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Everything posted by Class-Punk

  1. Dealing with annoying chronic fatigue. I quit THC most of the year, it didn't go away. I've quit THC again and I'm now taking 1,500 milligrams of Vitamin C a day on top of other things to see if it will help me move past it; if it doesn't work or I feel like trying it, I have one other thing up my sleeve, that may be more powerful; and is ironically safe for campers to clean their water, but bizarrely becomes dangerous and falsely chemically synonymous with bleach when there's any mention of it being used medically, despite the approval of more neurodivergent medical professionals hidden from public view.
  2. There arguably isn't much difference between some conservatives, classical liberals, and libertarians, and I think there are a lot of rational political views within those labels. My opinion of Trump has become much more positive than it used to be, because of the arrests I believe he has been doing covertly, is still doing covertly (see Derek Johnson videos on Rumble), and did covertly on the advice of the generals who asked him to run for office, due to social division in the country in order to prevent civil war.
  3. I don't have any desire to mess with it, but I heard basically that online, where people were using orange juice with magic mushrooms/psilocybe cubensis to intensify their trips. I also heard people have been trying to get shrooms legalized to help with depression.
  4. This: + This (May contain some nudity): John Atkinson Grimshaw Ivan Aivazovsky John William Waterhouse Edmund Blair Leighton
  5. I will probably buy some Pejoy today.
  6. "Tronmohdachi Wonka, Pejoy not Pocky, thonkya!" I'm not healthy enough to drink alcohol, but Polka is awesome for one to two hours before the hangover hits. Polka was made for drunks. Sisters of Mercy on the other hand, is good whether you are sober or drunk.
  7. I was banned from the goth reddit for getting into it with a goth purist DJ there. I snuck into the most popular goth discord with a different name and it felt pretty dead which I thought was probably from years of all the gatekeeping; which was sad because they probably could've had a voice chat server with thousands if they actually knew what they were doing. They literally make you name classic goth rock bands to get in. They had a sort of public "foyer" chatroom at the discord and I posted a Rome song, and I assume because it had German in it, a woke mod deleted it and said something like it was Nazi music. Goth purists reduce the people interested in their online communities and scenes and then complain that nobody wants to be around them; whereas being friendly with people would actually more likely get them to look into the original and older bands, and respect them. From what the early 80's scene looked like it was more about people being self-expressive than everyone adhering to strict rules, but that was when punk was more popular and connected to goth, and now unique individual expression and genre-experimentation seems more constrained, and we're probably getting less good music because of it. But on the flipside, the unconstrained cuntiness that can be in punk culture and that staying with the goth purist attitude is a problem; because there could be young kids who could be blowing us away like some of the songs by Inhaler which are like some kind of savant rock and roll to me; but people only have so much self-esteem, and who knows how many got shamed out of making amazing music.
  8. @Scary Guy I was going to hit the like button on your post but your posts don't have like buttons for me.
  9. I will clear some things up on this article which will hopefully be proven before 2024, if I got everything right, when we supposedly go into martial law and people get the official information. This group aren't real Jews, and they aren't Draco reptilians who generally have a very bad reputation to say the least, but my understanding is that they were working with the Dracos in their massive human trafficking involving deep underground military bases, and with the Dark Fleet who were essentially space Nazis working with the Dracos, who broke off from humanity after World War 2, but if I remember right, kept bases in South American and Antarctica. So the people being talked about here are real, and actually the Khazarian mafia, most often called "the cabal", and the real Hillary was part of them, and up until recently the most powerful organized criminal group on the planet; and the Nazis, like the Bolsheviks were most likely tools of the cabal. In ancient times the Khazarians would murder merchants and assume their identities, and there is a whole story about how ancient Russia could've stopped them but let them pick an Abrahamic religion to reform themselves, which they inevitably used Judaism just like a slain merchant to hide who they were. The Khazarian homeland is ancient Ukraine and now Russia is at it with them again so history is very much coming full circle. The cabal are reptilian-human hybrids and they call themselves descendants of Cain, so like Cain, their reptilian genetics most likely came from the ancient reptilian annunaki ET Enlil (not all annunaki are reptilian), who is actually the "god" in the Old Testament; there's a lot around that I won't get into but there are most likely annunaki and pleiadian ET's in the bible, all humans most likely have many ET genetics and our evolution wasn't totally natural. Since "Qanon" is related to this and people get confused by it, even though that is the most popular term for it, "Qanon" doesn't actually doesn't exist; there's Q posts and anons, and this term is obfuscation from the Rothschild-controlled mainstream media which is one of the 13 bloodlines that is actually one bloodline likely dating back to Enlil. The Q posts are connected to people in very high levels of US intelligence, but also have some connection to benevolent ET's who have been helping with rescuing trafficked children in the deep underground military bases across the world, because human beings can only go so deep underground, some hardened special forces were breaking down from the horror of the things they were seeing, and humans aren't simply advanced enough to handle rehabilitation for the chimera children the cabal was making (https://www.livescience.com/ukraine-ufo-uap-report). The mainstream media's attacks on Trump were actually because the MSM is cabal and Trump was standing against them as they were planning to wipe out most of us and enslave the remainder. They did a lot of damage with covid but it didn't go as they planned and was supposed to happen under Hillary who was involved in horrible crimes against children like Obama and the Bushes. A lot was happening during covid, the good guys and the bad guys were going at it, one thing that there is evidence for is the military under Trump was rescruing kids and blowing up trafficking tunnels during the lockdowns (https://rumble.com/v1vmg70-threadfest-2-speaker-nancy-drew.html). If you look at the current last Q post (https://qalerts.app/) you can see how this information is backed up by it, our DNA is prized because it has many ET strains similar to how a mutt makes the most resilient dog, but it was also suppressed by negative ET's. This post also talks about ascension which is the option of moving from 3rd to 5th density that I talked about in the "Why aliens?" thread:
  10. I'm so used to revising my writing on THC gummies that sober revision makes me feel like I gained a super power.
  11. They put out two newer songs that sound more like 90's Shoegaze than their earlier more Goth sound, "The Skin And The Glove" and "Vanity", which are what I'm talking about. I wouldn't call them bad songs in any way, it's just I don't like most Shoegaze. Most of this album is very close to my heart though:
  12. I am between a conservative and a libertarian. I am very right-leaning compared to the average person into alternative and gothic culture, and don't fit in, but I also don't totally fit in with the average conservative. Most of my disagreements with both types of people are probably more cultural than political. For example, without going deeply into it, I think polyamory is generally self-destructive and destructive; and alternative and goth people generally don't seem to follow this line of thought, even if they are monogamous in their personal lives; but I also don't want the government dictating what consenting adults do if it's not hurting anyone, so my disagreement on that is cultural. I'm a big fan of Libertarian-leaning economic and political thinkers like Thomas Sowell and Ludwig von Mises.
  13. I will say that I generally like to leave an opinion online and leave it at that, because if I go into all my reasons for some stance I have, I will have to basically write an essay.. you only get so much cognitive energy in a day; I want to divert most of that energy to Substack and Rumble to whatever degree I can motivate myself to do it, because that feels more meaningful than having a debate, even if it is civil, which will most likely have the feeling of being unproductive for both of us.
  14. Drab Majesty switching over to Shoegaze is not for me.
  15. I have controversial views on this stuff. But my view is that ADD and ADHD is a feature, not a bug or disorder that needs to be medicated. My understanding is that SSRI's were a giant Big Pharma scam based on fraudulent studies, and I never found much help with any of the mood disorder drugs I took, including those, when I was going through more severe depression a decade ago. These days my depression is more lack of motivation than emotional, I won't pretend legal THC doesn't have cons. And I personally follow the law and don't drive on it like all these 20-somethings seem to. But with the right dose of it I am actually more motivated and my depression is temporarily gone. So as for things you can take for depression, I think some people would be better off with legal CBD, and/or THC at home, if they are 21 or older, dose it responsibly which can include finding the right strain since a lot of people have THC cause them anxiety but that can be partly strain-dependent. And it's important to watch for allergies because Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome is a very rare allergy that heavy users have developed and died from. From what I understand, CBD regularly taken as an edible can also cause liver damage, Tommy Chong has some ad about this and he claims to take some form of it that is scientifically messed with to not do this. Anti-inflammatory food/supplements, as long as you don't thin your blood too much, is helpful for depression too, potentially going along with eating more like a hunter-gatherer:
  16. To try to summarize the probabilities I'm seeing in an introductory way, I think the popularity of aliens right now is primarily a good guy disclosure plan.. so it's partly happening now because the bad guys have lost enough power to make it happen, even if it doesn't look like that on the surface. I'm open to this subject partially being used as a political distraction for bad guys, where that could lead into a fake disclosure scenario to bring about more state power; for example like Operation Blue Beam, which is the idea of a fake alien invasion for more state power. But I think at this point it would likely be very regionally limited and very likely backfire for the bad guys. I think there is most likely benevolent ET's around us right now, and they want to reveal themselves; but they have rules where they have to slow things down because of our fear, and they have to reveal themselves in a way that causes as minimal fear and negative emotion as possible; so in that view of things, the speed these ET's reveal themselves depends on the consciousness and emotion of people towards them. I'm not saying I know for sure if any of this is true which is why I say these are probabilities I'm seeing, but there is a popular idea in Ufology circles that most ET's are naturally invisible to us, because they are at a higher density in the universe, where their atoms vibrate faster than ours somehow making them invisible; there's also the popular idea that we are on 3rd density, out of around 13 total, which if true, would mean we barely see or understand reality. And lastly there's another popular Ufology idea that in most of our lifetimes people will be given the voluntary choice to stay in 3D or go to 5D where the range of emotions are generally positive, going along with the slowness of the disclosure to prevent fear, and make that easier to happen. Regardless of what is or isn't true here, my personal belief right now is that the short-term future will be rocky and surreal from things like disclosure of whatever has been hidden from human beings by the bad guys, and utilitarian changes in the global financial system; but I think the best probability for the long-term future for most people is that it's going to be really good; like abundant wealth, free energy, and diseases being eradicated left and right.
  17. In my opinion this is the very tiny tip of the iceberg for the public and more is coming. I don't care who believes me or not and I'm not going to waste time debating it, but I personally think we've had real public alien footage at least since 1996-- partially since the FBI raid to stop its public release failed-- and these guys go into it and why that's true here: https://rumble.com/v2htcuo-investigating-the-1996-alien-interview-video.html
  18. I miss the grocery store prices in 2019.
  19. I think it depends on how you are defining and viewing science. I would disagree and say that scientism is the reason for medical crimes against humanity in this decade. I would say that the scientific method is inferior for general everyday critical-thinking because it adds more steps to probability deduction than what is rational for everyday critical-thinking; and this is important to note because the end goal of critical-thinking is probability deduction. So if your critical-thinking is worse you will be unable to see how popular ideology around the scientific method is distorting it, for example with a revolving door between Big Pharma and government health agencies; and this is how you end up with scientism; which ends in things like infants being poisoned by Remdesivir for very big profits under an Emergency Use Authorization, after they have a false positive for having covid from the non-working Covid PCR tests, whose true science is that they are a meaningless diagnosis roulette wheel. But that's my two cents, I will leave the thread to not keep derailing it.
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