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Everything posted by LadyKay

  1. "Why don't you shove the bar stools up your ass then that way no one will be tempted to sit on them." My mother in law has bar stools in her kitchen and for some reason after years of everyone being allowed to use them, she made a rule that no one is allowed to sit on them anymore. Well I got caught sitting on them and yeah, this is what I wanted to say.
  2. Part time full time I need something no matter what as I have nothing now. Part time can turn into full time.
  3. Okay, so I found out about a job and went there and got an application. The application was simple just 1 page asking for contact info, if I have ever been in jail and 3 spaces to list the places I have worked before. There was no space to allow me to tell them how great I would be for the job. So I added my resume. And in my resume I highlighted all the reason they should consider me for the job. I told them I had over 15 year of experience, I told them all the things I had learn to do and have done in all those years of working. I made it sound like I was someone who really enjoyed the work that I do. Which I do. So they should at less call me wouldn't you think? I know no way of knowing. But I gave this one all that I got so I can only hope I stand out somehow from all the other people applying for work.
  4. This may sound kind of strange but here goes. I had a friend in Jr. high school. She came from a home that I suspected was abusive. Anyway she made up this story that she was dieing from cancer and only had 2 years to live. I of coursed believed her because why wouldn't I? It went on for a while and whenever she got mad at someone or upset about someone or something didn't go her way. She would say "I can't wait for 2 years to be up so I will be dead". As time went by I began to question rather or not she was telling the truth about having cancer. Things just didn't seem to add up. It soon became clear that she was lying about the whole thing. When I found out she made it all up I was mad. I spent many hrs crying over my friend thinking I was watching her die, then to find out she made the whole thing up for attention. I was mad and I ended the friendship and had nothing more to do with her. A few months ago she found me on facebook. I was going to ignore her but I am an adult now and realize that what she did in jr. high school she did to gain attention cause she really did not have many friends. So I added he as a friend. The first post I see from her is about how she has something wrong with her and has to go have all these test done. I don't know what to make of it. I mean we are adults now so she could be telling the truth. But I don't want to become emotionally involve again. I don't know if to believe her or not. I just don't want to get sucked into the same thing that went on in jr high school. So I am not sure what to make of it.
  5. LOL It has been strange here. Very strange. And I really mean that. Because there are times when everything is so normal and everyone is happy and laughing and getting along just fine. Then she will turn around and become this crazy lady. I don't know.
  6. Leonard Nimoy died today at the age of 83. My world feels a bit more empty. “Live long and prosper Mr. Spock"
  7. So I am staying with my inlaws. I am paying for my stay here. My mother in law is keeping track of how much she spends on groceries and I am suppose to pay half of it. She buys whatever she wants to buy and adds up the bill and tells me I owe half. Well yesterday afternoon she told me she was going out for a bit and would be back later. She came back about an hour later with a bag of groceries. She asked me when she was going to be getting paid. I just sort of looked at her. Then she stared yelling saying "the more I have to spend on groceries the more you are going to owe." Okay now.... 1. I had no ideal she was going to the store. 2. I went to the store a few days ago and bought a whole cart load of my own food. 3. I did NOT ask her to go buy anything for me. She just went on her own. 4. I have no clue as to what she even bought or how much it cost. I don't think it is fair. If I don't have money to get something at the store I just do with out. But her she is running out to the store on her own by her own free will then telling me I need to pay her money for it. I mean what is to stop this person from going to the store everyday for stuff I can't afford then telling me I own her money for it? I do not think this "you pay for half the grocery bill arrangement is going to work nor do I think it is a fair arrangement if stuff like this is going to happen.
  8. Bios Urn will turn you into a tree when you die. I always wanted to be a tree. https://urnabios.com/
  9. Seriously I should get my own tv show. My mother in law made a heart shaped cake for Valentine's Day. She keeps complaining every time someone takes a piece of it that she won't have enough left to put in the freezer. I told her the freezer dose not need to eat but I do. She says she bakes cakes to put into the freezer so she does not have to cook. I told her if she didn't want us to eat it she should have just bake it and then put it right into the freezer. Then we would not have known anything about it. She did this with my b-day cake. We were allowed to eat on it for 1 day, then she put the rest of it into the freezer and no one has seen it since. Some people are hard to understand.
  10. I think i'm okay now. I was just very upset. I think crazy things when I am upset.
  11. I am so upset right now! I am so freaking tired of being reminded every day of my life of how much am a burden that I feel like I should go live in my jeep. I feel like I should just give my daughter to someone so she can have a home and I go live in my jeep. I can't stand this anymore! I can't stand being made to feel this way. I am not some worthless piece of trash trying to live off of someone else. Bad things have happen to me and now I need time to work out what I need to do. I have always worked, but now I am in a bad spot in life where a lot of very bad things have happen and all I need is some love and support. But all I am getting is how much of a burden I am. I do not want to be made to feel like this every dam day of my life here. I should just go live in my jeep so I will no longer be a burden on anyone's life.
  12. I just got a gift in the mail from my wish list. Thank You!
  13. I am looking for a small hand held tv that I can hook up to cable. I don't want it to cost too much because I really do not watch that much tv. But there are a few shows that I like. Do they make something like that?
  14. I thought I was out of pop corn. Then I found an extra, unopened box I did not know I had bought.
  15. My daughter got a rug burn from playing on the carpet and the school nurse called me saying he thinks my daughter has scabies. I said no, it is not scabies she got it playing and I put some neosporin on it. Then he says well if it is scabies neosporin won't do anything, so we are going to watch it for a few days. Yesterday they called me back and left a message saying "good news, it is not scabies after all". I'm like yeah I knew this.
  16. I shouldn't have posted that. I am not going to blow my brains out. I am just so mad about things. This is not who I am. I use to be able to walk into a job interview and get hired right there and then. What happen? I don't know? Sorry.
  17. Sometimes I think I should just screw it and go blow my brains out. Not a day goes by that I am not reminded of how much money I cost or how much of a burden I am. They would be happier without me.
  18. It's my birth day! So I thought I post a video!
  19. Sorry some of my post have been a bit emotional. I try not to be that way but it comes out sometimes.
  20. I don't like asking people for stuff but I will play along. http://amzn.com/w/3W4BR1CM3FLLZ
  21. It's really hard. I went to the job interview and found out the job is 2 shift. Which is fine by me because I need to be able to get my daughter off to school in the morning. But now my mother in law is saying she was hoping that it was 1 shift so she could shampoo the carpet. She says she can't shampoo the carpet if I am here walking on it. I can't believe this. There is nothing I can do to make this women happy.
  22. Due to no fault of my own I have been staying with my inlaws. After months of job hunting today I got a call for a job interview next week. Now my mother in law is bitching at me because I gave the house number out to the job place. I told her I had to get a job. I thought she would be happy I got an interview. No. She is saying she is going to change the phone number and is complaining about all the telemarketer calls she is getting, I told her I did not give the number to a telemarketer I gave it to the job place. I cant do anything right. I might as well be 12 years old again.
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