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  1. Today
  2. 12:00am - Who's Online 1 Member, 0 Anonymous, 20 Guests (See full list) TronRP
  3. Coming down off an emotional high. Just finished attending my nieces University Commencement Ceremony via virtual link. So proud of her am I.
  4. I’m not even joking when I tell you this: I was poor, growing up. I wanted to be know everything. I wanted to know shit about other shit that I didn’t know anything about. One year, my parents bought the World Book Encylopedias. I went through each and every book from front to back, several times. I miss that encyclopedia set. It was literally my most favorite thing. It inspired me to write a book report in the second grade on tornadoes. I’ve been fascinated with tornadoes for the longest time. All natural disasters, really. But World Book was just the shit, for me.
  5. Yesterday
  6. Taking a long lunch and a nap because I have a bad headache. Hopefully it goes away soon. I need to begin packing things in earnest.
  7. Somewhere near Akron with Badass McBossman and Youngblood McNewguy taking a break. This new guy he hired last year to replace Peg Leg Dopehead is a hell of a worker tho. I'm just greatful the One Legged Man in an Ass Kicking Contest is no longer workin here because there was always just an uncomfortable amount heroin in the truck any time 'Ol Peg Leg was around.
  8. Back in from a furniture assembling and welcoming the Monchichis to the house. Now I'm eating dinner and planning my next course of action.
  9. 12:59am - Who's Online 2 Members, 0 Anonymous, 16 Guests (See full list) TronRP, Simon Bar Sinister 9:24pm - Who's Online 2 Members, 0 Anonymous, 18 Guests (See full list) TronRP, Anna Phylaxis 9:48pm - Who's Online 3 Members, 0 Anonymous, 23 Guests (See full list) et-novum, TronRP, Anna Phylaxis
  10. post scenes from movies, TV shows, etc. This is from a Russian movie that came out a couple of years back:
  11. Last week
  12. Holy shit, I've been busy sorry happy birthday!!! I'm late as all hell on this. I hope you have an amazing one!
  13. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2024/04/us-government-auctions-5-34-petaflop-cheyenne-supercomputer/?utm_source=nl&utm_brand=ars&utm_campaign=aud-dev&utm_mailing=Ars_Daily_050124&utm_medium=email&bxid=5d89243d3f92a4636c93c27a&cndid=75602866&hasha=0a74f0cdaee2b90a465b52c559d76de6&hashb=1b57e0e9c2a06b2cf9e475bd0d3635a51a236074&hashc=56377dcf64a3cd7e205aa0fa079b88ee402b349ac7166ab346ad9ef01848cfe7&esrc=OTnewsletterpromo&utm_content=Final&utm_term=ARS_DailyDigest excerpt: On Tuesday, the US General Services Administration began an auction for the decommissioned Cheyenne supercomputer, located in Cheyenne, Wyoming. The 5.34-petaflop supercomputer ranked as the 20th most powerful in the world at the time of its installation in 2016. Bidding started at $2,500, but it's price is currently $27,643 with the reserve not yet met.
  14. I feel like I almost reached my limit yesterday when my brakes went out as I was driving my sister home from an appointment. I still had to get to the bank and assist my niece. Apparently, the rust on my brake lines has been missed with every inspection I've had since I've had the vehicle. It's hard to miss now, but apparently they've only been inspected from one side only all this time.
  15. Currently listening to one of my favorite albums, The Ruins of Fading Light, so I can record it onto a tape. The band released their first album and will release their upcoming album on cassette, but they didn't do this one for some reason. So I'm breaking some copyright laws so I can tape it and make a nice J-card for the case. https://cryptsermon.bandcamp.com/album/the-ruins-of-fading-light
  16. 11:29am - Who's Online 2 Members, 0 Anonymous, 7 Guests (See full list) et-novum, TronRP
  17. thinking another trip to Ohio is needed soon.
  18. Pretty awesome. Shift at work was boring as fuck, but I got into some entertaining shenanigans with a Twitter friend to kill the time. She found me a few days ago and started DMing. She also has an onlyfans... Which is only relevant because we have teamed up to pour gasoline into the dumpster fire that is the conservative Jesus circles. She takes the high road, and I took the low road, and boy are people subscribing to her because of it. But yeah, I was going wild on Twitter all day today. Also met one of the guys high up at work who is impressed with what I do. (I literally just sit there and tell people fuck off all day at this job) NOT a hard gig by any stretch of the imagination. But people don't seem to be able to handle it. Whatever. It's 8 hours to look up stocks, fuck around on the internet, or both. My followers are slowly increasing as well. Can't wait to see what shit shows I can clash with tomorrow.
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