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Everything posted by LadyKay

  1. Okay I see what you mean about control. The control thing came up again when she told me she did not have time to make cookies so she was going to buy store ones. I told her I would make cookies and would buy the stuff I need to make them with. She would not hear of it and is going to buy store ones. After what you said about control I understand the reason why. She is a very controlling person. It is part of her personality. With knowing that I can understand why she does not want someone messing around in HER kitchen with HER stuff. I don't even like people messing with my stuff and I am fairly easy going. So its okay, I wont make cookies. And I will try to reduce my napkin use. But I hate having these stupid issues causing such annoyances. It always seems it is the little things that tear people apart.
  2. I myself am fine with email Christmas greetings. They don't cost anything and they give me as much joy as a card in the mail. Some of them are even funnier. We all have too much "stuff". Well most of us do as I know some people don't have much at all. I do remember a Christmas only a few years ago when all I could get my daughter was a box of candy cans, and coloring book. We did not even have money for a tree. This year is better but still she is not going to be getting what she asked for as it is wayyyyy too much. Okay so I don't know why I am telling you all of this. But this year I am simply greatfull to be living in a place that has heat and food.(and internet) As I have been with out both only last year. So anyway, I see nothing wrong with gathering email addresses and emailing a Christmas greeting! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
  3. Okay, because of some personal issues I am now living with my mother in law. (long story for another time) Anyway, she is always complaining about having to clean the dishes. I myself am perfectly willing to do the dishes and have done them. And every dirty dish I use I load it into the dishwasher or clean it in the sink. Yet she still goes on about having to clean dirty dishes. So instead of using dishes, she wants us to use a paper napkin for our stuff like chips, cookies, and little snacks. Now I personally would rather dirty a dish then have to spend money on paper napkins. But if I am having a snack I better well be using a paper napkin and not a dish or she is not going to be happy. So I use the paper napkin. Well now she is complaining about the paper napkins being used up and she has to buy more to replace them. I am like what do you want from me here. I am trying to abide by what she wants me to do as it is her house. Yet she is never happy. Maybe I should buy my own snack dish and see if that would solve the napkin issue? I don't know why she can't seem to understand that if you tell people to use a napkin the napkins will run out and need replace. The whole thing is just stupid.
  4. Thank you. We had the funeral today. More then 300 people showed up He was a good man who loved God and loved his family. I am bless to have known him.
  5. I have 6 job applications out and so far I have got nothing. I went to a job fair and so far nothing. I had an interview for a place that only had 1 opening. They hired someone else. I hate it when family start treating you like you are someone who does not want to work when you can't find a job. There are lots of places wanting part time help, but they are 30 miles away. Too far to drive I feel for just part time and only minimum wage. Well thanks for letting me complain.
  6. Hey all I would like your thoughts about this. I have a "friend" who is under house arrest. Well he is aloud to go to work and to the store once week for groceries with permission from his P.O. Anyway, he has asked me to try to find him an apartment to rent as of right now he is living in a cheap motel. I have tried to help but the thing is that well you know when your looking for a place to rent, you need to go and look at it. Also every landlord I have ever had wanted to meet whoever they were renting too. Since he is under house arrest and can only go out for work. He can not go and look at apartments or meet the owners. He thinks that I should be able to just call these people up, explain the situation to them, go look at the apartment, then somehow get it rented to him. I don't know how to do this. I don't even know how to explain it because in all honestly who is going to rent to someone under house arrest. As accepting as I am of people I am not sure that I would even do it. His time is up in February. Frankly I think he should just try to hold out at the cheap motel until his time is up and wait until then to find a place. Any thoughts on how I should go about this?
  7. We lost one of the great ones. It hurts. That's all I can say is that it hurts.
  8. Well I didnt get the job. The interview was differnt then anyone I have had before. The lady interviewing me did not ask me any questions about myself or my past work. All she did was lecture me on the importants of showing up for work on time. I explain to her that I have never had a probleam showing up for work. Which is true. But she just went on giving me examples of why it is important to show up for work on time. I tried to talk about my work experance with her and why I thought I would be good for this job. But she just kept on talking about showing up on time. I mean I thought she should ask me about myself and the work I have done. But she didnt. It just seem, I don't know, strange. Most other interviewers want to know about the work you have done.
  9. It's complacated. He did not gamble away the money or go out drinking. We just seem to be in a constant state of going from one crisis to the next. It has gone on for years. It is hard to explain. But I'm not sure I can keep going down this road. At times I feel that I lived better when I was working a minimum wage job, living in a small apartment with roaches. I may not have had much money but I did not own anybody anything. I don't know. I don't know what is going to happen here. I can not see my life without him in it. But this can not go on as it has been. So I don't know.
  10. What if you still love someone you are married too but, they have made some really bad choices that have effected your life in a bad way? Like they didn't pay the taxes ontime and now you are stuck with this tax being owed and it is all the fault of the other person. Or what if they made like some bad investments and lost all our savings? And yet you still love and care very deeply about them, but you feel like you cannot live this way of life any longer. I mean it is so hard on you, you fill like throwing yourself off of an overpass because you are so stressed out about what has happen to your life because of a foolish choice made by the person you are married to. Yet you don't want to end the marrage because you still love them. But what do you do? Because you know this can't go on?
  11. I got a call today for an interview for an office job. Iv nerver actuly worked in an office before though. I know how to do officr stuff though like answer the phone and fax stuff. So I hope I can pull it off.
  12. Yep. This guy just sent me another email offering me an extra $50. If I take down the ad.
  13. I have an item up for sale on creglist. I got an email reply this morning from a guy who says will pay me with a certifed check for the price pluse 5% more . He just needs my info for the check. (name, and where to mail) and I must do this ASAP! This sounds very fishy to me. Nobody offers to pay more for anything.Offering 5% more sends up my red flag that something is not kosher here.I have not delt alot with this sort of thing but right off I am smelling scame.
  14. My husband is selling his powerful work/gaming computer. It is less then a year old. This thing is fast!!!! See link for more info: Or you can just ask me. http://thumb.craigslist.org/sys/4486402341.html
  15. Still though I hate having the fear of jail hanging over my head for following my consituional right to an attorny. There should be something I can do about this. Some one I can write too. It underminds the justice system if people fear they will be unabe to pay for a court appontef attorny, so they wave their right to get one out of fear.
  16. I went to the court house and paid them $20. I told them I have been out of work and this is all I can do. She said whatever I can pay is fine just as long as regular payments are made I hope that will keep me out of jail. It is still illgal what they are doing. I looked stuff up and it is not legal put someone in jail for not paying a court fee. It is consider a civl matter. I will be lookimg into this more. I really should become a lawyer. I would be very good at it. Wonder of I am too old?
  17. I am going through a family court case. I was appointed a court appointed attorney because I have no income of my own. The case is still on going at this point and no ruiling has been made yet. I am now getting bills in the mail ordering me to pay my court appointed attorney fees. The amount is $3000.00 They now are thearting to arrest me if I do not pay. There is little I can do. My undetstand was that court apointed lawers are for people who can not pay. If I had $3000.00 I would have hired my own lawyer. I can not belive I will be put into jail for being unable to pay for a court appointed attorney. I have no crimal history not even a speeding ticket. But now I may end up in jail for being poor.
  18. I just made it through 3 days without electric, heat and running water. It was cold, dark and the bathroom smelled really bad. The temp in the house got down to 48 degrees. It was not fun, not at all. So happy when the power came on last night that I cried.
  19. My 8 year old daughter had surgery today to have a cyst removed from her head. Just above her eye brow. She did so well and stop crying right after they gave her pain meds. She loved the little wheel chair.
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