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Everything posted by Nerdcore

  1. ok so Im a bit slow at reading this sorry :tear
  2. Once again I missed all the fun I need to stop napping at 8 pm , so I can get to cc on time
  3. Good Luck ! you the man !! tell us how it went?
  4. Ice capichinos at Tim Hortuns and dancing with good music anywhere!
  5. and Im not on the list becuase...?? LOL just kidding im not crushable type anyways I voted :grin
  6. gotta cut down on drinking the beer to .. both my mom and dad have diabeties dad ( 2) mom (type 1) you will not go into like diabetic shock or have super low blood sugars like type 1 's do there are 2 types now to take insulent do u take a pill or the shots? Ill look some stuff up and get back to you on this also this is gonna sound bad but start taking care of your feet! diabetics are knows to have lose cerculation in the feet and legs over time due to the veins wearing down. get proper shoes and so foth take care becky
  7. trying to wake up *yawn* and having some yummy perogies!
  8. the crystal method I know its you
  9. care company-In the flow ( markus reinhart 's( from wolfsheim) other band
  10. me myself and I might join this . Ill know more later on today :blink
  11. ohh nice frenchwhore please :D
  12. arrg I need a drink ( having a bad day ) some vodka and sprite mabey or is it to early for vodka? :blushing :blink
  13. Listening to some schiller and drinking some green tea
  14. fatboyslim right here right now
  15. milu freiheit (freedom) very good german singer :jaim
  16. dyno what ar eu talking about.. been outta the loop "oh and nerdy smart too and you know we all love that! " :whistling
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