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Everything posted by TheGimp

  1. Good Morning to you to!

  2. agreed.. I was kinda pissed off by that. I nudged my mom and told her what i thought was REALLY going down with Blake, and what do ya know I was right... still *if I knew out to put up "The Spoiler" bar so I can hide what I wanna say and still be able to talk about it..*
  3. fucking bummed out, seriously, how bad can my dating luck be, two different women in the same month cancel a date on me, am I really that undateable? plans are made, they seem enthused about going out, and than plans get broken, I don't understand, I'm not creeping on em, for example made a date for Friday on Monday, light chit chat goes on threw out the week, mainly about how was your work day? What did ya do? just bullshit chatter, and than boom sorry can't go out.. makes me feel like shit.
  4. The Colorado shooting was fucked up and a tragic event. however, The movie itself was good, not what I expected from the previews, however, I was entertained. will say more about it after it's safe not to spoil anything.
  5. meh 50/50 had a good day but the evening kinda turned to shit. whatcha gonna do though *shrugs*
  6. I thought this was the Candiru fish, another nasty little bugger that will swim up a mans urethra *cringes* but this fella here, still looks scary as hell, thank Cthulhu I don't swim much..or pee in the water..
  7. dying to suspend again, needing new ink, needing some scarification..

  8. sounds killer. I'd go, City Club and Necto are nice and all, but a place like the one you described sounds like shangri la
  9. Welcome Back hope ya find a new place to live again and the shit pile turns into more of a ant hill...but glad to see ya back.
  10. I must say...still..FUCK HIM SO DEEP AND HARD with a zombie dick...he's always runnin off, tryin to play badass...I can't wait for season 3, I <3 Daryl, Glenn and Andrea, I'm STOKED for Merle's return...should be bad ass..
  11. how yoooou doin?

  12. You Are 80% Evil Post it now! You are very evil. And you're too evil to care. Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot.
  13. Deh-Shay, Deh-Shay, Bah Sah Rah. Bah Sah Rah! Honestly, i'm sooooo rooting for Bane, I don't care how queer it sounds. plus I think Tom Hardy is fine as hell..
  14. well said, I went threw "icp" phase at like 18-19 than my ass woke up and couldn't stand em
  15. Very Sexy by Victoria Secret a girl introduced me to this in High School and fell in love with it, and it works surprisingly well at the club's and bar's women seem to like the smell.
  16. I feel compassion and relief tonight, not for myself, but for all the victims in the Jerry Sandusky Trail, the pervert was found guilty on 45-48 counts of sexual abuse on minors, thank goodness
  17. bummed... out of no where in the middle of my work day, at lunch, I get the intense thought of the very first girl I ever fell in love with, the reason it's so odd is because we haven't spoken in damn near 4 year's, break up wasn't either of our faults, more of a psychotic over protective father that didn't like her daughter dating outside her ethnicity nor her religion,*sigh* these thoughts pop up a few time's a year and what bug's me about it is I'm not just sitting around wondering what she's up to, it's just random ass thought's... I'm completely over her...its not like I'm heartbroken anymore, but I do get bummed as hell when it happen's >.< what the fuck.
  18. yea me and wormsinwombs were discussing The Joker's role last year if he will have one since Heath's passing, and we tried figuring out somehow he could be played in it someway, and we figured digitization, with voice dub, or since it IS Arkam Asylum, we figured as well they could do a shot of someone walking threw the Asylum and walk past Joker's cell and all ya hear is laughter, that would gnarly. or that he escaped police custody on the rooftop of the last movie and went MIA, *shrugs* and i agree with the Bane thing, I think we coulda went with The Riddler at least, I hear there is a bit of controversy that Tom Hardy's speech in the movie is hard to understand, it will be real interesting to see what pop's off...I'm stoked. and I agree I HATE superman, really ONE weakness, I really disliked seeing him get shot in the eye and all you seen was the bullet peel in half...I never facepalmed so hard, I think it's safe to say Batman is the only real superhero I liked, cuz like you said he had the ability to be hurt, he's a badass yea, but he also had the ability to be hurt, and if ya think about it I would honestly have to say he really isn't a superhero, he has no power's just the ability to have some kickass gadgets and be an excellent fighter.
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