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Everything posted by Soulrev

  1. http://www.infowars.com/gay-group-calls-for-re-education-of-phil-robertson/ This is just sickening. He didn't even say anything hateful! He never said anything about gays and lesbians not having any values. He never said what they were doing was wrong.. This is insane. People are no longer entitled to personal opinions or preferences anymore. If you're a Christian you're automatically anti-gay. If you're Muslim you're automatically a terrorist. If you believe in the constitution of the United States you're automatically an extremist. Re-educate. That is a very scary term. I hear that and think 4th Reich here we come. Not to sway off topic here but I think this issue is a very good depiction of this topic in real life action. This really is why people are so afraid to talk about their own religious beliefs now.
  2. Same here, I don't think Christmas is necessarily a bad thing by it's own accord, rather something that has been twisted into something it's not. For me it's more of a personal dislike for the Christmas season for a multitude of reasons. Reasons like: A). People who put up Christmas lights right after Halloween, or don't take them down until Valentine's day. B). Cold weather and snow. I've had enough of that for one lifetime. C). The older I get the more it seems like Christmas was just last week and it's coming again next week. D). Greed. The first thing that comes out of most people's mouths when they bring up Christmas is "Oh I can't wait to get this for Christmas or I want that.." .. - Yeah, I want a lot of things. But, you could wish in one hand, and shit in the other, and see which one fills up first. E). Self Righteous attitudes - Unfortunately it seems more and more people have to have a reason to be charitable, and for a lot of people, that reason is themselves. People stop around Christmas and think "Well I should do this, or I should do that, because in my heart I know I've been a worthless fuck all year" Now yeah, that's a fairly brash reason to not like Christmas, and granted I'm sure there aren't THAT many people like that out there, but there's enough fake "charity" going around during Christmas time to make it noteworthy. Think Clark Griswold not getting his Christmas bonus from his boss.. It took his boss realizing it was Christmas time in order to soften his ice cold heart. Yeah, it's a movie, but there are a LOT of people like that out there. Bosses who treat their employees like shit all year and then do one nice thing for them in the name of "Christmas".. I say if you are going to be a Christian, and try to live like a Christian SHOULD, then stop being fair-weather Christians. The kind who drink and abuse their wives all week and show up at church on Sundays and put on a front like they're the perfect Christians and they do no wrong. This same attitude is what I see at Christmas time, and I hate it. Edit to say - this even goes for family.. In my own, in several of my friend's families, etc. There's always that family member or members that act like if you can't make it to their Christmas function or whatever, that you don't care about them. Motherfucker why didn't you call me all year, now you want me to come over, just because it's Christmas? You need a holiday as an excuse to spend time with me? You had my phone number, kiss my ass. Lol. Bah. Humbug.
  3. Look at what's happening with Phil Robertson from A&E's hit show Duck Dynasty. That's why people are so afraid to talk about religion now days. 'Nuff said. There's an attack on freedom of speech in this country. He didn't even say anything hateful. What, is it news to the whole world that homosexuality is generally not accepted in Christianity? What's next, banning the bible and calling it a manifest of hate speech? I mean if you look at what the man actually said, there's nothing offensive about it. Besides, isn't a person entitled to have his or her own personal beliefs? They asked him, in an interview. It's not like he went out of his way to get a message of hate out. Plus, there's a huge difference between what the real issue is here. The people who were supposedly offended by his statements aren't understanding that there is a difference between not liking something, and hating something. Nobody *has* to like anything, they just have to *accept* most things. In example, I don't like white chocolate. Does that mean I go out to every store and smash every bar of white chocolate I see and rant on street corners about the evils of white chocolate? No. That would be hate. That's the difference. Society this day in age is trying to tell you how to think. What kind of thoughts are acceptable, and what are not. Wake up and look around you, watch TV with that thought in your mind, and you will see exactly what I mean.
  4. That sucks man. A lot of Jehovah's witnesses don't stop and think about how not celebrating holidays can effect their kids. In fact in one book I read published by Jehovah's witnesses, they encourage parents to set aside a special time for the family to give gifts, not in celebration of holidays but more just to show one another love and affection, and that holidays aren't required to give gifts or affection. Unfortunately, not many abide by this wisdom.. I hate Christmas because it has basically become something completely different from what I feel it should be. It's been too commercialized, too "Hallmark", too much greed and materialistic lust. Very few celebrate the true meaning of Christmas anymore, and what sickens me even more is people tend to think they need to be more generous around the holidays. I know people who wouldn't give a dime to a charity any other time of year but as soon as those Salvation Army santas are out shaking their annoying bells, they cough up spare change. Maybe if people practiced charity and goodwill through out the entire year, we would come along a lot further as a civilization. That is all.
  5. I don't know if I happened to show up on an off night the past 4 or 5 times I've been there, but I noticed the dance floor and whole club in general seemed barren compared to what I'm used to. I remember the days when it took 15 minutes just to get through the crowd from the door to the dance floor Or maybe it still is like that, I don't get to go very much anymore.
  6. Yeah, I posted this in the "What song is on your mind" thread a few days ago, but this song has been eluding me for over 5 years. I first heard it when I was doing 90 days in county jail back in '08.. Just like two weeks ago finally found this song when Pandora threw it in with my Ladytron station. I literally tried every song searching source on the internet and gave up. Years later, here I come across it by accident. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ciJDA0tcQfs Just to elaborate more on that story, they let us purchase small radios on commissary and I heard this on a local University station that plays Indie music, never caught the name of the song or artist. This song really touched me at that time in my life, when I was sitting in jail dealing with my heroin addiction. Glad those days are long gone.
  7. I wish it were nice here.. Sunny, but a chilly 22 degrees. Must get back to Southern Colorado, asap.
  8. I'm thinking about making the trek to Detroit for New Year's. Long drive from where my parents live in NW. Indiana to Detroit. Will probably go to CC but I am open to other options. Every time I've been back in town since they banned smoking in CC, the place seems dead.
  9. Holy crap I haven't seen you in one hot minute! Welcome back
  10. Lol I bet a majority of you read my post and were like "Whoah, fuck that, I'm not touching that one"..
  11. Looks like no Detroit shows until part 2 :( Good news for me, though. I'll be seeing them in Denver, for sure
  12. NORTH AMERICA - PART 1 TICKETS WILL GO ON SALE AT MIDDAY EST ON FRIDAY DECEMBER 20TH 21 Mar 14 US Miami, FL Grand Central 22 Mar 14 US Tampa, FL Orpheum 24 Mar 14 US Nashvlle, TN Exit/In 25 Mar 14 US New Orleans, LA One Eyed Jack's 27 Mar 14 US Houston, TX Fitzgeralds 28 Mar 14 US Dallas, TX Granda Theater 29 Mar 14 US Austin, TX Mohawk 31 Mar 14 US Phoenix, AZ Crescent Ballroom 02 Apr 14 US San Diego, CA Belly Up Tavern 03 Apr 14 US Los Angeles, CA Mayan Theatre 04 Apr 14 US Los Angeles, CA Special show TBA 05 Apr 14 US San Francisco, CA Slims 07 Apr 14 US Portland, OR Hawthorne 08 Apr 14 US Seattle, WA Showbox 11 Apr 14 US Denver, CO The Gothic Theatre 12 Apr 14 US Minneapolis, MN Mill City Nights 13 Apr 14 US Lawrence, KS Granada Theater These are only the dates for Part 1 of the tour. Part 2 will run from late April to mid May 2014
  13. I'll start.. You know, I'm starting to wish I never met you. They say it's better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all. I say bullshit. I was perfectly happy before I met you. Ok, not perfectly, but a damn sight better than I am now. After all that's happened I just don't know what to say to you anymore. You bailed on me when I was only gone for 3 weeks, and it only took 2 of those weeks for you to move in with another guy. Then you tell me you're sorry you made a mistake and you didn't think I was coming back (even though you knew I was, don't fucking bullshit me) and that you still want to be with me.. Yet, I've asked you time and again to get the fuck out of there and leave him, I'm not sharing you with him. Yet you won't do it. Before all this shit happened, you were going to move out West with me, now when I ask you, I can't even get a straight answer. You keep telling me you love me and you don't want to lose me, but you won't leave him? What the fuckin fuck? Don't even get me started on him. Let's leave out the *FACT* that he fucked his own blood *SISTER* (and not when they were kids, it happened 2 1/2 months ago), he has no fucking teeth, he's a complete jackass, and a walking testicle. Aside from all that.. Maybe you should tell him that you're just going to leave him as soon as something better comes along, and you will. I'm not even going to compete with someone like that, you want to stay with him? Be my guest. The fact that you want to stay with someone like that, completely turns me off. Jesus, what kind of a person you must think I am, to have to make a decision between he and I? Well at any rate, don't hurt him like you hurt me. You should at least give him a heads up that you will end up hurting him. Sister fucker or not, he doesn't deserve to be put through this. To be honest, I don't think I could even have sex with you for a while, anymore, anyways.. I can't get the image of him doing Lord knows what to you, out of my head. I'm such a fucking fool to have ever got involved with you in the first place. There were red flags all over, I just never saw them, or chose to ignore them. Stop playing games with my head, telling me you love me and miss me, and want to be with me, and when I ask you the ONE FUCKING THING I should have a RIGHT to ask for from a partner, you won't make a fucking decision. These are my heart shields going up. Red alert. Engage. P.S.- I feel a lot better now that I got that off my chest, even if it's just temporary relief.
  14. We've all had that moment, where we wished we could have said something, but didn't. Either because we couldn't, or shouldn't, or maybe are just too afraid to. Well, I christen this the place to do such things. Go ahead, say what you meant to say. They won't find out. Or maybe they will, if they're smart enough. Sometimes you just need to be heard, even if it's not by the person who you want to hear it.
  15. Yeah, I get asked if I'm on drugs when I'm having a good day, too. People always say I look pissed off all the time.. Maybe I am. Maybe I've just forgotten what it's like to be happy, so being pissed off or sad is the norm.
  16. Me too. I feel like if I wasn't hurting I don't think I would know what to do with myself. So much pain. It just never stops.
  17. I think I'm in a situation so fuckin fucked up I don't know what to do anymore. I don't have anyone to talk to about it. Why do I always get thrown these terrible cards in relationships? ... How can she say she loves me and be with another man? She says she wants to be with me and she doesn't want to lose me, but she won't leave him. She's said before she didn't have to stay there, why won't she leave, then? She tells me she loves me so much and all this.. But her actions don't show it. I can't handle this much longer. I'm only human, I can only withstand so much hurt. Why do people throw that word around not fully understanding what it really means? God damn it.
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