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Everything posted by Tacohitts

  1. Gotta society in America,this is an example of how a lot of people have become,I hope everyone involved in this sick ass crime get raped by the system in prison(Bubba) themselves.
  2. Castrate them like they do with cattle on a ranch,video tape it and make show called "Punishments That Fit The Crime"
  3. I got that off a website that is not how I feel,I don't usually agree with everything I find,I apoligize if this annoyed you,BW.
  4. Top 5 best things about being single 1.you have no one to worry about you at all,except, me, myself, and I,that means you can disappear for a year and no one will ever know,LOL!! 2.If your working,you can work all the hours you want if your company has overtime. 3.You have no one to answer to,but yourself. 4.You can do drugs drink a ton of alcohol,smoke dope,"PS"(that is your decision to to that bs),I quit drugs years ago) I'll stick with beer and thats it. 5.Last but not least you can hangout with whoever,just choose wisely who you hangout with.
  5. I'll say this,until you are in a situation similar to mine, you have no idea what I am going through,and no I don't hate myself,and no I am not yelling at you. I also refuse to date because I got sick and tired of being lied too,and I don't tolerate that at all,I hate mind games and lies,gets old after the first time.now back to topic.
  6. I also know others,no one on here that are good friends that have dealt with crap like that,also being unemployed and paying bills where I am taking $400 less per month has stressed me out,other than that,its time to put this bs away,later
  7. IF YOU READ EARLIER,I said no one here,which means no one on the board,LOL!!
  8. Basically I am happy,but like I mention read that link that is what will annoy me,and yes after being f---ed over a few too many times has done its damage,although I have written off those that did awhile back,and are very careful who I socialize with now.
  9. I will say this no I am not always pissed off,I just don't need to smile when I am in a good mood,I also have bad teeth thanks to not having benefits and I also will avoid places that norms go to,like malls and restaurants,being happy and does not require smiling all the time,also people dwelling on my negative side and purposely ignoring my good side will annoy me,everyone has a negative side even the Pope,I am also laid off from work and cannot do much with out spending money.you have to be in my situation to understand where I am coming from.and yes the link is very true.
  10. damn!! more rolls than a bakery I know overweight people who dress very well and look very nice,but this is not the right outfit for this person to wear.
  11. I guess some ppl cannot handle my sarcasm. this is the the only reason for anyone who is single that hates it and this is the only reason why I avoid people who advocate this bs,no this is not directed at anyone on here or you,but it states a fact that does happen and its bs that anyone thinks like this IMOP. link http://www.mindhacks.com/blog/2007/03/single_people_subjec.html
  12. I really think this thread should only be for single people only no couples allowed,LOL!
  13. The last thing I ever want to do is use my I-phone to drive a car,WTF!
  14. Leave it to China mfg to kill us off with lead,yeah that crap is in too many things.
  15. Definitely agree with assisted suicide,Smith & Wesson would help me,and if not Kevorkian,ain't no one going to force me to suffer,if I was in that situation
  16. Some info for us single people. http://www.mindhacks.com/blog/2007/03/single_people_subjec.html
  17. I'd rather go back to my old days of cocaine Jack Daniels,if I could afford it.
  18. Nothing wrong with being single for life,its the stereotypes from most couples saying single people have no status in America and life,and are losers,other than that I like my freedom.I reallycouldcare less what any POS thinks.LOL!
  19. DJ Sweavyweave,everyone do the "Sweave"!!
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