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Black Jack

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Everything posted by Black Jack

  1. Trying to put the last two years on my new laptop (Dell Inspiron N5050). Seems like I lost more than just an object when they broke cause the events can't be redone.
  2. My old laptop was ran over by a bus that destroyed the screen but you can smash that with a hammer also, whats left ot it that is.
  3. Nice name and welcome to DGN!

  4. Got a New Laptop so now I'm back!

  5. No problems with the music at all cause if I wasn't dancing it's not cause of the music is good or bad cause I'm a social drinker. Other then the fact most members seem busy coincidentally that didn't stop me having fun be it dancing, talking, texting, that book site and getting some personal attention from the ladies I had a good time.
  6. I am there at the moment the dance floor looks like a ghost town.
  7. I got a laptop for $100 dollars. Its nothing special but it gets the job done. This will make my likelihood of posting +2 where ever there is WiFi at least.
  8. Sadly I am not going to be spilling buckets of blood this year, but this is where the competition gets easy cause I for one are not battling beside you all. As a Judge you can expect me to be on my best behavior whilst recording the events for points purpose only. Other then that have fun cause it is the reason to come out in the first place.
  9. Yes, them two and you will be the three out of many I invited to eat which by the way is 16% success rate. Other then the random comic crazy guy that invaded our table, it was a good night. I invited them to DGN while troy explained its purpose. While they invited me to a steampunk night party. +1 for me or is it 2.
  10. I remember asking troy for more cards and getting tanked while being introduced to more dgners who brought me drinks i was shocked in a twisted way. If you didn't see me in all white then you are avoiding me until you say otherwise. Half the time was spent on that book site for updates. After last call it ended fast.
  11. Lurking is it when you read about 500 post to know what's going on in the scene your about to visit as I hit of cc all the time but as far as posting goes it is hard due to my laptop being stolen. I'm leeching wi-fi at the moment on a psp in the rain risking malfunction to show my dedication (thanks Tim). But in all due respect it may be due to no means to get online or the time to do so. I never left in fact someone almost hit me from passing them a card at cc but I still was passive about it cause I'm jaded. As a matter of fact I need to pilfer a few from some of the regulars as to I'm running out. So this Dgner isn't gone just looking for easier means post.
  12. There is just a thrill in knowing you got the jump on someone which is why sniping is so fun real life or gaming it is just epic. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbzVpcTrQb4
  13. Giving shots, dodging shots and being shot all of which sucks arse mind you, but with so much emphasis on shots it makes me think of drinking shots like three wise men. Not dodging the fact someone got killed here is stopping me from attending!
  14. I'll be there like a good gameaholic yelling friendship to all the employee's.
  15. Highly unlikely to happen but if it was so that stolen baby has to be your spouse child and note you have to be hitched before such event would occur. (No influence here!)
  16. Did you see me play cause I don't want to beat someone that isn't on the level unless I get achievement from it.
  17. I love how everyone is being upgraded in my topic no seriously (sarcastically speaking)!
  18. That's what's up!, No shit!, Real talk, Pwnd (and any variants) and last but not least SWEET.
  19. I tried to click more then one post upon doing so this appeard as if torrmenting me from spaming.
  20. For some time now I have wonder if feedback is a thing of importance. To this day any to all woman on DGN I vaguely view and see numbers that surpass the Googolplexian . Are guys exempt of such appreciation or are women who clearly are raping the boards with attention and taking this feat to a new level. Or are men so ignorant that they click endlessly on ones they like and purposely upgrade there favorites . This topic alone needs a brief explanation as to what purpose it serves if any and what is acquire beyond the obvious like feature. I know for one this isn't face book so I don't have to like someone just to dislike them and or block them but come on the plus sign is good but isn't there a minus sign also. Are we doom to only level up higher and higher to the point that anyone who dares look at the number will faint for trying. In all due respect cut the crap out seriously this is not funny.
  21. That isn't someone phone number nah couldn't be but the length is making me tongue tied.
  22. If only she was around when I had my cats.
  23. First off how does having a slut girlfriend make you truly happy if that the case any to all women you meet are doom to the same fate as the last one with a swift end to the relationship if any. As far as astrology goes it alone has had me in the most peril of relationship that is either love, lust or the worst friendship not that it is bad to have a girlfriend but it is worst then to not no women outside of being physical. Being in a platonic relationship made be the hardest and most enduring but also the most subtile. I would have to agree with tastyee on the advice with a heads up to you sir. Be weary but also vigilant.
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