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Everything posted by Darkmatter

  1. Man I wish I could find some of the kids I bullied in school and give em' a hug, and tell them that I am sorry. I had a very cruel male role model in my early years that taught me that fighting felt great, what he did not teach me was that the more I did it, the better the rush was. I was one of the lucky ones though. I had a wonderful kind-hearted step mother come into my life. She more or less made me the man I am today. Her and a few good teachers , showed me the misery that such a life causes to myself as much as my victims. I hate to think of how things might have turned out if I had not had those people there to show me the benefits a life of kindness had to offer. A lot of children out there don't have that.
  2. I will be there. I need a drink...or 10. Must dance! My condolences to those that have lost their friend. I will make sure to have extra fun in her honor. (Wow she really had beautiful eyes)
  3. That is next in my Gamefly Que . Playing Fable 2 for 360. This game is soooooo addicting. I cant wait for 3.
  4. <Venting>Overworked and under-appreciated , but lucky as well. Many of my friends are either out of work or hate their jobs. I think i'm just tired and need to quit my bitchin'.</venting>
  5. How ya been bud? We miiiiisss yoooooou.

  6. Yeah you gotta watch out for this guy. We're not all like that though. But so very many are. I still play about once a week but that is just to play with my girlfriend. She plays all the time... How weirdly awesome is that?
  7. You are all beautiful. ...Psychotic DNG fashion show anyone?
  8. 50,000+ Troops are still there. Once every one of them come home. Then the end may begin.
  9. It is amusing. (No disrespect to soldiers) But days after the "Withdraw from combat" there was a terrorist attack...Who responded to it you ask? We did. This is just a step towards the end , hopefully in the right direction. At least it will get some of our soldiers home ,and if not home , it will get some (hopefully) where they need to be. Withdrawing yes. End of combat operations...I think not.
  10. Yay! I so don't get that though. Why do people forbid one another to do things that they enjoy? It's fear. Jealously is fears' ugly cousin, and you know what they say, couples that play together... Seems to me that relationships such as that may be doomed to failure from the start. What one is into the other must be as well.
  11. Oops I really was not going to flip that switch . Was just joking, some people have no sense of humor I guess. Gooooood night though.
  12. Better late than never I guess! I LOVED this game! I don't really get into RTS games but for this one I had to make an exception. I finished the campaign (Terran , we have to wait for the Protoss and Zerg campaigns) and I loved every minute of it from start to finish. I even liked the Redneck protagonist. Even if you don't care for the button mashing leetist dominated PVP (I do not) the campaign alone is worth buying this game for.
  13. Better , as my weekend departure draws closer...
  14. Party Party! Gonna have to look at the schedule for the next couple weeks. But I am always looking for stuff to do during the week.
  15. Doom and gloom. The weekend needs to hurry up so I can get the fuck out of here.
  16. WHOA!...I saw this on netflix last night. Going to have nightmare for weeks.I wont say much about this documentary. I'll let you all judge for yourselves. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0486358/
  17. +1 Pretty much sums it up ... What a hateful thing to say.
  18. It's all good really. I do think regardless of any special events that go on they should open up the ball room for the 30th and 31st , and maybe a 2nd bar? the 700+ people that were there the last couple years made it tough to get drinks or any dancing done at all. Not that I am complaining I love it when a lot of people show , it makes for fantastic energy on the dance floor. Usually I just bump my way around saying "Pardon me. Excuse me". However A little more room wouldn't hurt. As far as themes go...well it's DEVILS night (not fucking Angels night . I hate that.) So...lots of fire if you guys can get away with it. A hell theme.
  19. I'm ON FIRE! This is going to be a good month. I have to be careful though lest I cause A core chain reaction.
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