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Everything posted by Rev.Reverence

  1. ...no cameras...? ..little oldschool...but, it is not back in the day...brace for complaints...
  2. Not to totally disagree, but just to defend our haus, & state some Knowings... ...because, many peoples are territorial...not jealous....also, some peoples, are partners, & do not submit to any other than their partner...there is really many more reasons than base jealousy...O_M_G & I play with other peoples, just fine, but we also only goto parties together (regularly) & will not play, if our other is not there...but, we have been a matched pair for ten years... ..there are plenty of Ladies that only play with their other, & in this instance, when it is a big deal for them to submit to a male, & they say to him, "Do not play with others." that is "acceptable-jealousy", in that, these actions are as an extension of sexual trust, & to 'SHARE' this, is just to much to ask from an otherwise vanilla... ...I know girls that will not play with a guy if they are not officially dating, because of the wierdoes in this world now, they get so worked up spankin' a chick, that they try to move in closer & closer, & can even turn stalker...
  3. ...hmm..how do I say it... ..from the forest itself, comes the handle for the axe.
  4. Look into yoga..not the high level Hatha moves (body yoga, think impossible stretches) you want light Hatha...the part in Yoga you want to look into is the Raja Yoga (mind yoga), where, by using practiced breathing, we access the mind, & it's latent powers over the body....the trick in the shower, whenever I hear of it, is, "take a normal shower, at the end, turn it up slowly (TAKING THOSE YOGA BREATHS) & then, right at the end, switch it very quickly to full cold (KEEP UP THAT YOGA BREATH AS LONG AS YOU CAN)...if you start breathing really irregularly, then, you have just kicked you metabolism into a more upbeat pace than normal..after time, & daily use, your Yoga will be a strong Yoga... ...& congratulations.
  5. WOW...you did not just say 'WWII'... ...that's RAW, Dude....& there is no need to get an ego over your CHOSEN JOB of soldier, because, well, it don't mean you know everythin'...just sayin'.
  6. WOW...we are fucked as well...we were gonna' get a car too... :( Fuckin' shit...they REALLY glossed over the fact that percapita, WE, get a 50% increase in taxes...damn...damn...fucking-damn...we are JUST getting by, with a bit left for Charities... FUCK THE DAMNED POLITICIANS...BOTH SIDES...& also...fuck everyone that voted for either SIDE!~ Get in the middle, or fuck the hell off...
  7. ...oh, it was ALL planned...recall, Oct 2008...a debate, where McCain, said, "I am into some offshore drilling." & Obama said, "No offshore drilling." ...well, the very next night, they did the same exchange, excerpt it went, McCain: "I am for limited offshore drilling." Obama: "I am for extreamly limited offshore drilling." ...remember that? ..that, is officially when I decided THEY, were in some secret-camp together, & turned fully, to Nader.
  8. While you say many good things, Hollywood...I must tell you, that, many many things the Doctors are brought, they have NO CLUE what is wrong...yeah, they went to school, but, that is only as good as the intellect that supports the learning, ya' dig?...so, if someone is a close minded person, they are a horrid anything..especially a Doctor(s).
  9. P.S. yes, OVERWAXING does what that person said
  10. FUCKING-MARVELOUS WAY TO LOOK AT JUST ABOUT ALL THINGS. AH...the 'separations'... *wince-n-shiver* This weekend, is ruinously busy...but, next week, we should have some time like Wed/Thurs...if you want to hook up in person, & see our fam's heads, PM me your phone #, & I will get ahold of you Tuesday afternoon, I believe we are free Wed-, & Thurs- nights. We'll get ya' 'locks finished off, in accordance to your will. NAMASTE...
  11. REV here...been growin' me 'locks for a decade...my Wife Oh_My_Goth wears them as well...even our Junior sports the niceness. ...now, why, would you exclude bee's-wax from 'locks?...to keep them 'naturals'?..you crossed that line, with the back comb (which we also employ, after the naps begin)..this, is semi-naturals... ..wax keeps them together so well, & seals the core (somewhat) against water...get wax What was your primary questions??
  12. I don't fucking KNOW...I just didn't fucking hear that part... ...I think that that conspiracy is a BIT older than that, Gaf...
  13. OH...you did not know?...many do NOT WANT to heal...they LOVE the pain, & thrive on the strife... ..they would have nothing to bitch about, if they let this here heal, see, if THIS, can heal, NOTHING ELSE is safe to 'not heal'... FESTERING-WOUNDS...that's what the emo-americans want...
  14. *near faint* WOW...I did not even HEAR that 11 died at the first spill...damn...
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