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Everything posted by n0Mad

  1. Thank you. It's my costume for a murder mystery I'm acting in this October.
  2. My old rpg group got into 40k. I never did though. Not a fan of tactical miniatures games and I HATE painting minis. I would watch my friends play though and I built a lot of terrain and scenery for them. I briefly thought about getting a Skaven army (fantasy) just because a diorama scene with them would look fucking sick!
  3. TWB and I would welcome that, but I think that's Roger's job. 😜
  4. The right pills saved my life. I'm on some great ones now and my life is going great and I'm just glad I've got something that "normalizes" me so I can live my best life instead of struggling to just live. That being said, the wrong pills made everything worse. So, look into Easter Seals or some other mental health you can get for free or discounted, and talk to a professional about getting the right stuff that will help you best.
  5. I've been diggin' on a lot of Drum & Bass and Breakbeat lately.
  6. A couple months ago, my doctor said no more alcohol until they can figure out wtf is wrong with my liver. And even then I may never drink again. I do miss my occasional bourbon but tbh, I'm fine. I just quit cold turkey. At least there's still cannabis.
  7. I'd love to learn a DAW like Ableton and try my hand at producing, but I've got way too much on my plate right now.
  8. Because I'm supposed to be doing homework and instead looking for any reason to procrastinate it and get a dopamine hit. Also, how do I get my name changed to nºMad?
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