what tipped me over the edge, was seeing the Holocaust images, not the the dead babies.

I'm ugly, because I'm very defensive of my religion, which again is stupid since everyone's converting out of it anyway.

I'm ugly, because that really pisses me off.

I'm ugly, because I don't know how to be brief.

I'm ugly, because it is my life goal to be understood,

when I fully well know that---once understood, no one gives a shit anyway.

I'm ugly because when people tell me that they read my posts, all the way through to the end no less,

I feel terribly sorry for them.

I'm ugly, because I want to go on and on forever right now.

I WON'T---WHY? (again taking me back to the delusional notion that

A. you want to know and

B. once you do know, you'll give a shit)


I'm ugly, because I realize that every moment I spend on here is a moment not working,

and my work is never done,

and then I have to work late,

and have less free time


I'm ugly, because every moment on DGN, is one moment less with my Bean Water.

Or making money.

Which leads to one less thing I can do with my Bean Water.

I'm ugly, because I'm still on here, editing and rereading and finding time for one more personal bitch)

I'm ugly, because I don't know why people can't either do spell check or look over their post to make sure it doesn't look like a brand new language


"Yes I'm fluent in English, French, Spanish, Klingon, Esperanto, Yiddish, and Mspelbadgramatese!"

I usually only type in this language,

primarily when I'm on DGN"

I'm ugly, because I'm happy that the worst offenderhasn't posted much lately

(His posting literally gives me eye strain)

I'm Sorry.

I'm ugly, becasue I apologize too much.

I'm ugly, because I'm still writing.

I'm ugly because this thread, although started in good humor is a practice in mild sadism.

I'm ugly because I'm addicted. Once I saw BWs Christmas thread I was off to the race and I don't know how to get off.

I'm ugly, because I'm now resentful of Odims for creating it.

I'm ugly, because I will be happy with him again once I burn all his FLA cds that I don't own yet (I have 3 or 4)

I'm ugly, because I pass the buck on things that are really my fault.

I'm ugly, because I give my ex too much power.

I let her frighten and manipulate me, and it hurts my relationship with Bean.

I'm ugly, because I take Bean for granted, and am then surprised when she stands up to me.

I'm ugly, because I'm terrified of losing my job, yet I'm simultaneously threatening it by typi--

That's it, I'm done.

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I'm ugly because I am one that does not like whiney people.

You are SOOOO on the wrong board.

That's what I thought DGN was here for.

I am ugly because I still hate whinny people.

Whinny people?


How about MOO People?


Hmm, no, that doesn't make you ugly.

As someone who does work at planned parenthood, that definitely does not make you ugly.

Thank you. Your work is so important.

Regardless of what else you do, your job makes you beautiful (I know-wrong thread)

I'm ugly, because I work at a place that rewards me for taking extra money from people

(which is probably why I don't make as much as many others in the industry)

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I am ugly because my passion for life sometimes causes others pain.

I am ugly because I know how to hurt you, and Im good at it.

I am ugly because its easy for me to dismiss someone as weaker - than and thus deserving of their own ends.

I am ugly because I am prideful.

plus my hair is falling out and I use rogaine.

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I am ugly because my passion for life sometimes causes others pain.

I am ugly because I know how to hurt you, and Im good at it.

I am ugly because its easy for me to dismiss someone as weaker - than and thus deserving of their own ends.

I am ugly because I am prideful.

plus my hair is falling out and I use rogaine.

Actually I think those would be the answers to why you are arrogant.

Boy, I'm on a tear today.

I'm ugly, because for one reason or another, a few of you really get under my skin.

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How about this: I am ugly because I say what's on my mind, and don't "sugar coat" to try and spare someone's feelings...

No, being a bullshitter is ugly. Therefore, I am not.

I'm ugly because I am one that does not like whiney people.

There is nothing wrong with this, either. Whiny people should find the EMO board......

So, I guess I'm ugly because I have become somewhat narcississtic.

**looks in mirror, winks at self, and asks "how YOU doin'?**

Edited by Brenda Starrr
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I am ugly because I still hate whinny people.

No, being a bullshitter is ugly. Therefore, I am not.

There is nothing wrong with this, either. Whiny people should find the EMO board......

But what about whinny people??

I'm just thinking about the centaurs that may want to come on DGN.



Sorry I couldn't resist.

Edited by the eternal
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