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Everything posted by Hollywood

  1. Pissed at being lied to so many times in the last week.
  2. I feel like my weight on my shoulders have lifted.
  3. Just fucked. A growing state of my mind it feels like.
  4. I must admit, you have a look to you that threw me off. The unapproachable look.

  5. Was a pleasure to finally speak with you Iris last night.

  6. I have come to realize that most of the photos I have are all way out of date and would like to remedy this issue. I am looking for someone who is willing to take a few tasteful photos I can use for things like board photos and the like. I am willing to travel as far as the SMART bus system in Detroit will let me, or if need be I will pay for gas to be picked up in Downtown Detroit. Must be somewhat professional or trying to be (Do not want someone snapping photos with a camera phone, sorry) and someone who knows their stuff. If you want payment, we can talk but this could also be something to add to a portfolio, so it could be a win win. As for when the photos can be taken, it would honestly depend on schedules conflicting. We would have to talk about that at a later date.
  7. A room with one-a few people I know and can trust, some good music and a few drinks. Could not be better.
  8. Meat is murder.. planets are murder... Well if everything you eat is murder, might as well just go full circle *Starts staring around* hmm who is the tastiest?
  9. I plan on getting mine done soon when I get some cash, only thing I am wondering is.. is it different for men and women pain wise since there is obviously more going on there for women?
  10. Cleaner.. too hot out. Also tired from last night, but had lots of fun!
  11. I really do not know anymore.. torn apart by the different ones.
  12. 2am and still up.. insanity! I am feeling Insanity.
  13. Damn.. I wish I could go.. but have to work. Everyone take pictures and bring stories!
  14. I have always enjoyed the idea of a place like that. I think if it could be done right, then it could be a great idea.
  15. I believe this is what I would call a beauty if I ever saw one, Wonderful picture of yourself.
  16. When life gave my lemons, I grabbed what I needed and made me Lemon Vodka.
  17. Total Sad that I will be unable to attend, most of all since I hear there is a steam punk dance going on in the ballroom that evening. I hope whoever does go enjoys their selves.
  18. There is a store here in windsor that sells cheap ones. lol
  19. Hey, thought I would drop yea a line. Hope you had as much fun as I did last night. -M

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