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Everything posted by KatRN05

  1. Yep. It’s something I learned recently. It’s something that Qanon believers like to espouse.That reptilians are trying to take over etc. I had to look more into it.
  2. I have no idea what it means that you’re a literal lizard person. All I am saying is that it’s anti-somatic and rooted in white supremacy. Yes, I understand that words have multiple meanings.
  3. Can I be honest with you? “Lizard people” is rooted in anti-semitism. And with the current political climate, there has been a sharp increase in anti-semitism. https://www.varsity.co.uk/comment/11782
  4. I voted for Bernie in the primary. Surprisingly he won my county. But I did vote for Hillary because I saw Trump for what he was.
  5. Sometimes I feel like my beliefs are extreme. But I’ve watched what has happened since 2016. Even before that. We all have. It’s not been good. It wasn’t ever great to begin with.
  6. It’s both sides but right now, there is one side that is fascist. I hate the two party system but I will not vote third party because it’s another leg up for the right.
  7. The system is doing exactly what is designed to do. It’s designed to keep us under the constant thumb of control. The system will collapse eventually. What do you think will happen when people have to starting making those student loan payments and can’t? They should have forgave them so the money could be used to boost the market.
  8. Fascism leads to genocide 100%. Trump has already spoken about locking up people in internment camps. Every anti-LGBTQIA + bill is genocide. People on the right have already spoken about eradicating trans people. Indigenous people are still undergoing a genocide. There is an epidemic of MMIW that has gone unnoticed. Black trans people are being murdered. When you have a political party like the GOP whose supporters consist of Christofascists and Neo Nazis, that should be an indication. Oh let’s not forget about the sluts for Hitler who are infiltrating school boards. The right is playing revisionist history here with redefining what slavery was. Redefining the Holocaust. Redefining the mass genocide of Indigenous people here. I could go on.
  9. Left. Very left. No one is illegal on stolen land. Human rights are non-negotiable. Capitalism is fucking killing us. White supremacy must be dismantled. Anti-fascist.
  10. Double shot espresso over ice with cream
  11. With the medication I take, it can make me hypoglycemic.
  12. I’ve not had an alcoholic drink since NYE. To be honest, I don’t miss it. It made me feel gross and now that I’m on medication, I most certainly cannot have it or I could become hypoglycemic. I also think alcohol was really messing with my body anyway. I didn’t drink often, more social but I still felt crappy each time.
  13. I know how close we are to fascism here. Trump is openly talking about internment camps. I have no doubts he will want to consolidate his power. Biden staying in is the best choice at this point. I’m voting for him. Third party is not an option right now
  14. It did. It’s so scary. I genuinely very concerned with what will happen in the next year or two.
  15. So true. One could say an uneducated population is a manipulated one about the US.
  16. Honestly isn’t necessarily rude.
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