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Everything posted by Nerdcore

  1. anyone seen the movie "martin" it was made in 1974 bu the same dued who did dawn of the dead.. its about a vampire who has no fangs.. is not allergic to garlic or crosses.. and he can go out into the light ( he only gets a slight burn) and they way he gets blood is weird.. he puts only women to sleep with a needle and sucks tehr blood whiel they are asleep. doe snot kill them this movie rocks! i would recomend it
  2. internet radio wolfshim- everyone who cast a shadow
  3. *slurps it down* i was gonna tell on you if i didnt get that .. well for now you are safe
  4. Last night I dreamed somone loved me- the smiths
  5. fine mix the chocolate milk with some vodka... happy now * goes off to cry *
  6. this gonna sound strange .. but can I have some chocolate milk . the 12 yr old in me is comming out right now . I might actully go out and get a kiddy pool just for the hell of it. :grin
  7. hrmm tonight went last friday music was super groovey might show up dunno yet.. got to see how I feel later
  8. Lets see here someone that is not to serious on life and can have a good time. Who is smart. But not supper smart. I can hold up a conversation for so long. Who can be quiet and enjoy it. Someone that loves my nerdness and my dorkyness too. I love to laugh and just to hang out.Someone who enjoys music as much as I do ive got some mental issues. and if they are ok with that. then Im ok with it too. who wont judge me and can accept me for who I am . I work out a bit. But can also eat a steak. I do not smoke. but if the other person does.Fine. Just dont rub it in my face that I dont No Drugs. period. Im done with that acpect of my life and I dont EVER want to go back there again. Who can let me cry and have an episode without wigging out. Likes being romantic twards me. but I am super shy and dont open up right away . I must stress out the "mental " issues. I mean Im ok for now . but there has been times.. if you cannot handle it dont bother. if they have kids cool. I like em anyways. who can hold a job *sigh*
  9. ok ok ill prollyg op if everyone lese is heading out there tonight
  10. what are you procrastinating about?? trying to wake up and drinking a good old cup o coffe
  11. no harm done then .. thoguh i dont know if anyone is gonna go to luna on wed then
  12. Troy come over to the dark side admit you want to go to Luna lol Im not trying to bash on Mephistos actully I like it there when they have there events but dance wise..... Luna come Troy join us.........
  13. If I can get a ride( free drinks on me) sure if not no go
  14. umm what are you talking about !?!? did you move? have a revolation? please explain?
  15. Yes. I will set my alarm clock so I do not sleep through another cc experence
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